New Obamacare Nightmare


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
New Obamacare nightmare: federally-run exchanges can't quote consumers the correct price

Less than two weeks before the launch of insurance marketplaces created by the federal health overhaul, the government's software can't reliably determine how much people need to pay for coverage, according to insurance executives and people familiar with the program.

So not only will your personal information be open to hackers, you are probably going to get an incorrect quote from the government designed, government run computer system.

Read more: Blog: New Obamacare nightmare: federally-run exchanges can't quote consumers the correct price
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Man I am glad most conservatives do not work in the field of science.

Every bump in the road is a "nightmare" or "the end".

I know that in IT if people felt the way conservatives do about little bumps in the road? Nothing would ever get done.


Words to live by.

No plan is ever perfect. And the only way to make any of them better is by following those four words.
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Man I am glad most conservatives do not work in the field of science.

Every bump in the road is a "nightmare" or "the end".

I know that in IT if people felt the way conservatives do about little bumps in the road? Nothing would ever get done.


Words to live by.

No plan is ever perfect. And the only way to make any of them better is by following those four words.

how long has Obummercare had to get the software right......4 years now....? :lol:

yeah.....maybe all the high Obummercare costs are just a computer glitch....:rolleyes:

Gosh I hope so, I am going to be thrown on the exchanges soon.

Yeah, I'm very lucky I don't share that fate. It would be nerve wracking. I'm not a fan of obamacare, but I'm not for shutting down the gummit. If I'm the gop, I want the law to go into effect and run on 2014 about how to change it.
Man I am glad most conservatives do not work in the field of science.

Every bump in the road is a "nightmare" or "the end".

I know that in IT if people felt the way conservatives do about little bumps in the road? Nothing would ever get done.


Words to live by.

No plan is ever perfect. And the only way to make any of them better is by following those four words.
This "plan" has been a clusterfuck since Day 1. But that's what happens when one uses this logic: "We must pass it to see what's in it!"

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