New National Poll: Obama With Sizable Lead Over "Out of Touch" Romney

Jun 9, 2012
Basically, for those who won't read because Bloomberg is a hate site (defined as any site not pushing pro-Right Wing Agendas of course), the poll shows that while a lot of Americans give the President low marks on the economy, Romney's plan seems much worse to them. They also see him as being disconnected.

The Linked Article said:
Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.

There's certainly a lot of time between now and the election, but it would appear that at this point, Romney's not doing a great job of looking like someone that the public in general is buying into. That said, if the economy completely goes shit-house in the next five months, I'm not sure Romney wouldn't beat Obama at that point.

Also of note, this poll was conducted after Obama got basically three straight weeks of shitty economic news. So how does Romney start to engage voters and not look like a robotic puppet of Wall Street?

Obama Leads Poll; Romney Seen Out of Touch - Businessweek
Carter leads Reagan in Poll: Pres Carter would easily defeat fmr Gov Ronald Reagan(NYT, Jan 1979)
New York Times ^

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20--President Carter would easily defeat either former Gov. Ronald Reagan of California or former President Gerald R. Ford if the election were held today, according to the Gallup Poll.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Basically, for those who won't read because Bloomberg is a hate site (defined as any site not pushing pro-Right Wing Agendas of course), the poll shows that while a lot of Americans give the President low marks on the economy, Romney's plan seems much worse to them. They also see him as being disconnected.

The Linked Article said:
Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.

There's certainly a lot of time between now and the election, but it would appear that at this point, Romney's not doing a great job of looking like someone that the public in general is buying into. That said, if the economy completely goes shit-house in the next five months, I'm not sure Romney wouldn't beat Obama at that point.

Also of note, this poll was conducted after Obama got basically three straight weeks of shitty economic news. So how does Romney start to engage voters and not look like a robotic puppet of Wall Street?

Obama Leads Poll; Romney Seen Out of Touch - Businessweek

Bloomberg is the only one showing such a lead. Gallup and Rammussen, both having a much better track record on these issues then Bloomberg, have Romney leading.

Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat Results: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

But hey, you cling to anything that gives you hope.

Basically, for those who won't read because Bloomberg is a hate site (defined as any site not pushing pro-Right Wing Agendas of course), the poll shows that while a lot of Americans give the President low marks on the economy, Romney's plan seems much worse to them. They also see him as being disconnected.

The Linked Article said:
Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.

There's certainly a lot of time between now and the election, but it would appear that at this point, Romney's not doing a great job of looking like someone that the public in general is buying into. That said, if the economy completely goes shit-house in the next five months, I'm not sure Romney wouldn't beat Obama at that point.

Also of note, this poll was conducted after Obama got basically three straight weeks of shitty economic news. So how does Romney start to engage voters and not look like a robotic puppet of Wall Street?

Obama Leads Poll; Romney Seen Out of Touch - Businessweek

I think this is a more revealing poll though.

Americans' Low Satisfaction With the U.S. and the Implications for Obama

"Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport reveals that 20% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S., which is much lower than the percentage who were satisfied with the U.S. when Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan were re-elected."
If Romney wants to win, he needs to stop behaving insincerely. These cheesy grits moments are making him look as fake as a three dollar bill.

He also needs to stop dodging questions the way he did on Face the Nation the other day. What an embarrassing display of equivocation that was.

The man's balls are the size of peas.

The first and last time Romney ever impressed me was when he smacked the living shit out of Newt Gingrich in the Florida primary debate. Newt was ended right then and there. He died before his body hit the floor.

For about two minutes there, Romney was a hard pounder.

Unfortunately, his true nature is that of a flake.

Obama will win because Romney caused too many GOP voters to stay home.

Unless Obama royally screws up and causes too many Dem voters to stay home.

This won't be decided by who's best. This will be decided by which one is perceived as the least incompetent.
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Basically, for those who won't read because Bloomberg is a hate site (defined as any site not pushing pro-Right Wing Agendas of course), the poll shows that while a lot of Americans give the President low marks on the economy, Romney's plan seems much worse to them. They also see him as being disconnected.

The Linked Article said:
Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.

There's certainly a lot of time between now and the election, but it would appear that at this point, Romney's not doing a great job of looking like someone that the public in general is buying into. That said, if the economy completely goes shit-house in the next five months, I'm not sure Romney wouldn't beat Obama at that point.

Also of note, this poll was conducted after Obama got basically three straight weeks of shitty economic news. So how does Romney start to engage voters and not look like a robotic puppet of Wall Street?

Obama Leads Poll; Romney Seen Out of Touch - Businessweek

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns 45%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and another five percent (5%) are undecided.

Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).

This is the 12th straight day that Romney has held a slight advantage. Over the past 22 days, the president has been in the lead just one time. See tracking history.
Carter leads Reagan in Poll: Pres Carter would easily defeat fmr Gov Ronald Reagan(NYT, Jan 1979)
New York Times ^

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20--President Carter would easily defeat either former Gov. Ronald Reagan of California or former President Gerald R. Ford if the election were held today, according to the Gallup Poll.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Jan 1979, and the election was some 22 months away? Hmmmm what was about to happen in Iran?????
How but that title to the thread,

with out of touch Romney

Like obama is in touch or something?:badgrin:
:lol: novice when LIKELY voters are polled state to state it kind of looks BAD for Obama like Wisconsin Ohio Florida even Pennsylvania & Michigan bad for Obama lol
If Romney wants to win, he needs to stop behaving insincerely. These cheesy grits moments are making him look as fake as a three dollar bill.

He also needs to stop dodging questions the way he did on Face the Nation the other day. What an embarrassing display of equivocation that was.

The man's balls are the size of peas.

The first and last time Romney ever impressed me was when he smacked the living shit out of Newt Gingrich in the Florida primary debate. Newt was ended right then and there. He died before his body hit the floor.

For about two minutes there, Romney was a hard pounder.

Unfortunately, his true nature is that of a flake.

Obama will win because Romney caused too many GOP voters to stay home.

Unless Obama royally screws up and causes too many Dem voters to stay home.

This won't be decided by who's best. This will be decided by which one is perceived as the least incompetent.

While I agree that Romeny IS out of touch with "the little people" who do not have elevators for their cars in their homes, let's be honest...they ALL do this crap. Do you remember Obama's "beer summit"? Hillary's "shot" moment? Caribou Barbie's "Philly Cheese Steak" moment? McCain's "my wife is a slut" moment at Sturgis?

Hopefully, one day they will learn that we aren't as stupid as we vote...
Carter leads Reagan in Poll: Pres Carter would easily defeat fmr Gov Ronald Reagan(NYT, Jan 1979)
New York Times ^

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20--President Carter would easily defeat either former Gov. Ronald Reagan of California or former President Gerald R. Ford if the election were held today, according to the Gallup Poll.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Jan 1979, and the election was some 22 months away? Hmmmm what was about to happen in Iran?????

Admit it...nothing is going well for Obama.

He just played a round of golf, and went 15 billion over par.
Obama is getting desperate and we should all be afraid of what he is going to do next..
Basically, for those who won't read because Bloomberg is a hate site (defined as any site not pushing pro-Right Wing Agendas of course), the poll shows that while a lot of Americans give the President low marks on the economy, Romney's plan seems much worse to them. They also see him as being disconnected.

The Linked Article said:
Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.

There's certainly a lot of time between now and the election, but it would appear that at this point, Romney's not doing a great job of looking like someone that the public in general is buying into. That said, if the economy completely goes shit-house in the next five months, I'm not sure Romney wouldn't beat Obama at that point.

Also of note, this poll was conducted after Obama got basically three straight weeks of shitty economic news. So how does Romney start to engage voters and not look like a robotic puppet of Wall Street?

Obama Leads Poll; Romney Seen Out of Touch - Businessweek

Bloomberg is the only one showing such a lead. Gallup and Rammussen, both having a much better track record on these issues then Bloomberg, have Romney leading.

Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat Results: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

But hey, you cling to anything that gives you hope.


I'm not clinging to anything. I'm reporting on a national poll of likely voters. I'm not sure why YOU are the one shitting all over Bloomberg's poll, other than it doesn't bode well for your candidate.

In fact, considering I just said in my own post that there's so much time left, your tone is, oh, what's the word, dumb-sauce-retarded-lame. I'm just throwing it out there. And just because you don't WANT your candidate to have issues connecting with the average person, he does. You know it, we know it.

i don't think there's anything wrong in admitting your guy's weaknesses. Obama definitely has some of his own. It's one poll and one thread. Calm down.
While I agree that Romeny IS out of touch with "the little people" who do not have elevators for their cars in their homes, let's be honest...they ALL do this crap. Do you remember Obama's "beer summit"? Hillary's "shot" moment? Caribou Barbie's "Philly Cheese Steak" moment? McCain's "my wife is a slut" moment at Sturgis?

And every one of them lost. With the exception of Obama, whose beer summit was AFTER he won.
Guess I'll say it again for the reading impaired. POTUS will be decided by a few swing states. National popularity polls are mostly pointless outside of shaping a message.
This election will be decided by a few states.

I actually tend to agree. A few key states, and maybe even a few key counties within those states. But who knows, really. There's so much that can change in five months. But I think the poll does speak to the issues for both candidates. No one likes the economic state of this country, and now the country really is faced with a very clear ideological choice. This particular poll shows that people want Obama's path more than Romney's, but that's not necessarily going to stay that way.
lol, a Bloomberg poll, we know that one will be the honest truth..

and then businessWeak..

When voters see the choice is between the lesser of two evils, they go with what they know, not the unknown. Romney is an actor and not a very good one with only one consistent message, "I'm not Obama", which can mean just about anything. With Obama, what you see is what you get. He's the same person voters elected in 2008 except now he has 4 years experience as president. There is no doubt he's more qualified.

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