New name, old face

You must be using some weird mod mojo Dude, because there is no avatar showing for the rest of us.
Some of you may recognize the avatar from Hannity Forums.

So this is the gulag for the cool people? Like what you've done with the place. ;)

I don't see an avie and did I like you over there?
Some of you may recognize the avatar from Hannity Forums.

So this is the gulag for the cool people? Like what you've done with the place. ;)

Welcome Big Fitz.... "Vast Rt. Wing Conspirator" brother in arms... :D
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okay midnight and dude like ya...that is not a good thing...but noose liking ya is...

it is like a damned refugee camp in here

are you gay? seems a few of the posters from hannity are latent fags? are you one?
okay midnight and dude like ya..
Nobody said anything about me liking him. Least of all me.

touche' so do we not like him? i can just go with the flow here....
I don't know him/her. Therefore I can make no judgments. I will wait to see what its posts on the open board are like.

The Hannity board is like a medium-sized city, USMB is like a small town. Here, everyone pretty much knows one another. There, no way. There's 12,000 members here, 73,000 there. So the chances of myself, or even Dude or Art knowing everyone who comes to USMB from there are pretty remote at best.
Who the hell are you? I don't recognize you, and I"m an ancient (now banned) fossil from that place dating back to 2004.

No need to change names and hide.

It's WAY better than Hannity here. WAY! :clap2:

(do you copy that, Gunnyfuck?)

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