New Obama Attack: Romney Paid Too Much In Taxes On Purpose. How Evil!!!!

If that's what Romney does..lets see if he's done it since 2000.

Even Romney's father stated that one or two years of tax returns could be an anomaly.

And if Romney loses he still has time to claim those deductions.

But you knew that..right?

I think it's pretty clear by now why Romney won't release anything else.

The Dems make shit up as they go. Why give them more when they can't be trusted with what they already have????


Nope. Guess we're back to talking about Romney's tax returns because people don't care about all of the other attacks on Romney. Meanwhile the empty-chair is making plans to get the hell out of Washington.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.



Articles: Empty Chair Leadership: Obama's History of Shirking Duty

Blog: Are American voters waking up to reality about Israel and the Middle East?

Everybody knows why he won't release previous returns, because he's a cheat.

This is a last ditch effort to get people to trust him, his own party made him release this return but he will need to release a lot more for that to happen.

Don't see much of an effort here. Picked up the phone called his accountant, I know we forecast future taxation scenarios last year, we were a plannig for less than 10%, please modify my tax return to reflect 14%. Say hi to Margaret and the kids for me , make god dame sure the shit locked up! And that's gonna change any body's mind on voting for him at this point?:poop:

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.

So he should check Obama when he votes?

He should entertain us with an explanation of what he meant when he said it.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.

So you're claim is that everyone must claim every deduction that they are allowed to claim? You really want to run with that?



That really is some fucking dumb shit.

That is exactly what Romney claimed when he said paying more taxes than he owed was stupid.
The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.

So he should check Obama when he votes?

He should entertain us with an explanation of what he meant when he said it.

I look forward to romney's explanations on what he meant. Seems like he does a lot of this lately. My suggestion, he should get a stand in robot with a high powered computer brain. I feel this will help him tremendously in explaining the meaning of what he meant on most things.:eusa_whistle:
Romney gave a ton of money to his church, which, if you believe them, will give a big portion of that away as handouts to the poor,

aka handouts to those in the 47% that Romney claims will not vote for him because they're voting for Obama and the Democrats,

because, supposedly, they depend on them for their handouts.

very very funny.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

I don't think this particular 'issue' will garner much traction. He said that he'd paid an average of some percent over 20 years. When doing his taxes, he must have come up just short of that amount, so they accountants chose not to deduct all the charitable donations he gave in the past year, just more than 1/2.

Those of us that give to charities and fill out the long form, know that the amount saved isn't 'huge', but it is something. I guess when one is able to give more than $4m to charity, not deducting near 1/2 is something I'd like to have. ;) However, the discrepancy in the percentage was so small in the 20 year average, to still let him deduct most of it, in one year.

Much ado about nothing.
Hey bitch! If he was a cheat the IRS would already know it and his ass would be in jail. why don't you go braid your pussy hair? Or better yet let ravi braid it,

Boy, you all are getting pretty surly. No worries, the election is still a little more than a month away. Plenty of time for him to release his early returns where it shows he paid zero taxes.

price waterhouse coopers has already told us he had net taxes to pay and paid them over the last 20 years........


It may be that someone is gonna have to explain who Price Waterhouse Coopers actually are.... some dumbass liberal actually thought it was a person earlier. I swear, you could not make up this much stupid.
So he should check Obama when he votes?

He should entertain us with an explanation of what he meant when he said it.

I look forward to romney's explanations on what he meant. Seems like he does a lot of this lately. My suggestion, he should get a stand in robot with a high powered computer brain. I feel this will help him tremendously in explaining the meaning of what he meant on most things.:eusa_whistle:

Romney's problem is that he panders on almost a day to day basis depending on who's in his audience.

I'd dub it micro-pandering. He is seemingly oblivious to the inevitability that such a 'style' piles up contradiction after contradication, inconsistency after inconsistency.

It's like he's embraced flip flopping as some sort of merit badge.
The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.

So you're claim is that everyone must claim every deduction that they are allowed to claim? You really want to run with that?



That really is some fucking dumb shit.

That is exactly what Romney claimed when he said paying more taxes than he owed was stupid.

No, he didn't. That's spin of his words. Make sure you don't make yourself sick with all that spinning.
He should entertain us with an explanation of what he meant when he said it.

I look forward to romney's explanations on what he meant. Seems like he does a lot of this lately. My suggestion, he should get a stand in robot with a high powered computer brain. I feel this will help him tremendously in explaining the meaning of what he meant on most things.:eusa_whistle:

Romney's problem is that he panders on almost a day to day basis depending on who's in his audience.

I'd dub it micro-pandering. He is seemingly oblivious to the inevitability that such a 'style' piles up contradiction after contradication, inconsistency after inconsistency.

It's like he's embraced flip flopping as some sort of merit badge.

He's running for office dumb-ass. :eusa_eh:

What do you expect him to do, tell everyone to fuck off????:confused:
Boy, you all are getting pretty surly. No worries, the election is still a little more than a month away. Plenty of time for him to release his early returns where it shows he paid zero taxes.

Hey! count. back up your big mouth and show us where he cheated.

Tax Rules For Offshore Banking

The Myth of Secret Offshore Banking

"The IRS has been trying to convince the U.S. Congress that a lot of people are evading taxes with offshore financial accounts, trusts and corporations. It's their bureaucratic assumption that they can and should somehow uncover every dime of unreported income - regardless of what it costs. " hmm..
Congress did enact legislation to allow tax dodgers to bring the money home. I don't need to see all of romney's tax forms of like to know fee applied this legislation and tax preparation. Romney can keep truly private the totality of the contents. :eusa_eh:

I notice you say nothing about wealthy democrats (like Nancy) having off shore accounts. Curious... and more than a tad hypocritical.
Pretty simple to clear up then.

Release 12 years of taxes..and see if this behavior traverses other returns.

If that's what Romney does..lets see if he's done it since 2000.

Even Romney's father stated that one or two years of tax returns could be an anomaly.

And if Romney loses he still has time to claim those deductions.

But you knew that..right?

I think it's pretty clear by now why Romney won't release anything else.

The Dems make shit up as they go. Why give them more when they can't be trusted with what they already have????


Nope. Guess we're back to talking about Romney's tax returns because people don't care about all of the other attacks on Romney. Meanwhile the empty-chair is making plans to get the hell out of Washington.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.



Articles: Empty Chair Leadership: Obama's History of Shirking Duty

Blog: Are American voters waking up to reality about Israel and the Middle East?

Everybody knows why he won't release previous returns, because he's a cheat.

This is a last ditch effort to get people to trust him, his own party made him release this return but he will need to release a lot more for that to happen.
You stupid nitwits that worry about Romney's taxes rather than Obama's school papers are simply that...STUPID NITWITS!

I can think of no reason whatsoever that Obama should not be PROUD to release the defining papers that he penned as a great and glorious student at the various schools he allegedly attended.

Could it possibly be that those closely guarded papers will prove to the American public that OBAMA IS A GODDAMED MARXIST!

You fuckers need to wake up and smell the shit being sold to you.
He should entertain us with an explanation of what he meant when he said it.

I look forward to romney's explanations on what he meant. Seems like he does a lot of this lately. My suggestion, he should get a stand in robot with a high powered computer brain. I feel this will help him tremendously in explaining the meaning of what he meant on most things.:eusa_whistle:

Romney's problem is that he panders on almost a day to day basis depending on who's in his audience.

I'd dub it micro-pandering. He is seemingly oblivious to the inevitability that such a 'style' piles up contradiction after contradication, inconsistency after inconsistency.

It's like he's embraced flip flopping as some sort of merit badge.

Still obsessing over the irrelevant I see.
Boy, you all are getting pretty surly. No worries, the election is still a little more than a month away. Plenty of time for him to release his early returns where it shows he paid zero taxes.

price waterhouse coopers has already told us he had net taxes to pay and paid them over the last 20 years........


It may be that someone is gonna have to explain who Price Waterhouse Coopers actually are.... some dumbass liberal actually thought it was a person earlier. I swear, you could not make up this much stupid.

Are those the guys that clean his water-closets???

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

Romney wouldn’t need to worry about ‘tax attacks’ if he’d simply addressed the issue honestly months ago.

Romney has only himself to blame for ‘tax attacks.’
pubpots are SO predictable and SO gullible.

After the election, Mittens will quietly find an amended return to get every penny he can.

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