New-Inequality grows due to Voodoo taxes, poor gov't programs...No "good jobs" bill, etc.

''And income taxes for the highest-earning Americans have fallen sharply, contributing meaningfully to the income inequality problem. In 1995, the 400 taxpayers with the biggest incomes paid an average of 30 percent in taxes; by 2009, the tax rate of those Americans had dropped to 20 percent.''

From link.
Lol at FrancoWTF, always upset about stupid, made up sh*t. He lives (or floats) in the Land of the Easily Manipulated.

Once again, the Article's comments section is more illuminating than the article itself and the OP's "copy paste" disguised as a comment.
"If Mr. Rattner really wants to help "those in the middle, whose incomes have been battered by globalization" he should put aside his band-aid solutions and address the problem directly. Inequality would be less of a problem in the US if 300,000 Virginians and Carolinians were still making furniture, if Californians were making iPhones, and if the Waltons allowed ANYTHING not made in China to be sold in their stores."
''And income taxes for the highest-earning Americans have fallen sharply, contributing meaningfully to the income inequality problem. In 1995, the 400 taxpayers with the biggest incomes paid an average of 30 percent in taxes; by 2009, the tax rate of those Americans had dropped to 20 percent.''

From link.
Yeah god fucking forbid people keep more of their own money instead of letting the crooks in DC get it
To his credit, President Obama has succeeded in keeping income disparities from growing even wider, by such measures as by forcing tax rates on the wealthiest Americans up toward fair levels.

Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
Continue reading the main story

Meanwhile, on the programmatic side, among the many meritorious aspects of the much-maligned Affordable Care Act are its redistributionist elements: higher taxes on investment income and some health care businesses are being used to provide low-cost or free health care to a projected 26 million Americans near the bottom of the income scale.

But much more can and should be done — like raising the minimum wage nationwide and expanding the earned-income tax credit (a step supported by Republicans).

Helping those in the middle, whose incomes have been battered by globalization, will be harder and take longer. Expanded training programs and better education should be the centerpiece of any strategy to improve the lives of the middle class. A more robust economic recovery will also help the middle class, as will pro-growth policy initiatives like investment in infrastructure.

Critics from the right argue that doing more to level the income pyramid would hurt growth. In a recent paper, the International Monetary Fund dismissed that concern and suggested that a more equal distribution of income could instead raise the growth rate because of the added access to education, health care and other opportunities.

While some believe that the recent elections will stimulate both parties to make progress on the mound of challenges, in my view, that’s a bit of a fantasy. But we can’t stop talking about the problem of inequality, because then there really would be no hope.

Steven Rattner is a Wall Street executive and a contributing opinion writer.''

From link.
''And income taxes for the highest-earning Americans have fallen sharply, contributing meaningfully to the income inequality problem. In 1995, the 400 taxpayers with the biggest incomes paid an average of 30 percent in taxes; by 2009, the tax rate of those Americans had dropped to 20 percent.''

From link.
Yeah god fucking forbid people keep more of their own money instead of letting the crooks in DC get it
The problem is that the richest pay less percentagewise than the middle class in all taxes and fees, and no more than the poorest...that's ridiculous. The biggest corporations' taxes are a joke. Great job, Pubbies!
Lol at FrancoWTF, always upset about stupid, made up sh*t. He lives (or floats) in the Land of the Easily Manipulated.

Once again, the Article's comments section is more illuminating than the article itself and the OP's "copy paste" disguised as a comment.
"If Mr. Rattner really wants to help "those in the middle, whose incomes have been battered by globalization" he should put aside his band-aid solutions and address the problem directly. Inequality would be less of a problem in the US if 300,000 Virginians and Carolinians were still making furniture, if Californians were making iPhones, and if the Waltons allowed ANYTHING not made in China to be sold in their stores."
Actually, that's you, brainwashed hater dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP. BTW, it's the GOP that's blocking laws that would stop rewarding corps that take their business overseas. Dumbass chump.
''And income taxes for the highest-earning Americans have fallen sharply, contributing meaningfully to the income inequality problem. In 1995, the 400 taxpayers with the biggest incomes paid an average of 30 percent in taxes; by 2009, the tax rate of those Americans had dropped to 20 percent.''

From link.
Yeah god fucking forbid people keep more of their own money instead of letting the crooks in DC get it
The problem is that the richest pay less percentagewise than the middle class in all taxes and fees, and no more than the poorest...that's ridiculous. The biggest corporations' taxes are a joke. Great job, Pubbies!
They also don't receive SS and or medicare so why should they pay for it?

And corporate taxes are a moot point. Every dollar a corp earns is paid out to people sooner or later and that's when it is taxed.
Sure. lol link to any of that bs?
Rich people generally have no earned income therefore pay no payroll taxes which you should know by know cosist of SS and medicare contributions.

If they do not pay in they do not get the benefits.

Waving the "Democrat League Flag" won't help this country one bit. Waving the "Republican League Flag" won't either.

Franco see's those Gruber videos and thinks they don't apply to him. He thinks he's "one of the team". He thinks he's "on the right side". He thinks he's gonna' get dat dere good "ObamaCare"!

What he doesn't know is that he's a Useful Idiot. That's a name coined by the Communist Masters who used rabid non-thinkers like the OP to advance their own agendas.

Guess who the Communists killed first? OP knows but he won't admit it.
Communists? Try and remain calm ferchissake lol. Gruber was talking about Cadillac Plans and anyway is a moron. Everyone was told their were penalties or taxes for waivers or not signing up. This is out of context BS, he's a no common sense geek, and O-Care contains no lies, is transparent competition, and is working great

. Dems are civilized people, pussies working for the good of the country, which is a helluva lot better than lying greedy a-hole Pubs working for the good of the greedy idiot megarich and giant corporations. If you can't tell the difference, you are an idiot or a Pub dupe- which includes many indies and Dems. They are great liars and con men, and have a huge propaganda machine.
One day Franco will just stop posting his Pennant Waving nonsense. Either because his head exploded or he got laid off.
THE Democrats’ drubbing in the midterm elections was unfortunate on many levels, but particularly because the prospect of addressing income inequality grows dimmer, even as the problem worsens.

To only modest notice, during the campaign the Federal Reserve put forth more sobering news about income inequality: Inflation-adjusted earnings of the bottom 90 percent of Americans fell between 2010 and 2013, with those near the bottom dropping the most. Meanwhile, incomes in the top decile rose.

And will continue as long as voodo tax rates and Reaganist policies continue. A disgrace, chumps.

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