New January 6th footage shows Officer Sicknick walking around the Capitol hours after the Democrats and the media claimed he died there

In my opinion, poster 'progressive hunter' your avatar is not a sincere contributor here.

There have been several posts on this thread and the other nearby 'sicknick' threads that have detailed that two men were depicted on multiple videos attacking Sicknick (and other officers). Two men who were convicted and now are in prison for that attack.

There have been explanations to you and others on this forum that the initial first-blush reports from the scene at the time that Sicknick was hit with an extinguisher were in error (and corrected)....but you seemingly want to hold onto that hasty on-the-scene reporting as your proof that Sicknick's injuries and death are merely figments of anti-Trump partisans.

You are doing this forum a disservice if you cannot come on here and debate honestly and sincerely.

You are not a value-added contributor. Rather, apparently, merely a fake and a phony.
No disrespect intended.


You can’t speak logically with a Jan 6 denier
You mean how they show Republicans beating Capitol Police, defacing our Capitol and attacking Congress?
tucker and the jan 6 people showed that,, but the jan 6 people didnt show what tucker showed,,

and what about the edited tape of josh hawley leaving the building where they made it seem like he was a coward running away by himself??
tucker and the jan 6 people showed that,, but the jan 6 people didnt show what tucker showed,,

and what about the edited tape of josh hawley leaving the building where they made it seem like he was a coward running away by himself??

Tucker did not show anything that excuses the Republican attack on our Capitol…..NOTHING

Josh Hawley ran like a little girl when he was threatened by the mob
Tucker did not show anything that excuses the Republican attack on our Capitol…..NOTHING

Josh Hawley ran like a little girl when he was threatened by the mob
but what about the edited versions put out by the dems and the jan 6??

whats that?? you want to ignore that part,,

tucker showed what dems were hiding and lying about and thats why youre clutching your pearls,,
but what about the edited versions put out by the dems and the jan 6??

whats that?? you want to ignore that part,,

tucker showed what dems were hiding and lying about and thats why youre clutching your pearls,,

What the Jan 6 committee was looking at was criminal activity by the Republican attackers. They showed plenty as did the witnesses

Where were the witnesses showing any Republican stood up to protect the Capitol Police?
What the Jan 6 committee was looking at was criminal activity by the Republican attackers. They showed plenty as did the witnesses

Where were the witnesses showing any Republican stood up to protect the Capitol Police?
but they didnt show everything and as we now see what they were hiding changes the whole narrative and why some want it censored,,
"but they didnt show everything"

Umm, there were over four and a half years worth of video.
Of course.............they didn't show it all. Duh!!

But what they did show illustrated actual criminal activity....and importantly, much of that was supported by eye-witness testimony under oath.

Other illustrations of specific criminals....NOT doing a criminal act at the the time of a specific video no way erases or forgives the criminal acts they did do moments before or moments after.

In another thread, I used the analogy of the well-behaved, courteous, and traffic law observant robber ---- on his way to the 7-11 to shoot the clerk and steal the till.

Stopping at traffic lights, and yielding to pedestrians doesn't mitigate the bullet in the dead 7-11 clerk.

John Sullivan had been tossed by BLM months before because they though he was a provocateur. He was never ANTIFA. His brother is a Proud Boy

No idea what you’re talking about with Pelosi’s daughter but she’s certainly not ANTIFA
How can he never be ANTIFA, if ANTIFA is an idea, and not an organization? They are both children of a parent that is a member of intelligence.
As far as Pelosi's daughter? She was there, again, Antifa is an idea, you can't claim that folks that were put there to further an agenda, are not put there on purpose, for that "idea," if something is only an idea. . . . :rolleyes:

All of this has been discussed over two years ago.

Your equivocations and denial of reality mean nothing to me. You can gaslight yourself, but you can't gaslight those who can see reality.

The fact that Sullivan, was a participant, but that film was used to make propaganda, and he has not gotten the same punishment as others who are still rotting in cells?

That is all we need to know about this whole set up. It is a farce on a grand scale. The whole thing was orchestrated and a cover-up. Why?

When that whole Watergate break-in happened, Nixon's defense was, he had no idea who gave the order to make it happen, or that it was even occurring when he was in Florida. Yet? The cover-up is what did him in. Whether that is true or not? No one cared. The cover-up was indicative of corruption. We have the same thing going on here.

Information on the investigation was purposely withheld from the American people, to make the event appear in a certain way, which it was not. In fact, folks like John Sullivan and Alexandra Pelosi were set in place, purposely, to spin the whole narrative, with foreknowledge of how events would go down.

This indicates that the establishment knew that there would be lax security procedures in place, ON PURPOSE.
How can he never be ANTIFA, if ANTIFA is an idea, and not an organization? They are both children of a parent that is a member of intelligence.
As far as Pelosi's daughter? She was there, again, Antifa is an idea, you can't claim that folks that were put there to further an agenda, are not put there on purpose, for that "idea," if something is only an idea. . . . :rolleyes:

All of this has been discussed over two years ago.

Your equivocations and denial of reality mean nothing to me. You can gaslight yourself, but you can't gaslight those who can see reality.

The fact that Sullivan, was a participant, but that film was used to make propaganda, and he has not gotten the same punishment as others who are still rotting in cells?

That is all we need to know about this whole set up. It is a farce on a grand scale. The whole thing was orchestrated and a cover-up. Why?

When that whole Watergate break-in happened, Nixon's defense was, he had no idea who gave the order to make it happen, or that it was even occurring when he was in Florida. Yet? The cover-up is what did him in. Whether that is true or not? No one cared. The cover-up was indicative of corruption. We have the same thing going on here.

Information on the investigation was purposely withheld from the American people, to make the event appear in a certain way, which it was not. In fact, folks like John Sullivan and Alexandra Pelosi were set in place, purposely, to spin the whole narrative, with foreknowledge of how events would go down.

This indicates that the establishment knew that there would be lax security procedures in place, ON PURPOSE.
That was quite a rant.

Sadly it was third class gibberish
That was quite a rant.

Sadly it was third class gibberish
I appreciate your surrender on this, and admitting I am absolutely correct.

No such admission made.
When you refuse to engage in logical discussion of the facts, dismiss my allegations with a fallacious attacks, and launch into nonsensical defamation? Of course that is what this amounts to. :rolleyes:

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