New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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I'm pretty sure CG was my first neg...if not one of the first two or three.

Though I don't think I've gotten one from her since.

try harder

cg is about the biggest rep whore i've ever seen, although she's toned it down a bit.

she used to blatantly suck up to anyone who had sizable rep.

i know that\ was clear.

pretty pathetic, but i guess that's the price you pay to be bill gates.


Hmm, makes me wonder what people say about me...what do you say about me?

Do I really want to know?

everybody rep whores once in awhile

what makes cg so pathetic is that she denies it.

well, one of the things that makes her so pathetic anyway.

i think you're good people :thup:
I'm pretty sure CG was my first neg...if not one of the first two or three.

Though I don't think I've gotten one from her since.

try harder

cg is about the biggest rep whore i've ever seen, although she's toned it down a bit.

she used to blatantly suck up to anyone who had sizable rep.

i know that\ was clear.

pretty pathetic, but i guess that's the price you pay to be bill gates.


Hmm, makes me wonder what people say about me...what do you say about me?

Do I really want to know?

I admire you for what you have been through and what you are accomplishing with your boys. /hugs

There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?
Sorry, but Rightwinger is spot on.

Look at franco - he was negged mercilessly for posting facts that are uncomfortable to wingnuts.

Right. It couldn't have been about the ad hominem he used.
Meh. We all use ad hominem in posts to the other side, so that's a wash.

If ad hominem comments and snark were a determining factor in getting negged, we would all be negging each other constantly. And while it may seem like it, I don't believe that's happening.
So one can very quickly assume that this new neg rep rule is because a few whiners, the ole wheel that squeaks gets the grease rule, that have ruined it for EVERYONE, and I think most that have been here awhile know exactly who those, (BDBoop), people are.

But with that aside, this new rule is very extreme, and with new members that virtually NEVER read the rules, it's unfair as well as extreme.

One, to wipe out what took YEARS for most here to acquire for what could be an HONEST MISTAKE is unjust.

Two, for admin to assume every person on the board, old and new, is going to be aware of this rule is ludicrous.

Three, if this abortion is to stay however, then it should be written into the board software so that it's just something you CAN'T DO, as you CAN'T pos rep someone more than twenty times in twenty four hours, then you shouldn't be able to neg rep someone more than twice in 48 hours. If one limit can be written into the board software, then so can the other. Why impose such strict, over the top, outlandishly unjust and unfair punishments? Is it a trap? Is it a joke? What's the reasoning? Who thought this atrocity up? I think you will see people leaving the board, and for sure those "supporting memers" will fall off. Not a smart way to run a board.

This is a big mistake.

My two cents.

First off, you of all people should never call anyone out for whining about neg reps. Just sayin.
Just wondering grump.... what if you disagree with two posts by the same person in one day... or even one thread... how is it abuse?

Isn't that what the neg is for... saying that you disagree with a post?

Possibly. To be honest 90 percent of my negs have been retalitory (ie, they did it to me first). About 10 percent have been off my own bat. In six years I reckon Iv'e given out about 25 off my own volition - that's about two a year, so it is hardly on my radar....

Some people however, seem to get a kick out of negging people into oblivion. I can't name one single right-leaning poster who has either been in that boat, or is currently in that boat. I can name at least six left-leaning posters that have or are in that boat.

Now, the problem with that is the connotation with regard to whether they are worth talking to. Four or five red stars, I tend to ignore. Is that fair? Dunno, just the way it is...

Right and left alike are both in the negger boat. I get that part. Neither side is innocent.

I am not a negger. Its not my style. But there are very rare occasions when i do neg. I disagree with the post....what they are saying. Is it right that they can whine, claim abuse of the system and have it removed because they got two? I think not.
Just wondering grump.... what if you disagree with two posts by the same person in one day... or even one thread... how is it abuse?

Isn't that what the neg is for... saying that you disagree with a post?

Possibly. To be honest 90 percent of my negs have been retalitory (ie, they did it to me first). About 10 percent have been off my own bat. In six years I reckon Iv'e given out about 25 off my own volition - that's about two a year, so it is hardly on my radar....

Some people however, seem to get a kick out of negging people into oblivion. I can't name one single right-leaning poster who has either been in that boat, or is currently in that boat. I can name at least six left-leaning posters that have or are in that boat.

Now, the problem with that is the connotation with regard to whether they are worth talking to. Four or five red stars, I tend to ignore. Is that fair? Dunno, just the way it is...

Right and left alike are both in the negger boat. I get that part. Neither side is innocent.

I am not a negger. Its not my style. But there are very rare occasions when i do neg. I disagree with the post....what they are saying. Is it right that they can whine, claim abuse of the system and have it removed because they got two? I think not.

Coud you please just clear up the "cock question?"


Are you packing heat, or not?
Possibly. To be honest 90 percent of my negs have been retalitory (ie, they did it to me first). About 10 percent have been off my own bat. In six years I reckon Iv'e given out about 25 off my own volition - that's about two a year, so it is hardly on my radar....

Some people however, seem to get a kick out of negging people into oblivion. I can't name one single right-leaning poster who has either been in that boat, or is currently in that boat. I can name at least six left-leaning posters that have or are in that boat.

Now, the problem with that is the connotation with regard to whether they are worth talking to. Four or five red stars, I tend to ignore. Is that fair? Dunno, just the way it is...

Right and left alike are both in the negger boat. I get that part. Neither side is innocent.

I am not a negger. Its not my style. But there are very rare occasions when i do neg. I disagree with the post....what they are saying. Is it right that they can whine, claim abuse of the system and have it removed because they got two? I think not.

Coud you please just clear up the "cock question?"


Are you packing heat, or not?

You did not like my little double entendre?
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