New Mexico's DERANGED Governor pulls National Guard troops from border

Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Good for her. It is the governor's call, not Trump's.
We do not have an invasion or an emergency and if they needed help, there are another 3,000 active military troops on the way.
I wish all the govs would give Trump the bird on this and walk away.

Sure you do because you don't care how many illegals infest the US. Illegals that cost we the tax payer billions every year.

You really are a fool.
Of course I care. I will not play along with the President's nonsensical hyperbole about this, though. It is outrageous and I'm gonna keep crying out that the Emperor has no clothes because it is TRUE.

There is nothing nonsensical about it.

We've been under attack by illegals for decades. There are over 10 million in the country right now. They are all here illegally. They have no business here.

They cost us billions each year not to mention the murders and rapes they commit.

Oh and lets not forget the drugs that are ferried into the country over that porous border.

The only outrageous thing I see is fools like you who don't see it as a problem. Idiots.
I have absolutely no issue with calling it a "problem." That is a perfectly good word for it.
This is not an "attack" and it is not an emergency. It is a PROBLEM that needs to be fixed.
Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Good for her. It is the governor's call, not Trump's.
We do not have an invasion or an emergency and if they needed help, there are another 3,000 active military troops on the way.
I wish all the govs would give Trump the bird on this and walk away.

From the upper NE coastline you pop off. Nice.
You heard my point. I've read both sides and I'm more than anxious to see some solutions. As an American, I have as much right to have an opinion on this as anyone else. I don't hear people on the border screaming INVASION. I hear people all over the country parroting Trump's drivel that they are ALL criminals and leeches, etc. etc. Well, it's bullshit, as the illegal employers of most of these folks can tell you.
Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Good for her. It is the governor's call, not Trump's.
We do not have an invasion or an emergency and if they needed help, there are another 3,000 active military troops on the way.
I wish all the govs would give Trump the bird on this and walk away.

Sure you do because you don't care how many illegals infest the US. Illegals that cost we the tax payer billions every year.

You really are a fool.
Of course I care. I will not play along with the President's nonsensical hyperbole about this, though. It is outrageous and I'm gonna keep crying out that the Emperor has no clothes because it is TRUE.

There is nothing nonsensical about it.

We've been under attack by illegals for decades. There are over 10 million in the country right now. They are all here illegally. They have no business here.

They cost us billions each year not to mention the murders and rapes they commit.

Oh and lets not forget the drugs that are ferried into the country over that porous border.

The only outrageous thing I see is fools like you who don't see it as a problem. Idiots.
I have absolutely no issue with calling it a "problem." That is a perfectly good word for it.
This is not an "attack" and it is not an emergency. It is a PROBLEM that needs to be fixed.

And Trump will fix it with that wall.

That wall won't let anymore in and once its up we can boot those that are here out. They won't be able to come back in. Saviing we the tax payer billions every year and put an end to the anchor baby bull shit.
Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Good for her. It is the governor's call, not Trump's.
We do not have an invasion or an emergency and if they needed help, there are another 3,000 active military troops on the way.
I wish all the govs would give Trump the bird on this and walk away.

Sure you do because you don't care how many illegals infest the US. Illegals that cost we the tax payer billions every year.

You really are a fool.


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Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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This is why the national emergency needs to be declared, federalize New Mexico's National Guard and this Gov is out of the decision making process.
Obviously just like all other Dimocrats today, she wants her state to be a sanctuary state.
Keep it up Dimocrats, fucking idiots.

Keeping brown people out is the only reason for a wall.

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KILLING HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND BLACK BABIES only proves how RACIST Planded Parenthood and you DemonRATS truly are!
Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Good for her. It is the governor's call, not Trump's.
We do not have an invasion or an emergency and if they needed help, there are another 3,000 active military troops on the way.
I wish all the govs would give Trump the bird on this and walk away.

Sure you do because you don't care how many illegals infest the US. Illegals that cost we the tax payer billions every year.

You really are a fool.

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Sorry, Trump is taken......

Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Good for her. Fuck the cowardly Trump sheep.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Now all it will take for reality to hit this dum bitch a few hundred rapes and killings that will prove how much leftist love will work.
A few hundred? You nincompoops have been searching for and making a huge deal over every immigrant convicted of a major crime for the last couple of hours and have only found 3 or 4. Where are you getting this "hundreds" number from?

I suspect I know and I hope you washed it first!
This is a leftist biased magazine.

The Texas Observer - Media Bias/Fact Check

Once again, these sheriffs are talking about their counties, not the whole border. Trump wants funding for 200 miles of wall. The media struggles mightily to omit the particulars. They made no comment about about other sections of the border. Interesting that they want more border agents but don’t have any problems. Just more misdirection from the tds crowd.
Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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What's deranged about it?
Democrats just keep pretending that these caravans of invaders don't exist, despite regular reports that they are real, not something Trump is making up.

Central American caravans advance amid shifting border policies
Ah yes, the Central American Panzer divisions of Caravans advancing towards the U.S. to turn themselves in at the border while we continue to take over and threaten these countries to do as we say. And in the mean time, because of our intervention, their countries go down the shitter.
Now all it will take for reality to hit this dum bitch a few hundred rapes and killings that will prove how much leftist love will work.
And who's going to stage that manufactured conspiracy? Trump! Of course he would if he thought he could get away with it.
Well she sure doesn't think there is anything wrong at the border.

I wonder what the voters in New Mexico think??

I'm sure the State has its fair share of illegals. I wonder how much they cost the tax payers of New Mexico every year.

Woman sounds like an idiot to me.
If you're having to ask and are not sure, while calling someone else an idiot, who's the real idiot?
Committing sedition and treason before our very eyes.

Anyone have some boiled hemp rope handy? Guess who doesn't give a shit about her citizens safety

The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state's National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump's description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump's State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump's suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday's reversal.

"New Mexico will not take part in the president's charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops," Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent -- around a dozen guardsmen -- will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

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Well, we will see how her voters feel about that after the wetbacks start raping whit girls and New Mexico’s crime stats climb.

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