New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

Every time some dufus like Crapitus or any of the mongrels on the left start some new “talking points memo” type thread, they are suffering from the cumulative impact of diminishing returns.

Don’t worry. They will keep trying. But each one will receive less and less traction as their cacophony of stupid confirms that they are merely desperate.

And they are getting desperate. I mean, face facts you libturds. For all the monumental bullshit you have thrown at Trump, he has nevertheless shown that he isn’t going to do your bidding an just quit. Indeed, he is miles ahead of any GOP competitor. And Potato is losing ground to him steadily in poll after poll.

Your fears are justified: Despite all of your tawdry and dishonest efforts, it is still true that President Trump may very well reclaim the Oval Office.

Maybe the time has come for you to genuinely worry about payback. Imagine you’re wailing and crying if he did to you scumbags what you’ve done to him?
Not following the Biden impeachment investigation you don't!

So, does a reporter get to ask him how he pays his bills, without a bank account ?

Maybe we can start on the path to figuring out who pays his bills.
Since you’re an incel you, Gator, and other morons can’t fathom that his WIFE likely pays the bills and the money goes to to her account since he’s in Washington much of the year.

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