New IRS chief apologizes to targeted conservative groups after House hearing

You are making claims, but offering no proof.

Typical of the Left.

The proof is in the link. I highlighted where the evidence is, just for you.

you dumb liar, the link gives the quote and if you watch the video he say exactly what fox quoted at 17 seconds.

you should be ashamed of such a bald face lie.

Your lie is repeated in the title of your thread. The IRS Chief did not apologize to Conservative groups, he never uttered the phrase "conservative groups". I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you're incapable of reading critically and simply parrot others without thinking.
SMOKING GUN: Email Proves IRS’s Lois Lerner & Treasury Dept. Secretly Drafted Rules Targeting Conservatives

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 6, 2014, 7:53 AM

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:
•At least 292 conservative groups
•At least 5 pro-Israel groups
•Constitutional groups
•Groups that criticized Obama administration
•At least two pro-life groups
•An 83 year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor
•A 180 year-old Baptist paper
•A Texas voting-rights group
•A Hollywood conservative group was targeted and harassed
•Conservative activists and businesses
•At least one conservative Hispanic group
•IRS continued to target groups even after the scandal was exposed

The Obama IRS gave preferential treatment to liberal groups during the same period.

Now their is proof the IRS and Treasury Department secretly drafted rules to target conservatives. This email shows the IRS’s Lois Lerner and Treasury Department conspired to draft new 501(c)(4) regulations targeting conservatives.
secret irs email

Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) revealed this email yesterday during House Committee

all of it here:
SMOKING GUN: Email Proves IRS?s Lois Lerner & Treasury Dept. Secretly Drafted Rules Targeting Conservatives | The Gateway Pundit
WC engages in its typical toilet bowl sophistry.

The new IRS chief:: “It won't happen going forward,” Koskinen said. “And to the extent that people suffered accordingly, I apologize for that.”

Conservative/Tea Party groups suffered; ergo, he apologized to them.
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dimocraps are the scum of the earth

You are making claims, but offering no proof.

Typical of the Left.

The proof is in the link. I highlighted where the evidence is, just for you.

Eat a neg, lying scumbag.

You need to be banned for being a general piece of lying shit.

People don't take the 5th Amendment and then RESIGN when they're innocent.

IRS chiefs don't get fired when they've done nothing wrong.

Treasury Dept Inspectors General don't invent shit out of thin air just to get their face on TV.

And current heads of the IRS don't apologize for their department when they've done nothing wrong.

You're a lying scumbag. You really do need to be banned. You're just a lying troll.

The point of the thread is that Fox lied and Yurt lied (though he may not be bright enough to know he did - of course he might be less dim than you). Your rant had nothing to do with my thread for I took no stance on the central, a fact even dull normal people understood.
The proof is in the link. I highlighted where the evidence is, just for you.

you dumb liar, the link gives the quote and if you watch the video he say exactly what fox quoted at 17 seconds.

you should be ashamed of such a bald face lie.

Your lie is repeated in the title of your thread. The IRS Chief did not apologize to Conservative groups, he never uttered the phrase "conservative groups". I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you're incapable of reading critically and simply parrot others without thinking.

who the hell do you think he was talking about?
New IRS chief apologizes to targeted conservative groups after House hearing

The new head of the IRS has apologized to those who suffered because of the agency’s targeting of conservative groups, after he testified before a House subcommittee for the first time.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told reporters after the hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee that the singling out of such organizations for special scrutiny would be “intolerable,” and vowed the IRS is not doing so now.

“It won't happen going forward,” Koskinen said. “And to the extent that people suffered accordingly, I apologize for that.”

New IRS chief apologizes to targeted conservative groups after House hearing | Fox News scandal here...just more apologizing for something that never happened.

But..But..obammy said there wasnt even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS so it cant be true.
the entire hearing about targeting conservative groups.

good lord.
WC engages in its typical toilet bowl sophistry.

The new IRS chief said: “It won't happen going forward,” Koskinen said. “And to the extent that people suffered accordingly, I apologize for that.”

Conservative/Tea Party groups suffered; ergo, he apologized to them.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
Again liberal or conservative, groups with clear links to political parties shoul not be eligible for tax exempt status in the first place.
Again liberal or conservative, groups with clear links to political parties shoul not be eligible for tax exempt status in the first place.

Like I just said..Thats not the point.
Right or wrong they targeted conservative groups and let liberal groups slide.
THAT is the point!
I don't care if they are progressives or tea parties, none of them should be recieving tax exempt status.

Thats not the the point.

A 501(c)4 isn't Tax Exempt, is it? I don't think it is.

I think the donations they get aren't tax exempt either.

Think back to the old days, back when dimocrap scum were more open about the scum they are, back when they lynched and murdered Blacks and Republicans in the South.

Back when Blacks and republicans couldn't even vote.

Back when dimocrap scum fought like crazy to prevent women from voting....

Let's say you lived in the South and weren't a dimocrap but instead, a patriotic Republican who didn't like how dimocrap scum were treating Blacks and Republicans.

What do you do? Besides moving, not a lot..... Until the 501(c)4 came along.

The main advantage of a 501(c)4 is that your donations are private. Or.... They're supposed to be.

Except when a lying, scumbag, cockbreath of a piece of shit dimocrap is in office.

The advantage of a 501(c)4 is that it gives you anonymity. So if you work for the gubmint and want to donate to a Patriotic Republican (as opposed to a scumbag dimocrap) you can do so without your name becoming known to your Union Boss.

See, political donations are public information...... Except in a 501(c)4.

That's their advantage. No tax write-offs that I'm aware.

Found this while I was typing.

501(c)4 vs 501(c)3 vs 527

It might help some of you to read into this a little bit.

You dimocraps can get your mommy to read it to you
Wait, he's not on the same page..
“That’s not what happened,” Obama said about the corruption allegation. “These kinds of things keep on surfacing because you and your TV station keep promoting them. You’ve got a 501(c)(4) law that people think is confusing, that folks don’t know how to implement. There were some boneheaded decisions, not even a smidgen of corruption.”
I don't care if they are progressives or tea parties, none of them should be recieving tax exempt status.

Thats not the the point.

A 501(c)4 isn't Tax Exempt, is it? I don't think it is.

I think the donations they get aren't tax exempt either.

Think back to the old days, back when dimocrap scum were more open about the scum they are, back when they lynched and murdered Blacks and Republicans in the South.

Back when Blacks and republicans couldn't even vote.

Back when dimocrap scum fought like crazy to prevent women from voting....

Let's say you lived in the South and weren't a dimocrap but instead, a patriotic Republican who didn't like how dimocrap scum were treating Blacks and Republicans.

What do you do? Besides moving, not a lot..... Until the 501(c)4 came along.

The main advantage of a 501(c)4 is that your donations are private. Or.... They're supposed to be.

Except when a lying, scumbag, cockbreath of a piece of shit dimocrap is in office.

The advantage of a 501(c)4 is that it gives you anonymity. So if you work for the gubmint and want to donate to a Patriotic Republican (as opposed to a scumbag dimocrap) you can do so without your name becoming known to your Union Boss.

See, political donations are public information...... Except in a 501(c)4.

That's their advantage. No tax write-offs that I'm aware.

Found this while I was typing.

501(c)4 vs 501(c)3 vs 527

It might help some of you to read into this a little bit.

You dimocraps can get your mommy to read it to you

Umm those were conservatives doing that not liberals.
New IRS chief apologizes to targeted conservative groups after House hearing

The new head of the IRS has apologized to those who suffered because of the agency’s targeting of conservative groups, after he testified before a House subcommittee for the first time.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told reporters after the hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee that the singling out of such organizations for special scrutiny would be “intolerable,” and vowed the IRS is not doing so now.

“It won't happen going forward,” Koskinen said. “And to the extent that people suffered accordingly, I apologize for that.”

New IRS chief apologizes to targeted conservative groups after House hearing | Fox News scandal here...just more apologizing for something that never happened.

He did not apologize for targeting. Targeting did not occur. Nice try, though.
Thats not the the point.

A 501(c)4 isn't Tax Exempt, is it? I don't think it is.

I think the donations they get aren't tax exempt either.

Think back to the old days, back when dimocrap scum were more open about the scum they are, back when they lynched and murdered Blacks and Republicans in the South.

Back when Blacks and republicans couldn't even vote.

Back when dimocrap scum fought like crazy to prevent women from voting....

Let's say you lived in the South and weren't a dimocrap but instead, a patriotic Republican who didn't like how dimocrap scum were treating Blacks and Republicans.

What do you do? Besides moving, not a lot..... Until the 501(c)4 came along.

The main advantage of a 501(c)4 is that your donations are private. Or.... They're supposed to be.

Except when a lying, scumbag, cockbreath of a piece of shit dimocrap is in office.

The advantage of a 501(c)4 is that it gives you anonymity. So if you work for the gubmint and want to donate to a Patriotic Republican (as opposed to a scumbag dimocrap) you can do so without your name becoming known to your Union Boss.

See, political donations are public information...... Except in a 501(c)4.

That's their advantage. No tax write-offs that I'm aware.

Found this while I was typing.

501(c)4 vs 501(c)3 vs 527

It might help some of you to read into this a little bit.

You dimocraps can get your mommy to read it to you

Umm those were conservatives doing that not liberals.

bitch, they were dimocraps. Period.

You wouldn't know a liberal from a conservative if they both knocked you down and stuck a dick in your ass.
The promotion of social welfare does not include direct or indirect participation or intervention in political campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. However, a section 501(c)(4) social welfare organization may engage in some political activities, so long as that is not its primary activity.

I would have looked into them too. I guess the Tea party does not participate in political campaigns?

Social Welfare Organizations

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