New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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What's the big deal here people? So the Mods limited the number of neg reps you can give...the world isn't going to end!

Personally, i don't care one bit because i don't do neg reps.
There has been a posse of conservatives teaming up to drive off newly joined liberal posters. They abused their power and piled red stars in an attempt to bully new posters they didn't agree with

They had it coming


There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?

Believe it or not Im going to AGREE with Kosher on this one.

Look Kosher negs me more than any one else has ever negged me. But isnt the whole fucking POINT of negging to express your displeasure your disagreement with those who you feel are too far removed from you to ever get it? I was negged mercilessly when I joined up. SO WHAT? You know what happened? They laid off and I was gaineing MORE rep from those that agreed with me and were glad to have another voice on their side.

If you dont like getting negged, turn off your rep.

It doesnt matter AT ALL. Its just a dumb ass number and something COMPLETELY STUPID to get all up in arms over.


Rep is THAT important? Some arbitrary number on a forum where we post profanity at each other?

Oh and Kosher? You can neg me 100 times a day and Ill never report you. Ill call you names for it, but Ill NEVER report you. Cause thats just cowardly.

Bwahaha...good to know.

But sadly, I think my neg rep days are mostly over. I rep too much to keep track of 48 hours worth on my cp, and I'm too lazy and move around too much between computers to keep a tally at hand.

Why are you people making these new Rep rules seem like the world's ending? If you use up your alottment of Reps, then give a "Thanks". Geesh.
Yeah, the little pale riding bitch..

Still dreaming about me little girl? Well, sorry, no real man like me would have anything to do with a nasty little scab ridden skank like you.

Cured those herpes yet?

This isn't the flame zone, Mr. Asphedora. What is it with you guys and Sarah?! Her behavior on the board is damn near beyond reproach.
Oh? Is that so?

Sarah G - "I owe you a neg, cretin."

Sarah G - "Yes, the rabid right wingers have had a lot of experience in being really stupid so they take it better.."

Sarah G - "You think your nutbar abortion rants are discussions? Think again, whacko."

Sarah G - "How do you know, were you there? Stand with fucking"

Gee, Ms. Boop. Other people's standards are generally above the level of snake snot.
And now I suppose I'll get banned for "questioning" board rules, even though I'm under the impression it was "open for discussion" being in the "announcements & FEEDBACK" section.

I thought you were a mod.


I'm not even sure WTF this thread is about.


He can't neg the same person more than once in 48 hours now and he's whining about it.

I've never negged anyone...for the past 2.5 years.

I prefer to taunt in public.
And now I suppose I'll get banned for "questioning" board rules, even though I'm under the impression it was "open for discussion" being in the "announcements & FEEDBACK" section.

I thought you were a mod.


I'm not even sure WTF this thread is about.


He can't neg the same person more than once in 48 hours now and he's whining about it.

Well, many Liberals around here can't add up 1+1... he's concerned..:D
Just wondering grump.... what if you disagree with two posts by the same person in one day... or even one thread... how is it abuse?

Isn't that what the neg is for... saying that you disagree with a post?

Possibly. To be honest 90 percent of my negs have been retalitory (ie, they did it to me first). About 10 percent have been off my own bat. In six years I reckon Iv'e given out about 25 off my own volition - that's about two a year, so it is hardly on my radar....

Some people however, seem to get a kick out of negging people into oblivion. I can't name one single right-leaning poster who has either been in that boat, or is currently in that boat. I can name at least six left-leaning posters that have or are in that boat.

Now, the problem with that is the connotation with regard to whether they are worth talking to. Four or five red stars, I tend to ignore. Is that fair? Dunno, just the way it is...
I'm pretty sure CG was my first neg...if not one of the first two or three.

Though I don't think I've gotten one from her since.

try harder

cg is about the biggest rep whore i've ever seen, although she's toned it down a bit.

she used to blatantly suck up to anyone who had sizable rep.

i know that\ was clear.

pretty pathetic, but i guess that's the price you pay to be bill gates.


Hmm, makes me wonder what people say about me...what do you say about me?

Do I really want to know?


I like the don't ask; don't tell policy.
Still dreaming about me little girl? Well, sorry, no real man like me would have anything to do with a nasty little scab ridden skank like you.

Cured those herpes yet?

This isn't the flame zone, Mr. Asphedora. What is it with you guys and Sarah?! Her behavior on the board is damn near beyond reproach.
Oh? Is that so?

Sarah G - "I owe you a neg, cretin."

Sarah G - "Yes, the rabid right wingers have had a lot of experience in being really stupid so they take it better.."

Sarah G - "You think your nutbar abortion rants are discussions? Think again, whacko."

Sarah G - "How do you know, were you there? Stand with fucking"

Gee, Ms. Boop. Other people's standards are generally above the level of snake snot.

This is pretty damn tame, really. :dunno:

There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?
Sorry, but Rightwinger is spot on.

Look at franco - he was negged mercilessly for posting facts that are uncomfortable to wingnuts.

i negged him because he's a fuckwit.

true story
Well, you've negged me in the past for being a fuckwit, too, so at least you're consistent! :lol:
Yeah, the little pale riding bitch..

Still dreaming about me little girl? Well, sorry, no real man like me would have anything to do with a nasty little scab ridden skank like you.

Cured those herpes yet?
Negged. I don't give a shit if you have 3x my rep power. You're a pussy coward.

Well, Synth, that oughta tell'em a thing or two.

I'm certain Pale now feels really bad about his behaviour, and will seek out professional help and possibly even join a monastary.
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