New Montana law bans firearm sales tracking by financial institutions

New Montana law bans firearm sales tracking by financial institutions​

States with similar laws include Idaho, North Dakota, Mississippi, West Virginia and Florida.
Montana is a conservative state, looking out for their citizens. They were one of the first to revamp their Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws, so that if there is no conviction on the seized funds, the citizen got their money back, without an expensive court fight just to get back what was theirs.
Montana is a conservative state, looking out for their citizens. They were one of the first to revamp their Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws, so that if there is no conviction on the seized funds, the citizen got their money back, without an expensive court fight just to get back what was theirs.
The main issue on the topic is the stripping away of the rights and freedoms of financial institutions.

It may be desirable for the gun lobby side but it's still 'what it is'.

Do you buy the argument that institutions and even corporations should have rights and freedoms that protect their staff, as well as all Americans who associate with their business?

Your comment seems to say that you do.
The main issue on the topic is the stripping away of the rights and freedoms of financial institutions.

It may be desirable for the gun lobby side but it's still 'what it is'.

Do you buy the argument that institutions and even corporations should have rights and freedoms that protect their staff, as well as all Americans who associate with their business?

Your comment seems to say that you do.
Like anything, up to a point. I suppose a lot of ammunition could be tracked to me, but assembled weapons have all been from local or family, or through the local gun store I use. I am not particularly personally concerned, but can see where others might be and approve the move of Montana Legislature and Governor.
Like anything, up to a point. I suppose a lot of ammunition could be tracked to me, but assembled weapons have all been from local or family, or through the local gun store I use. I am not particularly personally concerned, but can see where others might be and approve the move of Montana Legislature and Governor.
I see it as the 'institutions' being empowered to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

One study suggested that America had declined to 54th. in the world on rights and freedoms.

With the issue concerning guns, the question relates to 2nd. amendment rights as opposed to a citizen's right to be safe from the scourge of mass shootings at the level of the American experience.

On matters not concerning guns and gun violence, rights and freedoms are being squandered by both sides for domestic political expediency.
I see it as the 'institutions' being empowered to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

One study suggested that America had declined to 54th. in the world on rights and freedoms.

With the issue concerning guns, the question relates to 2nd. amendment rights as opposed to a citizen's right to be safe from the scourge of mass shootings at the level of the American experience.

On matters not concerning guns and gun violence, rights and freedoms are being squandered by both sides for domestic political expediency.
non-elected, non-government organizations do not have citizens.
non-elected, non-government organizations do not have citizens.
Why sure they do White, but if you take issue with the word 'citizens' then I would agree to call them something else.

A university would have students and staff, as opposed to citizens.

Let's not lose the point on the squandering of rights and freedoms for political purposes.
They can ban it all they want. Federal law is going to control since in is related to interstate commerce.
States generally have the power to enact laws more restrictive than federal law.
The only possible conflict there is if federal law requires the financial institutions to track these sales -- and it doesn't.
Because you choose to not understand the issue.
I certainly understand the issue. The issue is we all have money, either in our hand or in bank accounts. If we spend out of pocket it is in our interests and of nobody's business except us and our vendors. If we spend it out of an account, it is still our money, our transaction and nobody's business, except ours and our vendors. The banks I deal with privately make money from the deposits I, or companies, or government puts in, in my name. The bank does not become a spy agency, freely divulging how I spend my money, just as a make no public accounting of how I spend cash on hand. I have nothing much against electronic transactions, a convenience to me and to my banks and financial institution, but as a free citizen, never involved or charge with any type of criminal activity in my life, I am entitled to my privacy. That is what the State of Montana is protecting. I wish Tennessee would follow their lead. It should take a court order, based on reasonable suspicion, that I am informed of, before my private finances are breached by anybody including the government I gladly served and have supported for many years.
They can ban it all they want. Federal law is going to control since in is related to interstate commerce.
The Fed gov did not create a law. This is the financial institutions working on their own.

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