New Liberal Definitions Of Sexual Violence Just Released

Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.

"Sex with you makes me sick" is not sexual violence, it's emotional meanness. The theme of what we're seeing play out here is definitions being stretched beyond reason. Cheating on your partner is not, in any fashion, an act of sexual VIOLENCE against your partner. Neither is withholding sex an act of sexual VIOLENCE.

We can probably thank Oprah for these developments, for her glorification of victimhood is driving many women to find new ways of being victims in order to garner sympathy or some perverse form of recognition.

To watch porn, described here as watching sexual acts, is not an exercise of sexual violence. This is just liberalism run rampant, in other words, the normal idiocy which informs liberalism has had the governor removed and now nothing is stopping the idiocy from scaling new heights.
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.

"Sex with you makes me sick" is not sexual violence, it's emotional meanness. The theme of what we're seeing play out here is definitions being stretched beyond reason. Cheating on your partner is not, in any fashion, an act of sexual VIOLENCE against your partner. Neither is withholding sex an act of sexual VIOLENCE.

We can probably thank Oprah for these developments, for her glorification of victimhood is driving many women to find new ways of being victims in order to garner sympathy or some perverse form of recognition.

To watch porn, described here as watching sexual acts, is not an exercise of sexual violence. This is just liberalism run rampant, in other words, the normal idiocy which informs liberalism has had the governor removed and now nothing is stopping the idiocy from scaling new heights.

That "emotional meanness" is part and parcel of the domestic abuse cycle. And the emotional abuse often leaves scars that last longer than physical abuse.

By the strictest definition of "violence", it is not. But taken in context of the larger issue, it is.
That "emotional meanness" is part and parcel of the domestic abuse cycle. And the emotional abuse often leaves scars that last longer than physical abuse.

By the strictest definition of "violence", it is not. But taken in context of the larger issue, it is.

There is a lot of behavior that takes place in marriage which can be construed as abuse. A woman who doesn't love her husband is hurting him. A woman who withholds sex but expects her husband to fulfill his financial obligations or his household duties or some social duty. Sex isn't in some special category. I'd rather be forced to have sex with my wife (bad thing= Sexual Violence) than be forced to sit in the company of some of my wife's friends and pretend to be a good host who is interested in what some of these women yammer on about (completely normal to force this on a person = Not Violence). Spouses do for each other what they many times would rather not do. Look, we both know this complicated territory, but I will say my bottom line here is that this expansion of what constitutes sexual violence is ludicrous and it devalues what actually does constitute sexual violence - the combination of physical violence and sex. Telling your girlfriend she looks fat in those pants is not violence - it's something else, boorishness, callousness, sadism,. but it's not violence and in particular it's not sexual violence.

At the level of marriage, where two people are joined to become one, obligation takes on a wholly different meaning than it does on a college campus. Your emotional meanness scenarios are easily solved on a college campus with this magic phrase - "I don't want to see you anymore." There, problem solved and there's no need to create a SEXUAL VIOLENCE report because your boyfriend said you looked fat in those pants. If your boyfriend calls you over to his computer and shows you the cool porn he downloaded, he didn't commit sexual violence against you. If you don't like porn, and he does, then he's not the right guy for you and you solve this problem by uttering these magic words "I don't want to see you again."
Feminists thinking revealed. It's really only men that are abusive in a relationship:

"blaming the partner for all his troubles" can be rewritten another way; He blames her for all his troubles.

"putting down the partner's abilities as lover, parent, worker; demanding constant attention and showing resentment to children; telling the partner about his affairs or that she must stay with him because she can't make it on her own."

He puts down her abilities as lover, parent, worker.
He demands constant attention from her.
He shows his resentment to children.
He tells her about his affairs.
He tells her she must stay with him because she can't make it on her own.

"Verbal or psychological abuse

Examples of psychological abuse include: insulting the partner; ignoring the partner's feelings; withholding approval as a form of punishment; yelling at the partner; labeling the partner with terms like "crazy," "stupid;" blaming the partner for all his troubles; putting down the partner's abilities as lover, parent, worker; demanding constant attention and showing resentment to children; telling the partner about his affairs or that she must stay with him because she can't make it on her own. All of the examples under "threats" are also included"
If a man tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick " it's not abuse. It is the expression of opinion. Should he lie? If a woman tells her husband she doesn't want sex is that abuse?
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

To have sex with other people. So if your college boyfriend had sex with another girl then he is committing sexual violence against you and the school needs to punish him?

The clause "forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people" begins with "forcing," and then gives a list. The whole clause in encased in semi-colons. So, I read your particular example as one of a series of things someone might be forced to do, as in, "forcing one to have sex with other people."

I guess your interpretation may vary, but I'm fairly confident I'm reading it the correct way.
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.

"Sex with you makes me sick" is not sexual violence, it's emotional meanness. The theme of what we're seeing play out here is definitions being stretched beyond reason. Cheating on your partner is not, in any fashion, an act of sexual VIOLENCE against your partner. Neither is withholding sex an act of sexual VIOLENCE.

We can probably thank Oprah for these developments, for her glorification of victimhood is driving many women to find new ways of being victims in order to garner sympathy or some perverse form of recognition.

To watch porn, described here as watching sexual acts, is not an exercise of sexual violence. This is just liberalism run rampant, in other words, the normal idiocy which informs liberalism has had the governor removed and now nothing is stopping the idiocy from scaling new heights.

Again, it's part of that clause, meaning to force someone to witness sexual acts.
Forcing someone is already illegal. Call the cops. It is the Orwellian thought crimes I find disturbing and dangerous, personally.
Forcing someone is already illegal. Call the cops. It is the Orwellian thought crimes I find disturbing and dangerous, personally.

This isn't a thread about criminal code. It's simply an attempt at a comprehensive definition of sexual violence by a university.
Right. See how the creeping thought crime gets buried among what is clearly already a crime? See how that gives weight to the new, dangerous encroachment on my right to say "no?" I do, and I find it very disturbing. How is this not a liberal "war on women?" Again, no one has the right to decide I "should" have sex with anyone. That is MY choice, ALWAYS, and I certainly don't need to explain my reasoning to campus authorities (today) or law enforcement (tomorrow). WTF?
Right. See how the creeping thought crime gets buried among what is clearly already a crime? See how that gives weight to the new, dangerous encroachment on my right to say "no?" I do, and I find it very disturbing. How is this not a liberal "war on women?" Again, no one has the right to decide I "should" have sex with anyone. That is MY choice, ALWAYS, and I certainly don't need to explain my reasoning to campus authorities (today) or law enforcement (tomorrow). WTF?

Who is saying otherwise?

Don't worry, your rape fantasies are safe.
Once a woman's right to say no is criminalized will this apply to steady dating, casual dating, or even first dates? We know married women have committed sexual violence if they say no.
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.

"Sex with you makes me sick" is not sexual violence, it's emotional meanness. The theme of what we're seeing play out here is definitions being stretched beyond reason. Cheating on your partner is not, in any fashion, an act of sexual VIOLENCE against your partner. Neither is withholding sex an act of sexual VIOLENCE.

We can probably thank Oprah for these developments, for her glorification of victimhood is driving many women to find new ways of being victims in order to garner sympathy or some perverse form of recognition.

To watch porn, described here as watching sexual acts, is not an exercise of sexual violence. This is just liberalism run rampant, in other words, the normal idiocy which informs liberalism has had the governor removed and now nothing is stopping the idiocy from scaling new heights.

That "emotional meanness" is part and parcel of the domestic abuse cycle. And the emotional abuse often leaves scars that last longer than physical abuse.

By the strictest definition of "violence", it is not. But taken in context of the larger issue, it is.

In other words, it's not sexual violence.

Thanks for playing.

Next liberals will make hurting someone's feelings a crime.
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.

"Sex with you makes me sick" is not sexual violence, it's emotional meanness. The theme of what we're seeing play out here is definitions being stretched beyond reason. Cheating on your partner is not, in any fashion, an act of sexual VIOLENCE against your partner. Neither is withholding sex an act of sexual VIOLENCE.

We can probably thank Oprah for these developments, for her glorification of victimhood is driving many women to find new ways of being victims in order to garner sympathy or some perverse form of recognition.

To watch porn, described here as watching sexual acts, is not an exercise of sexual violence. This is just liberalism run rampant, in other words, the normal idiocy which informs liberalism has had the governor removed and now nothing is stopping the idiocy from scaling new heights.

That "emotional meanness" is part and parcel of the domestic abuse cycle. And the emotional abuse often leaves scars that last longer than physical abuse.

By the strictest definition of "violence", it is not. But taken in context of the larger issue, it is.

In other words, it's not sexual violence.

Thanks for playing.

Next liberals will make hurting someone's feelings a crime.
You mean hurting a liberal's feelings. Or a protected status group member's feelings.
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.
If thats the case everything is abuse. Which is pretty much the point of this crap. No protections for the accused. Just one "He refused sex with me, expel him!" and it's done.
Women's rights have moved on to women's tyranny.
Remember when liberals wanted to keep government and conservatives out of people's bedrooms. Hah. We thought they were arguing some kind of principle but now we know they just wanted to get rid of the competition.

The University of Michigan

I planned on bolding some of the more stupid aspects of the definition but then realized that I'd have to bold almost the entire statement. To withhold sex is to engage in sexual violence.

Sexual violence

Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.​

Liberalism is a form of mental illness.

I bolded the things I disagree with. Perhaps they are the actions of a douchebag, depending upon the circumstances, but that doesn't make them a sexually violent person.

Part of the cycle of domestic violence is belittling and destroying self esteem. If the abuser tells his wife "sex with you makes me sick", it is abuse. If the abuser forces his partner to perform oral sex when they dislike the act, it is abuse.

Again, context is a huge part of this.

"Sex with you makes me sick" is not sexual violence, it's emotional meanness. The theme of what we're seeing play out here is definitions being stretched beyond reason. Cheating on your partner is not, in any fashion, an act of sexual VIOLENCE against your partner. Neither is withholding sex an act of sexual VIOLENCE.

We can probably thank Oprah for these developments, for her glorification of victimhood is driving many women to find new ways of being victims in order to garner sympathy or some perverse form of recognition.

To watch porn, described here as watching sexual acts, is not an exercise of sexual violence. This is just liberalism run rampant, in other words, the normal idiocy which informs liberalism has had the governor removed and now nothing is stopping the idiocy from scaling new heights.

That "emotional meanness" is part and parcel of the domestic abuse cycle. And the emotional abuse often leaves scars that last longer than physical abuse.

By the strictest definition of "violence", it is not. But taken in context of the larger issue, it is.

In other words, it's not sexual violence.

Thanks for playing.

Next liberals will make hurting someone's feelings a crime.
What do you mean "next"?? That's in the article.
You have to wonder about people who are supposed to be adults needing a campus code to protect them from hurt feelings.
If thats the case everything is abuse. Which is pretty much the point of this crap. No protections for the accused. Just one "He refused sex with me, expel him!" and it's done.
Women's rights have moved on to women's tyranny.

I sentence you to thirty years hard labor for saying that, Male! :whip:

Oh, wait.....I can't do that?
If thats the case everything is abuse. Which is pretty much the point of this crap. No protections for the accused. Just one "He refused sex with me, expel him!" and it's done.
Women's rights have moved on to women's tyranny.

I sentence you to thirty years hard labor for saying that, Male! :whip:

Oh, wait.....I can't do that?
No but if we're both students at U.Michigan you can have me kicked out and my record permanently marred just because you thought I was a lousy fuck.
Right. See how the creeping thought crime gets buried among what is clearly already a crime? See how that gives weight to the new, dangerous encroachment on my right to say "no?" I do, and I find it very disturbing. How is this not a liberal "war on women?" Again, no one has the right to decide I "should" have sex with anyone. That is MY choice, ALWAYS, and I certainly don't need to explain my reasoning to campus authorities (today) or law enforcement (tomorrow). WTF?

Who is saying otherwise?

Don't worry, your rape fantasies are safe.

Thanks for the snide, demeaning, personal jab. Good form.
If thats the case everything is abuse. Which is pretty much the point of this crap. No protections for the accused. Just one "He refused sex with me, expel him!" and it's done.
Women's rights have moved on to women's tyranny.

I sentence you to thirty years hard labor for saying that, Male! :whip:

Oh, wait.....I can't do that?
No but if we're both students at U.Michigan you can have me kicked out and my record permanently marred just because you thought I was a lousy fuck.

Where did you pick up that tidbit?

All I saw in the link is a list of definitions.

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