New NAFTA deal announcement coming- Mexican official

Great on Mexico, but without Canada agreeing as well, the deal is DEAD on arrival..... after all it is NAFTA.... and Canada as well is part of the treaty, and then the Senate has to vote on it.

so, we need the negotiations with Canada to go well, too..... before the Fat Lady Sings.

Wait..... so you are for NAFTA?????????
I'm not for Tariffs.... And if this deal's tweaks are better for our Nation, then I am ok with it.... I definitely do not want to see a trade and tariff war, which hurts everyone.

Yuo do realize that NAFTA has hurt us perhaps 1000 times more than any tariffs could possibly ever do?
And that is a conservative number.
I would be astounded if any liberal wanted a re-up of NAFTA. It might possibly be the worst legislation to have passed in modern history.

Absolutely fantastic for the investor class...catastrophically bad for the working class
Anything that hastens the coming revolution can't be all bad, comrade.
Great on Mexico, but without Canada agreeing as well, the deal is DEAD on arrival..... after all it is NAFTA.... and Canada as well is part of the treaty, and then the Senate has to vote on it.

so, we need the negotiations with Canada to go well, too..... before the Fat Lady Sings.

Wait..... so you are for NAFTA?????????
I'm not for Tariffs.... And if this deal's tweaks are better for our Nation, then I am ok with it.... I definitely do not want to see a trade and tariff war, which hurts everyone.

Yuo do realize that NAFTA has hurt us perhaps 1000 times more than any tariffs could possibly ever do?
And that is a conservative number.
I would be astounded if any liberal wanted a re-up of NAFTA. It might possibly be the worst legislation to have passed in modern history.

Absolutely fantastic for the investor class...catastrophically bad for the working class
The numbers do not show that it has hurt us 1000 times over, and it is the way of the future.... there is no going back.... and I would rather be trading with our friendly neighbors than say a China, with slave wages, and them stealing our intellectual property.

yes Mexican slave labor is so much better... :rolleyes:
Markets got a nice bounce on the news.
anxious to hear the details. would love to wrap this up w/canada and find some terms everyone can live with and move on; so we'll see in the next few days.

Oh that's easy...

1) yes Mexico we will continue to pay your officials kickbacks so we can continue to use your citizens as economic slaves.
2) You bet - no tariffs on existing slave factories, or any new factories built where we close factories in America and build them there for cheap labor.
3) We will continue additional slush funds and bribes so we can keep the cheap labor factories going at all cost.

There - now let's celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!
Markets got a nice bounce on the news.
anxious to hear the details. would love to wrap this up w/canada and find some terms everyone can live with and move on; so we'll see in the next few days.

Oh that's easy...

1) yes Mexico we will continue to pay your officials kickbacks so we can continue to use your citizens as economic slaves.
2) You bet - no tariffs on existing slave factories, or any new factories built where we close factories in America and build them there for cheap labor.
3) We will continue additional slush funds and bribes so we can keep the cheap labor factories going at all cost.

There - now let's celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh, yea.

i'll wait for another source. :)
Markets got a nice bounce on the news.
anxious to hear the details. would love to wrap this up w/canada and find some terms everyone can live with and move on; so we'll see in the next few days.

Oh that's easy...

1) yes Mexico we will continue to pay your officials kickbacks so we can continue to use your citizens as economic slaves.
2) You bet - no tariffs on existing slave factories, or any new factories built where we close factories in America and build them there for cheap labor.
3) We will continue additional slush funds and bribes so we can keep the cheap labor factories going at all cost.

There - now let's celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh, yea.

i'll wait for another source. :)

uh yea... it will be the same.
You really think any new deal will include measures to close the slave factories?? Or slow down new ones? Really??
Markets got a nice bounce on the news.
anxious to hear the details. would love to wrap this up w/canada and find some terms everyone can live with and move on; so we'll see in the next few days.

Oh that's easy...

1) yes Mexico we will continue to pay your officials kickbacks so we can continue to use your citizens as economic slaves.
2) You bet - no tariffs on existing slave factories, or any new factories built where we close factories in America and build them there for cheap labor.
3) We will continue additional slush funds and bribes so we can keep the cheap labor factories going at all cost.

There - now let's celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh, yea.

i'll wait for another source. :)

uh yea... it will be the same.
You really think any new deal will include measures to close the slave factories?? Or slow down new ones? Really??

i'll wait and see. anything else people tend to then skew things to what they think will happen and read into things what they want so they can be right.

so if it's ok with you - i'll wait.
Great on Mexico, but without Canada agreeing as well, the deal is DEAD on arrival..... after all it is NAFTA.... and Canada as well is part of the treaty, and then the Senate has to vote on it.

so, we need the negotiations with Canada to go well, too..... before the Fat Lady Sings.

Wait..... so you are for NAFTA?????????
I'm not for Tariffs.... And if this deal's tweaks are better for our Nation, then I am ok with it.... I definitely do not want to see a trade and tariff war, which hurts everyone.

Yuo do realize that NAFTA has hurt us perhaps 1000 times more than any tariffs could possibly ever do?
And that is a conservative number.
I would be astounded if any liberal wanted a re-up of NAFTA. It might possibly be the worst legislation to have passed in modern history.

Absolutely fantastic for the investor class...catastrophically bad for the working class
The numbers do not show that it has hurt us 1000 times over, and it is the way of the future.... there is no going back.... and I would rather be trading with our friendly neighbors than say a China, with slave wages, and them stealing our intellectual property.

yes Mexican slave labor is so much better... :rolleyes:
Monday's agreement calls for no tariffs on vehicles if at least 75 percent of their value is produced within the boundaries of treaty nations. That's up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA. It also requires at least 40 percent of vehicles to be made by workers who are paid at least $16 an hour, an unprecedented requirement.
Car prices projected to jump under Trump trade agreement with Mexico
Wait..... so you are for NAFTA?????????
I'm not for Tariffs.... And if this deal's tweaks are better for our Nation, then I am ok with it.... I definitely do not want to see a trade and tariff war, which hurts everyone.

Yuo do realize that NAFTA has hurt us perhaps 1000 times more than any tariffs could possibly ever do?
And that is a conservative number.
I would be astounded if any liberal wanted a re-up of NAFTA. It might possibly be the worst legislation to have passed in modern history.

Absolutely fantastic for the investor class...catastrophically bad for the working class
The numbers do not show that it has hurt us 1000 times over, and it is the way of the future.... there is no going back.... and I would rather be trading with our friendly neighbors than say a China, with slave wages, and them stealing our intellectual property.

yes Mexican slave labor is so much better... :rolleyes:
Monday's agreement calls for no tariffs on vehicles if at least 75 percent of their value is produced within the boundaries of treaty nations. That's up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA. It also requires at least 40 percent of vehicles to be made by workers who are paid at least $16 an hour, an unprecedented requirement.
Car prices projected to jump under Trump trade agreement with Mexico

I'll believe it when it happens, articles on this also mention numerous "exceptions" and years to implement... which usually means later down the road they will quietly add more exceptions.
I would LOVE to believe a new NAFTA would include measures to bring lost jobs back - but I hope you all are smart enough to know that isn't going to happen. That would mean our government represented us and not the investor class, and that is not going to happen either.
I'm not for Tariffs.... And if this deal's tweaks are better for our Nation, then I am ok with it.... I definitely do not want to see a trade and tariff war, which hurts everyone.

Yuo do realize that NAFTA has hurt us perhaps 1000 times more than any tariffs could possibly ever do?
And that is a conservative number.
I would be astounded if any liberal wanted a re-up of NAFTA. It might possibly be the worst legislation to have passed in modern history.

Absolutely fantastic for the investor class...catastrophically bad for the working class
The numbers do not show that it has hurt us 1000 times over, and it is the way of the future.... there is no going back.... and I would rather be trading with our friendly neighbors than say a China, with slave wages, and them stealing our intellectual property.

yes Mexican slave labor is so much better... :rolleyes:
Monday's agreement calls for no tariffs on vehicles if at least 75 percent of their value is produced within the boundaries of treaty nations. That's up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA. It also requires at least 40 percent of vehicles to be made by workers who are paid at least $16 an hour, an unprecedented requirement.
Car prices projected to jump under Trump trade agreement with Mexico

I'll believe it when it happens, articles on this also mention numerous "exceptions" and years to implement... which usually means later down the road they will quietly add more exceptions.
I would LOVE to believe a new NAFTA would include measures to bring lost jobs back - but I hope you all are smart enough to know that isn't going to happen. That would mean our government represented us and not the investor class, and that is not going to happen either.
You could be right.... I just do not know yet.... but the odds are likely in your favor....

In the end times, according to prophesy, it'll be...

"A days work, for a loaf of bread"

In other words, the peons on earth will end up having to work an entire day, just to feed themselves measly.

The rich, get richer.

In other words, the peons on earth will end up having to work an entire day, just to feed themselves measly.

The rich, get richer.


And we keep voting the same people in because we think it's the other guys fault.

Well it's crap or get off the pot time concerning the US-Canadian NAFTA talks. Latest I read it doesn't look good for a breakthrough this week which is needed to meet the US imposed end-of-month deadline. Canada's view (put in my words) is that the agreement isn't worth the paper its printed on. One major point is that (according to them) it permits the US to declare tariffs on autos for national security reason as we did on steel and aluminum. They want some guarantee against Trump pulling that. Should be an interesting week.

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