New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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I knew it all along. This is all about punishing the conservatives brought to you proudly by the whining liberals.

Typical Neo Con...starts a mess and then blames others for it...

Jillian was the first asshole ever to neg me. try again wimp.

you've deserved a lot more.

but i think i only negged you once the whole time you've been on the board.

but keep ranting and raving. it's all good.

There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?

Sorry righties..

But your little game is over. You were teaming up to bully newcomers and chase them off the board

The Mods got fed up and ended your abuse
No one picked me for the team, dammit.

I'm gonna have to go to the secret club house and have a talk with them.

Pfft! You don't know the secret handshake!

[ame=]Best Handshake of All-Time - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, I wasn't chosen either.

What you hear there are sour grapes after a failed attempt to import support for extremist views.

I've been on the board for three years. I have never seen such a dog pile on new posters as we have had the last few months.

It got out of hand and the Mods put an end to it. Sorry your little game os over. I know how much you enjoyed your bullying
As I said, you're fucking nuts.

Sorry to inform you but if there is some sort of game going on, I wish I had known about it.

"Bullying". :lmao:

Take it up with the Mods

"I didn't do nuttin ......I don't know what you is talking about"
I've been on the board for three years. I have never seen such a dog pile on new posters as we have had the last few months.

It got out of hand and the Mods put an end to it. Sorry your little game os over. I know how much you enjoyed your bullying
As I said, you're fucking nuts.

Sorry to inform you but if there is some sort of game going on, I wish I had known about it.

"Bullying". :lmao:

Take it up with the Mods

"I didn't do nuttin ......I don't know what you is talking about"


"We don't need no stinkin' badges!"
This new rule?

Rep is back to 20 in 24 hrs (I'm glad about that, 5 in 24 hours was really a small amount, imo) ; negging the same person more than once in a 48 hour period will get you whacked. Permanently, no exceptions. Seems pretty fair to me.

I never understood serial neg repping anyway ...

I think for some people with small penises (like Synthia) it made them feel a little big better about themselves to dole out shit for absolutely no reason.

What will some of the serial neggers do now? Kick puppies?

You know, I hate to inject anything serious into Pole Rider's hilarious meltdown thread, but I always wince when someone posts that video.

Admiral Stockdale was one of the bravest men to ever wear a U.S. uniform, and he paid for that bravery in physical and mental trauma.

It really is inconceivable what that man went through. We all owe him our utmost respect. I'm sure Perot's intentions were admirable in choosing him, but by then he was in no shape to be VP. But it is in poor taste to ridicule this American hero.

James Stockdale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dammit! I can't rep you.
Did you check out that link? :eek:

He parachuted into a small village, where he was severely beaten and taken into custody.

Stockdale was held as a prisoner of war in the Hoa Lo prison for the next seven years. Locked in leg irons in a bath stall, he was routinely tortured and beaten. When told by his captors that he was to be paraded in public, Stockdale slit his scalp with a razor to purposely disfigure himself so that his captors could not use him as propaganda. When they covered his head with a hat, he beat himself with a stool until his face was swollen beyond recognition. When Stockdale was discovered with information that could implicate his friends' "black activities", he slit his wrists so they could not torture him into confession.


Stockdale was released as a prisoner of war on February 12, 1973. His shoulders had been wrenched from their sockets, his leg shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back broken.

He received the Medal of Honor in 1976. Stockdale filed charges against two other officers who, he felt, had given aid and comfort to the enemy. However, the Navy Department under the leadership of then-Secretary of the Navy John Warner took no action and retired these men "in the best interests of the Navy."

Debilitated by his captivity and mistreatment, Stockdale could not stand upright and could barely walk upon his return to the United States, which prevented his return to active flying status.

So he lived with a shattered leg for all seven of his POW years.
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Can't think why with your sunny disposition and all....

so in your mind it's okay for liberals to abuse newby's got it.

Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Just wondering grump.... what if you disagree with two posts by the same person in one day... or even one thread... how is it abuse?

Isn't that what the neg is for... saying that you disagree with a post?
How can you guys remember who your first neg was from?

I can't even recall who negged me yesterday or even IF I was negged yesterday.

I'm pretty sure CG was my first neg...if not one of the first two or three.

Though I don't think I've gotten one from her since.

try harder

cg is about the biggest rep whore i've ever seen, although she's toned it down a bit.

she used to blatantly suck up to anyone who had sizable rep.

i know that\ was clear.

pretty pathetic, but i guess that's the price you pay to be bill gates.


Hmm, makes me wonder what people say about me...what do you say about me?

Do I really want to know?
I don't want them to cut the rep, the neg system they have now should help. It allows the noobs to gain a little traction and earn some rep.

I always hated repping people only to have somebody come along and neg the shit out of them. Such a waste.
you will NEVER solve the problem here, UNLESS you proportionately cut the rep...periodically.

cutting the points is cutting the points, BIG DEAL. At least our free speech is not cut, you can still neg rep who ya like and it won't hurt them....

by doing it this way, waiting the 48 hours, you solve nothing in the order of making it impossible for someone to get out of the hole on rep points.

Negative rep is suppose to be given if you vehemently disagree with a poster, NOT BECAUSE you want to blow them out of the water with your boo coos of negative rep points.

Yes, I know. This new system allows for negs but creates a boundary. This negging people 2 times a day is not correct. Especially if you have a ton of rep.

it is not two times a day.... it is (was) every 12th rep within 20 in 24 hours.
Sorry righties..

But your little game is over. You were teaming up to bully newcomers and chase them off the board

The Mods got fed up and ended your abuse
No one picked me for the team, dammit.

I'm gonna have to go to the secret club house and have a talk with them.

Oh, BTW, you're fucking nuts.

Yeah, I wasn't chosen either.

What you hear there are sour grapes after a failed attempt to import support for extremist views.

Extremist doesn't realize that she's an extremist.

I would bet that you are out of step with America on 80% of your views.
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