New Improved Hockey Stick?

It's baffling to me that we now have two posters here claiming to be interested in science and truth - one whose politics are so extreme he can not use dictionaries, and one whose politics are so extreme he can not understand that the UK Conservative Party is Conservative.

But of course - their views are not influenced by politics.
It's baffling to me that we now have two posters here claiming to be interested in science and truth - one whose politics are so extreme he can not use dictionaries, and one whose politics are so extreme he can not understand that the UK Conservative Party is Conservative.

But of course - their views are not influenced by politics.

It`s baffling how somebody who claims to be "interested in science and truth" can be so ignorant what science is.
Do YOU have a degree in science ? I do, so does Westwall. So what makes you think you can lecture us on "science and truth"?
You already admitted that you don`t. You said you are a "Journalist living in Finland". I can`t see how you could possibly make a living because all you do is post the same crap here 24/7 ever since you registered here.
I`m retired now and if I were not I sure as hell would not have the time to be active in this form the way you are.
No wonder you don`t even have the vaguest idea what`s up in science.
That`s something all you warmers have in common.
Being a skeptic requires first of all an interest in science and the skeptics who are not scientists have become skeptics because they do have an interest in science and read up on it...that`s why they are skeptics now instead of believing this shifty AGW crap.
Every statement warmists hung on the big media bell so far turned out to be a lie. Shown to be so by either by the events that did not match the predictions or by scientists who know science and math.
Every time they have made their "adjustments" after the fact. And never on a voluntary basis when skeptics had the truth already. The most blatant was when"Global warming" became "Climate change" so that any divergence can be used even if it was the exact opposite of warming.
Why don`t you try make adjustments to a semester exam after the exam is done and see if somebody will lets you cheat..oh that`s okay he is just making an "adjustment".
Did you ever even bother to read the "exam papers", the AR1-AR4 papers these IPCC idiots have handed in so far and all the "adjustments" that have been made later?
No way would a skeptic be given this kind of elbow room by warmists. One single mistake has lethal consequences...even though if that "mistake" was that a conservative news paper which warmists don`t like printed the article.

Yo warmists are south of the border line psycho !
b.t.w. you better make some more "adjustments" pretty soon
winter is still not loosening it`s grip on Europe:
Kälte im März: Winterwetter zum Frühlingsbeginn
Article key points translation:
March is cold. Forecast: Winter temperatures will continue well into spring.

But then again with "climate change" you got a cop-out escape clause that wasn`t there with "global warming"

In the final analysis it boils down to this.
The IPCC wants to stick me with a bill for "damaging the climate", like some dirty ambulance chasing lawyer who`s specialty is to sue for a fake back injury victims.
Before I pay a "damage settlement" for such an obviously faked climate injury to countries like African or Indonesian Nations so that their fat cat leaders can buy more Gucci shoes and $5000 suits without me asking any questions there would have to be climate change in hell first, hell would have to freeze over.

he can not understand that the UK Conservative Party is Conservative.
See how ignorant he is. He is trying to tell you that there is no infighting amongst British conservatives. While they are trying to clean house like the TEA wing of the US conservative party.
They even coined a new acronym "CINO"...stands for conservative in name only.
Almost every country that elects conservatives has a similar left wing infiltration problem. Left wing-nuts can`t get elected as left wing nuts so they buy memberships in conservative parties and hope to get elected as conservatives.
Some do it even more blatantly and "cross the floor" during a Parliament session and join the Conservative Party sucking up to the leadership and often get rewarded with a seat in the cabinet.
After that they try and push their "progressive" left wing abortion, gay "rights", high deficit vote buying tax-spending agenda as usual and in the process sabotage the conservatives at the next election.
It`s been done for ages.
Worked like a charm in any war that was fought since the medieval period.
Dress up in your enemy's uniform and slaughter a village.
Nothing sways public opinion better.
Hitler did exactly that to justify the invasion of Poland.
That was just one German village. After that they never changed uniform if they carried out reprisal actions..always did so in German uniform
Stalin`s NKVD did it how Hitler did it having the SS invade the German Border village in Polish uniforms to every village in the Ukraine.
Sometimes they wore German, sometimes Polish Uniforms. Soon after he had all Polish officers which were in his Gulags executed.
Today the neo-marxists use the same Marxist tactics and pretend to be conservatives.
Only the dumbest people aren`t aware of this "strategy"..
I wish there was a test like a driver`s license test before we allow anybody to cast a vote
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It's baffling to me that we now have two posters here claiming to be interested in science and truth - one whose politics are so extreme he can not use dictionaries, and one whose politics are so extreme he can not understand that the UK Conservative Party is Conservative.

But of course - their views are not influenced by politics.

Anyone who would claim that a nation with socialized medicine is conservative is a blooming named 4. Where do you get your political philosophy from? Maybe cereal boxes? I knew that you didn't know jack regarding science, but I thought you journalist types at least knew the difference between liberal and conservative.

Brittan's "conservative" party is far more liberal than the American rebublican party and the American republican party is no loger conservative. It is simply less liberal than the democrat party.
It's baffling to me that we now have two posters here claiming to be interested in science and truth - one whose politics are so extreme he can not use dictionaries, and one whose politics are so extreme he can not understand that the UK Conservative Party is Conservative.

But of course - their views are not influenced by politics.

Anyone who would claim that a nation with socialized medicine is conservative is a blooming named 4. Where do you get your political philosophy from? Maybe cereal boxes? I knew that you didn't know jack regarding science, but I thought you journalist types at least knew the difference between liberal and conservative.

Brittan's "conservative" party is far more liberal than the American rebublican party and the American republican party is no loger conservative. It is simply less liberal than the democrat party.

Same thing in Germany. The CDU & CSU were truly debt no deficit etc...then the wall came down and millions of ex-communists became instant German citizens.
Now we got a top graduate from the Soviet Academy for Propaganda and Agitation as a "Conservative" Chancellor...
It was a simple "shot gun" strategy. Ex communists formed groups and joined each existing party..especially so the party which was in power.
Now there is no getting rid of Angela Merkel...after every election she has lost she forms a "coalition" with all the other parties that also lost and stays in power pushing the Marxist Agenda while wearing conservative clothes.
Left-wingers call that kind of underhanded lying and cheating "smart" or "intelligent". It makes you puke how they define intelligent.
Now there is a President, a Merkel cooky cutter clone, in the White House who makes one executive decision after another, bypassing the house and gutting constitutional rights.
The rift has already become as deep as it was in many countries where civil war was triggered under lesser circumstance.
Take one look at the left wing symbolism on flags, monuments or listen to their International "Anthem" then you know what they really stand for.
We should have nuked them all right after WW2
Now we got 1000`s of these bastards in every union, every association, on all levels from municipal to federal level and even indoctrinating kids at schools in every community with their poison.
Rats are a lesser plague.
Did you see what Wisconsin teachers want "privileged white kids" to do?
They are supposed to wear white armbands and bow their head in shame because of their heritage....and Wisconsin is supposed to be a conservative State!
I guess a white star on the jacket would have been too obviously similar to when the German National Socialistic Worker Party seized control and abolished the Republic.
Hitler was a socialist to the bone, just like Stalin. He hated Russians as much as Jews and Stalin hated Germans and Jews. That was the only difference between them. Left wing swindlers falsify history just like anything else and no school child is ever supposed to find out that Hitler was a SOCIALIST in all their twisted left wing glory.
It`s no wonder that Kennedy heaped praise on him:
"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived...
He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.
He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
- John F. Kennedy,
President of the
United States of America
He was first with national health care,...a "people`s car" for every citizen...the Volkswagen, housing, wealth redistribution etc etc right down the line exactly the same thing as what democrats are preaching today or soon will once they have total control.
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It's baffling to me that we now have two posters here claiming to be interested in science and truth - one whose politics are so extreme he can not use dictionaries, and one whose politics are so extreme he can not understand that the UK Conservative Party is Conservative.

But of course - their views are not influenced by politics.

Anyone who would claim that a nation with socialized medicine is conservative is a blooming named 4. Where do you get your political philosophy from? Maybe cereal boxes? I knew that you didn't know jack regarding science, but I thought you journalist types at least knew the difference between liberal and conservative.

Brittan's "conservative" party is far more liberal than the American rebublican party and the American republican party is no loger conservative. It is simply less liberal than the democrat party.

Same thing in Germany. The CDU & CSU were truly debt no deficit etc...then the wall came down and millions of ex-communists became instant German citizens.
Now we got a top graduate from the Soviet Academy for Propaganda and Agitation as a "Conservative" Chancellor...
It was a simple "shot gun" strategy. Ex communists formed groups and joined each existing party..especially so the party which was in power.
Now there is no getting rid of Angela Merkel...after every election she has lost she forms a "coalition" with all the other parties that also lost and stays in power pushing the Marxist Agenda while wearing conservative clothes.

Typical of siagon's "elitist" type. Lots of self esteem but not much to substantiate having so much of it. He, and those like him, know what they are told to know and are happy with that arrangement. Genuine freedom and life under a conservative government that would let you succeed or crash and burn on your own and let you live with the results of either would terrify someone like that. They love the nanny state.

Guess I shouldn't go to hard on the nanny state since you live in canada. Do you like it or are you far enough out in the boonies that you really don't feel like you are living under a thumb?
Anyone who would claim that a nation with socialized medicine is conservative is a blooming named 4. Where do you get your political philosophy from? Maybe cereal boxes? I knew that you didn't know jack regarding science, but I thought you journalist types at least knew the difference between liberal and conservative.

Brittan's "conservative" party is far more liberal than the American rebublican party and the American republican party is no loger conservative. It is simply less liberal than the democrat party.

Same thing in Germany. The CDU & CSU were truly debt no deficit etc...then the wall came down and millions of ex-communists became instant German citizens.
Now we got a top graduate from the Soviet Academy for Propaganda and Agitation as a "Conservative" Chancellor...
It was a simple "shot gun" strategy. Ex communists formed groups and joined each existing party..especially so the party which was in power.
Now there is no getting rid of Angela Merkel...after every election she has lost she forms a "coalition" with all the other parties that also lost and stays in power pushing the Marxist Agenda while wearing conservative clothes.

Typical of siagon's "elitist" type. Lots of self esteem but not much to substantiate having so much of it. He, and those like him, know what they are told to know and are happy with that arrangement. Genuine freedom and life under a conservative government that would let you succeed or crash and burn on your own and let you live with the results of either would terrify someone like that. They love the nanny state.

Guess I shouldn't go to hard on the nanny state since you live in canada. Do you like it or are you far enough out in the boonies that you really don't feel like you are living under a thumb?
I get a chuckle out of this "elitist" thing. They are not the elite by any measure but have circulated that term because that`s what they would like to be called. I never oblige them. They are underachieving malcontents that hate everybody else who succeeded....the 47% that Romney mentioned in a private conversation that Democrats taped and used against him
Obama`s remark "you did not build that" says it all does it not?
Don`t worry about the nanny state and Canada. We, our MP`s and our Prime Minister are doing our best to clean house.
The problem is that the previous Liberal Government has hired scores of civil servants that have a union contract and can`t get fired....but we are working on it. We already abolished the gun registry and increased prison sentences for criminals that had more rights than the victims before the liberals got swept away in a landslide election.
Also resource development oil, gas, hydro-electric etc has been re-opened for business. The liberals almost managed to kill it off.
School boards that preach nanny philosophy like "we are co-parenting" are under fire in the takes time to unscramble eggs but we`ll do it.
Right now all Canada is angry how a nobody from the New Democratic Party has seen fit to go to Washington to tell Nancy Pelosi and Obama that "most Canadians oppose the Keystone pipeline"
We don`t really care because if Obama keeps stalling on that we are already starting to build a pipeline to the west coast and sell our oil to China and the rest of Asia.
They (China) are already in Canada heavily investing in Alberta and the infrastructure to supply them with oil and liquid natural gas.
Canada has been the US` closest ally especially in energy needs and since Obama is in office Obama was closer to Chavez than Stephen Harper...if not outright hostile to conservative Canada.
The big joke on America`s democrats is that while they`ve been blocking the Keystone pipeline, Warren Buffet`s railway has been making a killing shipping Alberta oil to U.S. refineries on rail...Warren Buffet is of course no friend of the Republicans and would like to keep Keystone stalled indefinitely....and Obama is obliging !
Right now the Republicans are drafting a bill that would get the pipeline`s sure to pass, even many Democrats are on side...but Obama has the veto pen and will use it. After all Warren Buffet was a big $$$$$ contributor during the last 2 elections.

I`ve been watching a PBS interview when Charlie Rose interviewed Buffet about his huge investment in the rail system.
PBS aired that interview shortly after Obama was elected the first time around.

Buffet said he did it "because rail will phase out road transportation of freight due to high fuel costs and Charlie admired Buffet`s foresight and pioneering spirit.." I`m going to check if PBS has it in their internet archive.

Buffet is neither a pioneer nor a genius,...neither is Obama. That rail road deal between a President of the United States and one of his financial supporters was probably the most blatant case of insider trading ever perpetrated on the American public.

In Canada we don't have just kiss-ass media and that Obama-Buffet-Keystone triangle deal has been public knowledge just as soon as it got off the ground.
We know who buys our oil and how they get it. It`s plain to see what rolls out on our railroad tracks which run parallel to our roads.
We also know who finances these protests on our side of the border.
Neither the San Francisco Tides- or the Rockefeller foundation can make a secret out of it because the enviro-groups they finance here
have to fill out income tax forms like everybody else + they have to make their financing public if they want to keep their charity status with Revenue Canada.

And everybody in Canada noticed that these professional protesters that go from Province to Province blocked construction sites , highways ...well just about anything having to do with oil blocked the railway going south into the US only once for a few hours and were for some "strange reason" called off and never blocked the rail again.

These railroad tanker trains stretch for miles and miles and you can go home and have dinner till the last car clears the rail crossing.
If there is a derailment then there will be an environment disaster.

All the while these enviro-wackos protest because they say that the most modern, over engineered and best monitored pipeline in the world will be a safety issue. Meanwhile Warren Buffet`s railroad tanker trains are rolling from Canada deep into the U.S. on Buffets dilapidated rail tracks south of our border unhindered by any protests.
At least we have been fixing our infrastructure on our side of the border. We don`t have bridges collapsing except in the corrupt and liberal city of Montreal. Now we even have to pick up the tab for Obama and fix the International bridge into Detroit because Obama is too cheep to pay for his side.

But Warren Buffets oil trains keep on rolling on rotten tracks south of our border because Obama promised him "Yes you can" as long as Obama can keep blocking the Keystone pipeline.
Amazing how the U.S. media can keep so many people in the dark for so long.
In Canada a Prime Minister would have been drummed out of office by the Governor General and new elections would be held as soon as a much lesser conflict of interest comes to light.
So far every public official right up to the Prime Minister has resigned voluntarily just as soon as his integrity is in question.
A Bill Clinton stunt or what Obama is doing would never work we are not a nanny state.
We have nanny officials in cities like Montreal or Toronto like New York`s Bloomberg. It`s the "ethnic minority group" voters that they know how to cater to that puts them into office in these "multi-cultural" cities.
They play the race card at every opportunity...well just like Chris Mathews does on MSNBC...but that only works in the gay-parade cities, not anywhere else
As soon as you go west of Ontario that voter segment is too small and everything stays pretty well on the sane side.
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Your own political views are extreme. It is purely and simply a matter of accepting that.

Anyone who would claim that a nation with socialized medicine is conservative is a blooming named 4

I could name 12 absolutely conservative governments who support universal health care. The Tea Party does not define conservatim, and neither do you. What you do here is to take an extreme stand, and then say anything which does not agree with it is socialist. That is your mistake, without question.

I can also post dictionary and encylopedia pages which state that each of the parties I listed earlier are right wing or centre right, and have formed right wing or centre right governments. These are not theories, not opinions - they are facts.

Your own political views are extreme. It is purely and simply a matter of accepting that.

If you want to see my political views, then read the US Constitution. It describes the operation of a conservative government.

I could name 12 absolutely conservative governments who support universal health care.

No, you couldn't name even one. A government that would support socialized medicine would be the exact opposite of a conservative government. Again, conservativism is opposed to collectivism in any form. You perhaps could name 12 less socialist governments, but could not name any conservative governments.

It is clear that you don't really know what conservative means. You have some skewed notion based on a liberal definition, but no actual idea.

The Tea Party does not define conservatim, and neither do you.

I am not a member of the tea party, but it is in favor of our government adhering to our constitution and therefore it is in favor of a conservative government. Again, you demonstrate that you really don't know what conservative means and how to separate it from modern liberalism.

Like I said, learn what the term classical liberal means and you will know what conservativism is. Modern liberalism is nothing more than different shades of socialism.

What you do here is to take an extreme stand, and then say anything which does not agree with it is socialist. That is your mistake, without question.

No, not at all. I am telling you what is conservative and what is not. The fact that you didn't know says a great deal about you. Nations that promote collectivism in any fashion are not conservative.

I can also post dictionary and encylopedia pages which state that each of the parties I listed earlier are right wing or centre right, and have formed right wing or centre right governments. These are not theories, not opinions - they are facts.

Again, right or center right of what? I have given you the tenets of conservativism. Sorry you aren't bright enough to apply them to real world governments. Another problem with liberal education. Lots of knowledge...very little of it practical.

Just to be clear here -are you saying that you categorically reject dictionary and encyclopedia definitions of political terms?

Because I can - and already have in some cases - presented such evidence which clearly states that all governments listed ARE right wing and ARE conservative.

At the point you have to start rejecting dictionaries - do you think it might not be worth asking yourself quite why that is?

Most developed countries with conservative governments do offer universal healthcare.

Just to be clear here -are you saying that you categorically reject dictionary and encyclopedia definitions of political terms?

Only those that are demonstrably wrong. Just because a thing is written in a book does not mean that it is correct.

I think maybe you don't know that what would have been called liberal in the 18th and 19th centuries is actually conservative today. Modern liberalism and classical liberalism are two entirely different philosophies and unfortunately the authors of many texts on the topic are not well aware of that fact.

Modern liberalism believes that it is the function of government, for example to attempt to correct percieved social inequalities and make and pass laws in an attempt to create a more equitible society. Any government engaged in such activitiy is not, by definition, a conservative, or classically liberal government.

Any government that spends what would be called generous amounts of money on social welfare is not, by definition, a conservative or classically liberal government.

Any government that passes laws and actively redistributes income to those who might be termed disadvantaged, minority, or poor is not, by definition a conservative or classically liberal government.

A government that sees crime as a symptom of some social ill and actively passes laws and enacts legislation that treats crime as such to an equal, or greater extent than it is concerned with detection and punishment is, by definition, not a conservative or classically liberal government.

Any government that does not seriously weigh its involvement into property rights vs environmental issues is by definition not a conservative, or classically liberal government.

Any government that spends as much, or more time policing the violation of civil liberties than it does protecting and defending natural rights is by definition, not a conservative or classically liberal government.

Because I can - and already have in some cases - presented such evidence which clearly states that all governments listed ARE right wing and ARE conservative.

Again, right wing does not mean conservative. Conservative reqires that certain tennets be present. Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist. It consisted of a large and powerful central authority which is, by definition, not a conservative, or classically lberal government. His government spent heavily on social welfare programs...certainly not a conservative trait....his government registered its citizens, their property, and thier occupation....certainly not a conservative trait. He was right wing on a socialist scale, but not conservative or classically liberal by any definition.

At the point you have to start rejecting dictionaries - do you think it might not be worth asking yourself quite why that is?

For the simple reason that such texts are often wrong. If a defnition does not match the long defined tenets of a certain philosophy, then it is wrong for reasons only the author might be able to explain. It is well known that the term liberal, in its modern context is a trait that many liberals have been attempting to distance themselves from for some time now. It isnt surprising that texts written by people trying to distance themselves from such a label would reflect that effort.

I have given you various bedrock tennets of conservativism that you simply can not apply to the governments that you listed....therefore they are not conservative by defnition. Perhaps they are more conservative than more liberal ideologies, but not conservative.

Most developed countries with conservative governments do offer universal healthcare.

Conservative and universal healthcare are mutually exclusive. Clearly you are working on only the socialist scale and are engaging in the more or less conservative game but never entering into the actual conservative arena. If you want to see a statement of conservatvism or classical liberalism, read the founding documents of the US. The were, and remain a work of genius and describe precisely what classical liberalism and modern conservativism are. None of the governments you listed approach the philosophy described there and therfore are not conservative or classically liberal.

Only those that are demonstrably wrong. Just because a thing is written in a book does not mean that it is correct.

OK, so all the dictionaries and encyclopedias are wrong and you are right. Because any and every dictionary and encyclopedia would confirm that the UK Conservative Party is conservative. All of them.

Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist.

Hahahahahahahhahaha!!! I'm so glad I read the rest of your post - I almost missed this!! Hitler was a left winger!!! Jesus - no wonder you want to avoid dictionaries!!

Hitler was not "called right wing" by communists, genius, he was openly and proudly right wing. He DESPISED socialism. Every party in the war called him right wing because he was right wing, and every dictionary confirms it. Man, were you away from school the decade they taught history?!

You claim to be an expert on poltics and political philosophy but you didn't read Hannah Arendt, Montiefiore, Overy, Kershaw or Michael Marris?!

Because they sure as hell say that he was right wing - do you need to see quotes or will you just admit that you were wrong without the humiliation?

When you said that if we discussed political philosophy you'd make me cry like a little girl I hadn't realised you meant I'd cry with laughter.
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Govts, and leaders of groups have to make sure their public statements cannot be used against them. It is easier to go along with consensus than stick their neck out by making a more reasoned stand that acknowledges uncertainty.
OK, so all the dictionaries and encyclopedias are wrong and you are right. Because any and every dictionary and encyclopedia would confirm that the UK Conservative Party is conservative. All of them.

Did I say all, or did you just make that up as is so often the case with your statments?

Hahahahahahahhahaha!!! I'm so glad I read the rest of your post - I almost missed this!! Hitler was a left winger!!! Jesus - no wonder you want to avoid dictionaries!!

Hitler was not "called right wing" by communists, genius, he was openly and proudly right wing. He DESPISED socialism.
Despised socialism huh? Guess that is why his party called itself the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Not much for picking up on the obvious are you? Since you missed that clue, it is a sure bet that you have never looked deeper into the issue.

Every party in the war called him right wing because he was right wing, and every dictionary confirms it. Man, were you away from school the decade they taught history?!

Right of what? Again, not surprising that socialsts who want to distance themselves from hitlers failed socialist experiment would write such. Same as all the eugenecists who suddenly disappeared after WWII who wanted to distance themselves from him as well.

Hitler not only didn't despise socialism, but actively considered himself a socialist. He viewed himself as a socialist and the basis of his socialist theory was that every individual and every group must unquestioningly work to fulfill national policy. That being the case, it didn't matter who owned and operated any given business so long as the people who managed it were doing what they were told by the state.

In correspondence to Herman Rasuchinning, hitler stated:

"Our socialism reaches much deeper. It does not change the external order of things, it orders solely the relationship of man to the state... Then what does property and income count for? Why should we need to socialize the banks and the factories? We are socializing the people."

Again, you prove that you have not studied the first bit of history of the third reich before you claim to know anything at all about it.

The bottom line is that national socialism was socialist. Leftists have spent the past half century trying to distance themselves from hitler and his government, but history won't be denied. It is true that nazis were the enemies of communists, but politically they were not opposites. They both had the same goal. They just went about it in different ways.

Russian socialism failed basically because they did not take their que from hitler and leave the means of production in the hands of producers and simply socialize the people. Russia put bureaucrats in charge of the means of production and they failed. Had they had bureaucrats telling industry what to do with the force of the state behind them, then the wall might well still be in place and soviet expansion might have been even greater than it was.

Because they sure as hell say that he was right wing - do you need to see quotes or will you just admit that you were wrong without the humiliation?

On the socialist scale, hitler was surely on the right side. But he was not conservative and his government aspired to none of the long recognized conservative, or classical liberal tennets. Again, when you say right wing, left wing, you are, in reality, just speaking about the various forms of socialism.

When you said that if we discussed political philosophy you'd make me cry like a little girl I hadn't realised you meant I'd cry with laughter.

The problem with you elitists is that you don't even recognize when you are getting your ass kicked. What conservative tennets do you think were present in hitler's government, or any of the 4 modern governments that you have named?
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OK, so all the dictionaries and encyclopedias are wrong and you are right. Because any and every dictionary and encyclopedia would confirm that the UK Conservative Party is conservative. All of them.

Did I say all, or did you just make that up as is so often the case with your statments?

Hahahahahahahhahaha!!! I'm so glad I read the rest of your post - I almost missed this!! Hitler was a left winger!!! Jesus - no wonder you want to avoid dictionaries!!

Hitler was not "called right wing" by communists, genius, he was openly and proudly right wing. He DESPISED socialism.

Despised socialism huh? Guess that is why his party called itself the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Not much for picking up on the obvious are you? Since you missed that clue, it is a sure bet that you have never looked deeper into the issue.

Right of what? Again, not surprising that socialsts who want to distance themselves from hitlers failed socialist experiment would write such. Same as all the eugenecists who suddenly disappeared after WWII who wanted to distance themselves from him as well.

Hitler not only didn't despise socialism, but actively considered himself a socialist. He viewed himself as a socialist and the basis of his socialist theory was that every individual and every group must unquestioningly work to fulfill national policy. That being the case, it didn't matter who owned and operated any given business so long as the people who managed it were doing what they were told by the state.

In correspondence to Herman Rasuchinning, hitler stated:

"Our socialism reaches much deeper. It does not change the external order of things, it orders solely the relationship of man to the state... Then what does property and income count for? Why should we need to socialize the banks and the factories? We are socializing the people."

Again, you prove that you have not studied the first bit of history of the third reich before you claim to know anything at all about it.

The bottom line is that national socialism was socialist. Leftists have spent the past half century trying to distance themselves from hitler and his government, but history won't be denied. It is true that nazis were the enemies of communists, but politically they were not opposites. They both had the same goal. They just went about it in different ways.

Russian socialism failed basically because they did not take their que from hitler and leave the means of production in the hands of producers and simply socialize the people. Russia put bureaucrats in charge of the means of production and they failed. Had they had bureaucrats telling industry what to do with the force of the state behind them, then the wall might well still be in place and soviet expansion might have been even greater than it was.

On the socialist scale, hitler was surely on the right side. But he was not conservative and his government aspired to none of the long recognized conservative, or classical liberal tennets. Again, when you say right wing, left wing, you are, in reality, just speaking about the various forms of socialism.

The problem with you elitists is that you don't even recognize when you are getting your ass kicked. What conservative tennets do you think were present in hitler's government, or any of the 4 modern governments that you have named?

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......"Hitler was a socialist"????.....and not a clue as the difference between actual 'Socialism', as the word is used today, and the very different meaning of 'National Socialism', the way Hitler defined it....... you rightwingnuts are sooooo crazy and so ignorant about history......

National Socialism
or Nazism

Totalitarian movement led by Adolf Hitler as head of Germany's Nazi Party (1920–45). Its roots lay in the tradition of Prussian militarism and discipline and German Romanticism, which celebrated a mythic past and proclaimed the rights of the exceptional individual over all rules and laws. Its ideology was shaped by Hitler's beliefs in German racial superiority and the dangers of communism. It rejected liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, stressing instead the subordination of the individual to the state and the necessity of strict obedience to leaders. It emphasized the inequality of individuals and “races” and the right of the strong to rule the weak. Politically, National Socialism favoured rearmament, reunification of the German areas of Europe, expansion into non-German areas, and the purging of “undesirables,” especially Jews.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazism, or National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus) in full, was the ideology of the Nazi Party in Germany and related movements outside Germany. It is a variety of fascism that incorporates biological racism and antisemitism. Nazism developed in Germany from the influence of the far-right racist Völkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture which fought against the communists in post-World War I Germany. The German Nazi Party and its affiliates in Germanic states supported pan-Germanicism. It was designed to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism. Major elements of Nazism have been described as far-right, such as allowing domination of society by people deemed racially superior, while purging society of people declared inferior, who were said to be a threat to national survival.

The German Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler had objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name, as Hitler at the time preferred to use "Social Revolutionary".[16] Upon taking over the leadership, Hitler kept the term but defined socialism as being based upon a commitment of an individual to a community. Hitler did not want the ideology's socialism to be conflated with Marxian socialism. He claimed that true socialism does not repudiate private property unlike the claims of Marxism, and stated that the "Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning" and "Communism is not socialism. Marxism is not socialism."[17] Nazism denounced both capitalism and communism for being associated with Jewish materialism.[18] Nazism favoured private property, freedom of contract, and promoted the creation of a national solidarity that would transcend class differences.[19][20] Like other fascist movements, Nazism supported the outlawing of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers, because these were regarded as a threat to national unity.[21] Instead, the state controlled and approved wage and salary levels.[21]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy.[1] "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[2] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.[3] They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets or planning, how management is to be organised within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.[4]

A socialist economic system would consist of a system of production and distribution organized to directly satisfy economic demands and human needs, so that goods and services would be produced directly for use instead of for private profit[5] driven by the accumulation of capital. Accounting would be based on physical quantities, a common physical magnitude, or a direct measure of labour-time in place of financial calculation.[6][7] Distribution would be based on the principle to each according to his contribution.

As a political movement, socialism includes a diverse array of political philosophies, ranging from reformism to revolutionary socialism. Proponents of state socialism advocate the nationalisation of the means of production, distribution and exchange as a strategy for implementing socialism. In contrast, libertarian socialism proposes the traditional view of direct worker's control of the means of production and opposes the use of state power to achieve such an arrangement, opposing both parliamentary politics and state ownership.[citation needed] Democratic socialism seeks to establish socialism through democratic processes and propagate its ideals within the context of a democratic political system.

Modern socialism originated from an 18th-century intellectual and working class political movement that criticised the effects of industrialisation and private property on society. In the early 19th-century, "socialism" referred to any concern for the social problems of capitalism irrespective of the solutions to those problems. However, by the late 19th-century, "socialism" had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for an alternative system based on some form of social ownership.[8] Marxists expanded further on this, attributing scientific assessment and democratic planning as critical elements of socialism.[9]

Your own political views are extreme. It is purely and simply a matter of accepting that.

Anyone who would claim that a nation with socialized medicine is conservative is a blooming named 4

I could name 12 absolutely conservative governments who support universal health care. The Tea Party does not define conservatim, and neither do you. What you do here is to take an extreme stand, and then say anything which does not agree with it is socialist. That is your mistake, without question.

I can also post dictionary and encylopedia pages which state that each of the parties I listed earlier are right wing or centre right, and have formed right wing or centre right governments. These are not theories, not opinions - they are facts.

How can somone who can't wipe their own ass make those claims? I mean really junior, you need to just go away.
Hitler not only didn't despise socialism, but actively considered himself a socialist. He viewed himself as a socialist and the basis of his socialist theory was that every individual and every group must unquestioningly work to fulfill national policy. That being the case, it didn't matter who owned and operated any given business so long as the people who managed it were doing what they were told by the state.

In all seriousness, SSDD, this may be amongst the most stupid and false claim ever made on this board. PLEASE go and do a little research.

I can't imagine how hard you must have worked to avoid all of the evidence proving the opposite. It must have taken years to have built the little bubble of myths you live inside.

I could provide a hundred book references, statements and dictionary definitions here, but to be honest anyone who believes Hitler was left wing has taken the act of religious faith far too long ago to suggest mere facts win convince him of anything.

Here is what Hitler had to say:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

And the historian Bullock:

"While Hitler's attitude towards liberalism was one of contempt, towards Marxism he showed an implacable hostility… Ignoring the profound differences between Communism and Social Democracy in practice and the bitter hostility between the rival working class parties, he saw in their common ideology the embodiment of all that he detested -- mass democracy and a leveling egalitarianism as opposed to the authoritarian state and the rule of an elite; equality and friendship among peoples as opposed to racial inequality and the domination of the strong; class solidarity versus national unity; internationalism versus nationalism."[/I]

Myth: Hitler was a leftist
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Hitler not only didn't despise socialism, but actively considered himself a socialist. He viewed himself as a socialist and the basis of his socialist theory was that every individual and every group must unquestioningly work to fulfill national policy. That being the case, it didn't matter who owned and operated any given business so long as the people who managed it were doing what they were told by the state.

In all seriousness, SSDD, this may be amongst the most stupid and false claim ever made on this board. PLEASE go and do a little research.

I can't imagine how hard you must have worked to avoid all of the evidence proving the opposite. It must have taken years to have built the little bubble of myths you live inside.

I could provide a hundred book references, statements and dictionary definitions here, but to be honest anyone who believes Hitler was left wing has taken the act of religious faith far too long ago to suggest mere facts win convince him of anything.

Here is what Hitler had to say:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

And the historian Bullock:

"While Hitler's attitude towards liberalism was one of contempt, towards Marxism he showed an implacable hostility… Ignoring the profound differences between Communism and Social Democracy in practice and the bitter hostility between the rival working class parties, he saw in their common ideology the embodiment of all that he detested -- mass democracy and a leveling egalitarianism as opposed to the authoritarian state and the rule of an elite; equality and friendship among peoples as opposed to racial inequality and the domination of the strong; class solidarity versus national unity; internationalism versus nationalism."[/I]

Myth: Hitler was a leftist

Ah yes, you little Fabian socialists and your circular logic. Let's look at reality for a moment shall we? What were the differences between Soviet Russia and Fascist Germany as experienced by the individual citizen of those two respective countries.

Use YOUR words.
Westwall -

You know perfectly well that Hitler and fascism and Nazism were right wing.

btw. for the 100th time. I am not a socialist. I am not a Fabianist, a Menshevik or a de Gaullist. I do not live in socialist country. I live in a country with a conservative country. I am a Centrist. I have voted for 4 different political parties in the last 6 elections.
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