new new strain of HIV-thanks to our homosexual friends

The fact of the matter is, that gay and bisexual men as a group have a larger number of sex partners than heterosexuals on average.

You're kidding, right??? Hell.. Most heterosexual men will lay anything with feet and a pulse.

Most homosexual couples are just as monogamous as heterosexual couples. In fact, I'd venture to guess that homosexuals have *fewer* sexual partners, because there are fewer of them overall.
Shattered said:
You're kidding, right??? Hell.. Most heterosexual men will lay anything with feet and a pulse.

Most homosexual couples are just as monogamous as heterosexual couples. In fact, I'd venture to guess that homosexuals have *fewer* sexual partners, because there are fewer of them overall.

No, I'm not kidding. As I said, as a group, gay/bisexual men average a much higher number of sexual partners than other groups of people, especially heterosexuals. I am basing what I claim on statistics that I have read, not on personal experience.

P.S. I can also make the claim that most heterosexual women will lay anything with a 6 figure income or a big bank account, but I'll bite my tongue.
nakedemperor said:
Gays also continue to whine about not being able to marry when world hunger still exists! Man those selfish gays don't even TALK about the starving Somalian children! They couldn't care less!
True, they don't. They don't seem to talk about anything but AIDS and other gay causes.

Many gays seem to me to be very self centered and narcissistic. From the way a lot of them talk, you'd think that the world owed them something.

You claim that AIDS is a health crisis, but in fact it affects gays mostly, otherwise, they couldn't care less.
P.S. I can also make the claim that most heterosexual women will lay anything with a 6 figure income or a big bank account, but I'll bite my tongue.

I'll give ya that one... I can probably name very few who wouldn't (myself included - :tng: :))..
KarlMarx said:
P.S. I can also make the claim that most heterosexual women will lay anything with a 6 figure income or a big bank account, but I'll bite my tongue.

Oh, please do. :poke:
KarlMarx said:
True, they don't. They don't seem to talk about anything but AIDS and other gay causes.

Many gays seem to me to be very self centered and narcissistic. From the way a lot of them talk, you'd think that the world owed them something.

You claim that AIDS is a health crisis, but in fact it affects gays mostly, otherwise, they couldn't care less.

You're seriously suggesting that something about homosexual physiognomy makes them *more* selfish than most people? You're suggesting that since AIDS is so prevalent in the gay community they *shouldn't* be really concerned about it? Unbelievable.
nakedemperor said:

Gee Naked ,
Big word . . .I didn't know it so I looked it up in my Oxford American Dictionary , seems you don't either.

physiognomy-n.-the features of a person's face . Unless there is a redefinition in gayspeak you seem to be using it wrong.

Since the " gay " community is so very concerned about the AIDs problem , how about testing everyone and quarantining those who are infected. I am a proud heterosexual and wouldn't have a problem with being tested and if I was infected , I would feel it was my duty to human kind to be quarantined . . . how about you .
As for the idea that hetero men are just as sexually driven as homos . . . I'll buy that but there is a huge difference . . . women. Women are the check valve for men . Homosexuals don't have that check valve so it is actually men's sexual drive times two at least , no stopping it . It is shown everyday in how homosexuals define themselves . They are "gay" first and whatever second .

Oh by the way , judging by the amount of gays that while knowing I was straight and was born that way , still tryed to hit on me and told me that I needed to try it to know for sure . Sounds like they
don't even believe in the phantom gene.
sitarro said:
As for the idea that hetero men are just as sexually driven as homos . . . I'll buy that but there is a huge difference . . . women. Women are the check valve for men . Homosexuals don't have that check valve so it is actually men's sexual drive times two at least , no stopping it . It is shown everyday in how homosexuals define themselves . They are "gay" first and whatever second .

Very excellent point. Ive always said that no one has a right to sex. If they did, women would be denying men their rights every day.
nakedemperor said:
You're seriously suggesting that something about homosexual physiognomy makes them *more* selfish than most people? You're suggesting that since AIDS is so prevalent in the gay community they *shouldn't* be really concerned about it? Unbelievable.
No, I didn't say that gays shouldn't be concerned about it. But it really is their responsibility and trying to hoodwink the rest of us into believing that is anything else is dishonest to say the least. AIDS was introduced into this country during the 1970s by an individual known as "Patient Zero", a gay airline flight attendant who contracted the disease while on a "sex holiday" in Africa. He infected dozens of gay men in this country who went on to infect hundreds more and the rest is history.

Furthermore, all the attention that AIDS gets has helped to take away attention (and funding) from other diseases that affect a lot more people (such as Alzheimer's disease and others).

Gays seem to be the first to rush into line when victimhood status is being conferred.

Here are a few examples......

1. AIDS is caused by homophobia. That claim says that straight people somehow caused AIDS and are to blame. According to the CDC, in this country AIDS primarily affects gay/bisexual men and intravenous drug abusers. Furthermore, "homophobia" is not categorized as a mental condition by the APA (American Psychiatric Association) although gay activists have tried to get it classified as such. The implication is that "homophobia" is a mental disease and those who consider homosexuality to be objectionable on moral or cultural grounds are mentally ill.

BTW... I keep referring to the CDC statistics here they are:

2. The "pink triangle" - used by gays as a symbol of gay identity. The pink triangle was first used by the Nazis to identify homosexual prisoners in the death camps. The implication by the gays is that the Nazis were persecuting them and that they deserve to be recognized as victims of the Holocaust, even to the point of erecting a marker at Auschwitz (over the protests of the local Jewish community that considered such a monument to be an insult to the memory of the millions of Jews who were murdered there). However, less than 15,000 people were sentenced to the death camps for being gay as opposed to 6,000,000 Jews that were murdered in those very same camps. The Gestapo and SS that carried out the murders in those camps was founded by Ernest Roehm, an early Hitler supporter and homosexual. Hitler knew Roehm was gay, considered him a friend and did not have any objections to his sexual orientation. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis used the pink triangle as a means of further embarrassing political opponents. If they actually wanted to exterminate homosexuals in Europe, then the number of gays murdered by the Nazis would have numbered in the millions. Furthermore, other groups of people suffered much more at the hands of the Nazis and the victims that belong to those groups far outnumber homosexuals (examples, Gypsies, Slavs, Russians, Ukranians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs, and the list goes on and on).

3. The gay gene. "I was born this way" is one of the excuses many gay people use for their sexual orientation. So now our sexual behavior is the responsibility of genetics, not choice (if that is so, then there is a gene for sexual preferences for children, rams, dead people, your close relatives, your neighbor's spouse etc). The fact is that the evidence for a gay gene is tenuous at best and no scientific conclusion has been reached. However, thanks to the gays, most people now accept the fallacy (no pun intended) that gays are born gay, when in fact, a large number of factors (including a history of sexual abuse) are more likely the cause. Whether or not you feel sexually attracted to members of the same sex may or may not be a matter of genetics, but acting on those feelings definitely is a choice.

4. The comparison of gay rights to black civil rights. Gays rights activists have long been drawing comparisons between gay rights and the plight of blacks in the 1950s/1960s and the Civil Rights movement. Yet, to my knowledge, few if any black civil rights leaders have acknowledged such parallels, and in at least one circumstance, denounced such comparisons. The fact is that blacks were denied the right to vote (never happened to gays), segregated by race (never happened to gays), denied access to the political process (considering Barney Frank and other gays in political office, this one is obvious), lynched (ok, violence against gays has happened, but the number of blacks lynched by white mobs overshadows the occassional murder of a gay person by one or two individuals). The fact is that gays are very organized politically, have access to property (many own businesses and are quite wealthy --- Elton John comes to mind), are educated (otherwise there would not be gay doctors and lawyers) and so on. The comparison between gay rights and black civil rights is bogus, to say the least.

5. The great civilizations had homosexuality but Christianity came along and suppressed it. In a reference to the Greeks and Romans, who did indeed practice some form of homosexuality. But, comparing the homosexual practices of the Romans and Greeks to modern day homosexuality is not valid. Homosexuality in the Roman and Greek world was practiced by upper class men (in Greece the practice was confined to Athens), and no evidence exists of it being practiced by the common Roman or Greek. Furthermore, the practice of homosexuality was almost always between a man and a young boy and was considered part of his "coming of age". Homosexual relations between two boys or two men was considered shameful. In short, the Romans and Greeks had institutionalized pedophilia. They also practiced slavery, and gladitorial combats to the death, I don't hear anyone arguing that we should revive those two institutions. Christianity came along and condemned the practice of pedophilia (as well as homosexuality, which in the case of most Romans and Greeks was a non sequitar), as well as condemned gladitorial combat (slavery, on the other hand was not, however, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that slaves actually held office in the early church.)
One of these days you folks will realize that homosexuals and their apologists are the grand masters of rationalization. None of their arguments have merit as these arguments are all simply constructs of their wishful thinking and not the result of an anal-ysis :teeth: of factual information.

Homosexual marriage is simply a demand by activist deviants. That's it - period. It is not, nor has it ever been, a right. But homosexuals have perverted this thought process in much the same way they distorted the meaning of the word "gay".

It is truly amazing how quickly this new strain of AIDS has mutated in not only one, but two ways. The first is the physical mutation of the virus into a new and deadlier form. The second mutation is the change of its status from a homosexual disease to a "public health crisis". I'm sure that eventually it WILL become a public health crisis as the disease makes the transition to the heterosexual community through the usual vectors - infected drug users and bi-sexuals. So this time the homosexual community seems to be off to a flying start - identifying the new AIDS as a "public" menace even before it is fully identified. Can you see the upcoming demonstrations and demands for more of your tax dollars?

Somehow the rest of America has become responsible to rescue homosexuals from the consequences of their deviant and disease-ridden lifestyle. Somehow a great many Americans have been duped into accepting that premise. Personally, I'm a great believer in the old reap-as-ye-sow premise. Homosexuals want to go about cavorting carelessly with dozens of partners, yet when they inevitably encounter the consequences of their behavior, they demand that you and I fix it for them. Seems a pretty childish attitude to me.

So I'll leave both religion and politics out of the conclusion and simply point out that AIDS is NATURE'S way of telling homosexuals that same-gender sex is an unnatural perversion. But I'm sure that the limp-wrist contingent will find some way to rationalize that too by pointing out that there are instances of homosexual behavior among animals. Well, that's true - and for proof, one needs to look no further than the local "gay" bar.
KarlMarx said:
Furthermore, all the attention that AIDS gets has helped to take away attention (and funding) from other diseases that affect a lot more people (such as Alzheimer's disease and others).

Name a disease that kills more people worldwide per diem than HIV/AIDS.
nakedemperor said:
According to the appendix the countries polled in your report number 38 (out of 200+) and include 1 African nation, but zero sub-Saharan African nations. Data including the African continent would probably make AIDS the #1 killer.

Probably? Why don't you find some proof.

As Bugs Bunny would say,"what a maroon!"
rtwngAvngr said:
Probably? Why don't you find some proof.

As Bugs Bunny would say,"what a maroon!"

I'm the maroon? You're the one who posted a "world causes of death" link that sampled 38 of the worlds 200+ countries and included no countries in the continent where 2/3 of the worlds AIDS deaths occur. Use your braaaain to extrapolate that AIDS was a close #4 when including NONE of these countries. I know you can do it if you try.
nakedemperor said:
I'm the maroon? You're the one who posted a "world causes of death" link that sampled 38 of the worlds 200+ countries and included no countries in the continent where 2/3 of the worlds AIDS deaths occur. Use your braaaain to extrapolate that AIDS was a close #4 when including NONE of these countries. I know you can do it if you try.

I knew you couldn't find any proof.
nakedemperor said:
Ignore the facts that homosexuality doesn't spread AIDS, but unprotected sex and not screening seuxal partners does?

The fact of the matter is this: if vaginal and oral sex were as effective trasmitters of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, heterosexual sex would be JUST AS DANGEROUS as homosexual sexBig IF, point is, anal sex is not clean ? Do you think the heterosexual community would suddenly change its ways and always use a condom and always test their partners and themselves before sex? No, no they wouldn't, because its human natureWhat an assumption! Where have you been for the past 20 years? Condoms were barely in use before Aids. People also started wearing them to prevent other diseases. .

This is a public health crisis, and will be most effectively combated by providing more awareness funding, promoting testing and safe sex techniques, etc.. NOT sitting back and blaming the gays. But if you really cared about others, you'd realize this, not sit in front of your computer flaming gays for fun.Don't you think it also fair for Gays to take a stance on this? Such as practicing safe anal sex, if there is sucha thing. Why is the burden on the rest of society?

What do you think?

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