New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Why is it that all the liberals seem to have an inside track as to who is doing what to whom and why? Have there been meetings or something?
Pole Rider said:
Still dreaming about me little girl? Well, sorry, no gay man like me would have anything to do with a woman like you.

plus i've got fire aids- run for your life :eek:


Little bit here, little bit there, and you get away with altering a post aye bird brain?

Two can play that game... and my turn is coming.

knock yourself out, pole. :thup:

for some reason a battle of wits with you doesn't get the adrenaline pumping like you might think.
Moderate, logical noobs from both sides seem to do better than the extremist ones.

But let's be real here...there is at least a slight Conservative edge involved, because how else could you explain people like Warbler thriving?

Just an observation.
Pole Rider said:
Still dreaming about me little girl? Well, sorry, no gay man like me would have anything to do with a woman like you.

plus i've got fire aids- run for your life :eek:


Little bit here, little bit there, and you get away with altering a post aye bird brain?

Two can play that game... and my turn is coming.

I'll have to take screen shots this time. Everybody but Sherry and I missed why you stepped down from being a mod. Good times! :thup:
There has been a posse of conservatives teaming up to drive off newly joined liberal posters. They abused their power and piled red stars in an attempt to bully new posters they didn't agree with

They had it coming


There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?

Believe it or not Im going to AGREE with Kosher on this one.

Look Kosher negs me more than any one else has ever negged me. But isnt the whole fucking POINT of negging to express your displeasure your disagreement with those who you feel are too far removed from you to ever get it? I was negged mercilessly when I joined up. SO WHAT? You know what happened? They laid off and I was gaineing MORE rep from those that agreed with me and were glad to have another voice on their side.

If you dont like getting negged, turn off your rep.

It doesnt matter AT ALL. Its just a dumb ass number and something COMPLETELY STUPID to get all up in arms over.


Rep is THAT important? Some arbitrary number on a forum where we post profanity at each other?

Oh and Kosher? You can neg me 100 times a day and Ill never report you. Ill call you names for it, but Ill NEVER report you. Cause thats just cowardly.
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Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:

pssst...It's looking like free whine day around here... :lol:

All the board whiners/liberals are in full SOCIALIST swing here. They all want the rep EVENED OUT, just like their little boi king soetoro and his "spread the wealth around," they want a "spread the rep around." Their true colors are showing Lump. Bunch a damn, whiny little socialist shit bags.
Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:

pssst...It's looking like free whine day around here... :lol:

That'd be funny if you weren't the first or second poster to mention who they were negged by when first on the board.

Just another observation.
No, he was negged mercilessly for posting bullshit extremist views that the majority doesn't approve of.
like you do?
so in your mind it's okay for liberals to abuse newby's got it.

Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:
I remember Allie. She was a colossal bitch.
Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:

pssst...It's looking like free whine day around here... :lol:

All the board whiners/liberals are in full SOCIALIST swing here. They all want the rep EVENED OUT, just like their little boi king soetoro and his "spread the wealth around," they want a "spread the rep around." Their true colors are showing Lump. Bunch a damn, whiny little socialist shit bags.

:clap2: dang son! hammer meet nail.
Do I think the new rule is a good one? Maybe............there are some people on here who used to take fiendish delight in negging me and I'd return the neg, then they'd spread it around and come back and neg me again that same day.

Did it bother me? Not really, because I already knew they were into shit like that from the way they posted, usually hateful and bitchy with no facts to back up their bullshit and they didn't like getting called out. people REALLY carry that much hate and bitterness that they have to neg the same person twice in 48 hours, just because they disagree with them?

Sounds like a sad way to live.

Me personally? I like to hand out pos rep for things that make me think or laugh. I generally only save the neg rep to return the favor to those who negged me.
Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:

pssst...It's looking like free whine day around here... :lol:

All the board whiners/liberals are in full SOCIALIST swing here. They all want the rep EVENED OUT, just like their little boi king soetoro and his "spread the wealth around," they want a "spread the rep around." Their true colors are showing Lump. Bunch a damn, whiny little socialist shit bags.

You started the whiney thread.
No, he was negged mercilessly for posting bullshit extremist views that the majority doesn't approve of.
like you do?
Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:
I remember Allie. She was a colossal bitch.

You have that wrong. You're a colossal bitch.
I don't want them to cut the rep, the neg system they have now should help. It allows the noobs to gain a little traction and earn some rep.

I always hated repping people only to have somebody come along and neg the shit out of them. Such a waste.
you will NEVER solve the problem here, UNLESS you proportionately cut the rep...periodically.

cutting the points is cutting the points, BIG DEAL. At least our free speech is not cut, you can still neg rep who ya like and it won't hurt them....

by doing it this way, waiting the 48 hours, you solve nothing in the order of making it impossible for someone to get out of the hole on rep points.

Negative rep is suppose to be given if you vehemently disagree with a poster, NOT BECAUSE you want to blow them out of the water with your boo coos of negative rep points.

Yes, I know. This new system allows for negs but creates a boundary. This negging people 2 times a day is not correct. Especially if you have a ton of rep.
reducing the points is a much better solution, whether by reducing all of our points proportionately or reducing the neg rep point percentage to 90% vs 50%...

I don't think usmb wants to limit speech and limiting the neg reps with comment to a 48 hour period, would do that imo....

but reducing everyone's rep points by an equal percentage, to the point where the long timers or the seasoned rep point accumulator doesn't have enough rep to be able to solely blow to smithereens some other members rep enough that this other member can never get out of the hole or catch up, is just.

we need a NOTHANKS key too
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No, he was negged mercilessly for posting bullshit extremist views that the majority doesn't approve of.
like you do?
Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:
I remember Allie. She was a colossal bitch.

Always A Babbling Bitch (Allie) has changed and now is known as Kosher Twit (Kosher Girl).
No, he was negged mercilessly for posting bullshit extremist views that the majority doesn't approve of.
like you do?
Well did she neg you constantly, day after day, or even twice in one day (if that is even possible). If so, then yes, that is abuse...and should have been reported..

Willow's rep doesn't seem to have suffered... :lol:

My first neg reps were from AllieBaba and Dive Con... :thup:
I remember Allie. She was a colossal bitch.

She's gone but it's kinda like she never really left. She lives on in our hearts..
pssst...It's looking like free whine day around here... :lol:

All the board whiners/liberals are in full SOCIALIST swing here. They all want the rep EVENED OUT, just like their little boi king soetoro and his "spread the wealth around," they want a "spread the rep around." Their true colors are showing Lump. Bunch a damn, whiny little socialist shit bags.

You started the whiney thread.


It's a liberal conspiracy.

This has been one funny day. :thup:
Moderate, logical noobs from both sides seem to do better than the extremist ones.

But let's be real here...there is at least a slight Conservative edge involved, because how else could you explain people like Warbler thriving?

Just an observation.

warbler was part of the sandi v circle jerk.
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