New In Durham Report: Donald Trump never stayed in Moscow Suite at center of salacious story about prostitutes and 'Golden Showers'

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.


Are you saying that the scumbags aren’t going to be excoriated? There will be no repercussions? Business will go on as usual no matter which liberal Democrat may be President from time to time?

That’s horrifying. It’s a ducking outrage.

And, upon reflection, I see that you’re almost certainly right.
How many people did Durham put in jail over all this so called "crime of the century"?

ZEEEEEEEEEEERO. Keep flailing & enjoy the smoke blown up your ass. We know you love it.
Not sure how.......
I hate biden
I hate trump

Do you recognize trump as a con man,
is trump some worthy Christian that serves America and is NOT self-serving.
If you hate 'biden' and 'trump' what are you doing in this discussion?
That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.
You don't know what the word "likely" means?

Your thread title is a lie.
You're a gullible sucker, obviously
You don't believe anyone who comes out against Trump. I'm glad you don't believe this one. She's just another Trumpy who when they got burned and tried to cry about it, got thrown under the bus and no one believes her. She's just out for money. I bet she liked it when Rudy grabbed her pussy. She smiled.
If we look at the way it's actually used, it doesn't mean that. The attacks on Kerry were totally fair and honest.
No they weren't. Those guys were Republicans who served with him and didn't like him or his politics. It was a political hit job. He said she said. Just like the woman who said Trump raped her. Did a jury believe these guys or did Republicans just win the court of public opinion?

Actually Bush stole 2004. Kerry should have been president.

But you know what I learned recently? Everything is exactly the way it should be. So just keep doing what you are doing. It was meant to be.
Correct, I would NEVER have voted for POS tump the con man.
That left 1 choice.
See how that works.
Two choices, an (I) vote is a waste.

Doesn't change the FACT that I don't think we should be lead by 80+ year olds.

Is that how you justify your vote for this? LOL

Is that how you justify your vote for this? LOL
I would NEVER vote for trump.
He's a Con Man.
Biden, less of a grifter than POS trump.

I don't want to vote for biden again, but I WILL in FACT vote for anyone over trump.

Now, (R) run a decent candidate, I could vote (R), but NEVER for trump, or a possible running mate of Boebert, Lake or Green. <<<<< bat shit crazy.
How many people did Durham put in jail over all this so called "crime of the century"?

ZEEEEEEEEEEERO. Keep flailing & enjoy the smoke blown up your ass. We know you love it.
Clap is such an STD brain-ravaged hack that he thinks it’s a valid metric to ask how many folks a special counsel incarcerated.

Why speak in such a manner and paint them all with the same brush? You and the West need a strong, competent,.principled FBI and CIA. Where men and women fail in these metrics, they must be shown the door. The character of these vital agencies wll reflect,. to some degree, the character of the nation. National Security is serious business.

And that’s why the disgruntled ex employees of the FBI that testified at Jim Jordan’s hearing yesterday, we’re fired. They were not upholding their oath to the Constitution, and they were derelict in their duties.

Downloading documents onto unapproved devices, talking to the Russian press, refusing to arrest insurrectionist. These are not American values.
Trump body guard Schiller testified that Trump slept at the Ritz.

Not sure how Durham missed that
Clap is such an STD brain-ravaged hack that he thinks it’s a valid metric to ask how many folks a special counsel incarcerated.


It depends on whether it’s a special counsel inviting investigating Republicans, or a special counsel investigating Democrats.

The special counsel which Donald Trump hired to investigate himself, Robert Mueller, prosecuted and convicted nine defendants on more than 30 charges - most of them working on Trump’s campaign.

No investigation of any Democrats by Republicans has ever produced any charges against Democrats, nor have they ever found any evidence of any Democrats committing crimes?

Why would the Republican investigators let the Democrats get away with things?? Republicans are just making up shit about Democrats, investigating it, finding nothing and then claiming the “Democrats got away with it”

No one’s claiming the Democrats haven’t made mistakes or done things wrong. We’re just saying that they don’t break the law, or commit crimes. They’re not “getting away” with anything because they’ve done nothing illegal.

Endlessly repeating that Democrats are criminals just makes you look stupid and gullible.
It depends on whether it’s a special counsel inviting investigating Republicans, or a special counsel investigating Democrats.

The special counsel which Donald Trump hired to investigate himself, Robert Mueller, prosecuted and convicted nine defendants on more than 30 charges - most of them working on Trump’s campaign.

No investigation of any Democrats by Republicans has ever produced any charges against Democrats, nor have they ever found any evidence of any Democrats committing crimes?

Why would the Republican investigators let the Democrats get away with things?? Republicans are just making up shit about Democrats, investigating it, finding nothing and then claiming the “Democrats got away with it”

No one’s claiming the Democrats haven’t made mistakes or done things wrong. We’re just saying that they don’t break the law, or commit crimes. They’re not “getting away” with anything because they’ve done nothing illegal.

Endlessly repeating that Democrats are criminals just makes you look stupid and gullible.

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