New ohio law let's students give wrong answers for religious reasons.

I didn't see where it stated they could give a wrong answer. I doubt very seriously that anyone is going to be marked correct if they state that their religion teaches them 1+1=3.
You are forgetting the Left now says math is racist, so anything is possible
WTF? Link to where the "Left" says that math is racist???
Ever use Google?
Is math racist? New course outlines prompt conversations about identity, race in Seattle classrooms
Math is racist: How data is driving inequality
TRENDING: Educators work to combat racism, whiteness in math | The College Fix
there is more but this should get you started
It's noteworthy that lefties assume that answers based on religious upbringing in homework and written and oral assignments are automatically "wrong". WTF?

There is no assumption. The article states:

New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

But we thought critical thinking was more important?
It is.

One cannot think critically unless one's head contains facts about which one can critically think.
Before you post, remember common core.


New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

The Ohio state House of Representatives has passed the Student Religious Liberties Act, which prevents teachers from penalizing students for giving incorrect answers on tests or other schoolwork if those facts would conflict with their religious beliefs.

The relevant section reads "No school district board of education (...) shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments. Assignment grades and scores shall be calculated using ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance, including any legitimate pedagogical concerns, and shall not penalize or reward a student based on the religious content of a student's work."
Asinine law. You are either correct or you are wrong. Carving out safe spaces is WRING

What's the correct answer for essay tests?

It's based on opinion

Apples and screwdrivers.
This law doesn't mean what you think it means. It prohibits penalizing students from referencing religion in their work. Students have received failing grades on essays in which they Thank God or Praise Jesus simply because the teacher didn't like the religion.

This new law is great news.
Can't say I disagree with this on matters of theory.

Creationism is a theory. Evolution is a theory. Neither can be proven or disproven, so who's to say what's right/wrong?

Now if we're talking 2+2=5 because "God says so", that's just stupid.
I remember in design class I drew one hell of a pick up truck in ink (before CAD/CAM) my teacher marked this is wrong this is wrong in red ink, my dad seen it (a designer) and gave my teacher hell.

My specifications was right, I drew it to scale.
One of the reasons Christian society is advanced was that Christianity allowed room for science. The last 20 years, Christianity with help from the Republicsns is ending this & now pass laws to make people stupid.
Secular liberals make people stupid. Biologically there are only males and females. Liberals say no. Biology is stupid. Biologically and medically sex cannot be changed by thinking about it except for liberals.

Who is making people stupid?
Before you post, remember common core.


New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

The Ohio state House of Representatives has passed the Student Religious Liberties Act, which prevents teachers from penalizing students for giving incorrect answers on tests or other schoolwork if those facts would conflict with their religious beliefs.

The relevant section reads "No school district board of education (...) shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments. Assignment grades and scores shall be calculated using ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance, including any legitimate pedagogical concerns, and shall not penalize or reward a student based on the religious content of a student's work."
So students can say the Earth is 6000 years old, or that dinosaur fossils are a trick, or that it's turtles all the way down, and the schools are OK with all that?
Yeah i agree, thats bullshit. I also think its bullshit when people on the left suggest there are 100 genders. Facts are facts. Personal beliefs have no place in acadamia.
Science says you are full of shit.

No, science says XX & XY, and on very rare occasion XXY.

That's it, cupcake.
Can't say I disagree with this on matters of theory.

Creationism is a theory. Evolution is a theory. Neither can be proven or disproven, so who's to say what's right/wrong?

Now if we're talking 2+2=5 because "God says so", that's just stupid.

Exactly, it makes the students and teachers more critical thinkers.
"To pass this class you must think this way"

Think about it.

Had one of those in college. One of my assignments was I had to visit an on-campus art show and write an essay detailing what I thought about what I saw at the show. To be honest aside from something grandiose like the Sistine Chapel or the architecture of a Roman coliseum, I have virtually no appreciation for most "art". I don't ponder the meaning, emotions, or subliminal messaging behind it - I really don't care. My brain just isn't wired that way.

So I go to this art show and it all looks like a bunch bullshit to me. Random bicycle parts strung around, some kind of doll sculpture surrounded by sand, paint splatterings that looked like the work of a 3 year old, etc. So that's essentially what I wrote in my essay - it looked like a bunch of crap thrown together by toddlers and I didn't consider it "art" at all. I got an F with a notation from the teacher saying "maybe you should try it yourself sometime". I approached her and was like wtf lady? You wanted my opinion, I gave it to you. Take your oh-so-enlightened ass down there and fawn over the sand-doll people all you want, I think it's garbage.

That, among other many other things, led to me dropping out of college. It's not education, it's indoctrination - and was the biggest waste of fucking time in my life. I'm already telling my eldest son that unless he plans on a career in an advanced STEM field, steer clear of college. It's utterly useless. Learn a trade.
When I was in school decades ago i was supposed to write an essay on what I wanted to be when I grew up. My Dads favorite magazine was Soldier of Fortune and I always read it so my essay was I wanted to be a soldier of fortune, travel the world and kill bad guys. I thought my teacher would pass out. She tore up my paper and told me girls can't be soldiers at all. Write a nice story about getting married and what kind of wedding I wanted.

I rewrote my essay. I married a soldier of fortune and we both traveled around the world killing bad guys.
Before you post, remember common core.


New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

The Ohio state House of Representatives has passed the Student Religious Liberties Act, which prevents teachers from penalizing students for giving incorrect answers on tests or other schoolwork if those facts would conflict with their religious beliefs.

The relevant section reads "No school district board of education (...) shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments. Assignment grades and scores shall be calculated using ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance, including any legitimate pedagogical concerns, and shall not penalize or reward a student based on the religious content of a student's work."

What does Common Core have to do with the topic?

You don't know, do you?

Not a damn thing!
Before you post, remember common core.


New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

The Ohio state House of Representatives has passed the Student Religious Liberties Act, which prevents teachers from penalizing students for giving incorrect answers on tests or other schoolwork if those facts would conflict with their religious beliefs.

The relevant section reads "No school district board of education (...) shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments. Assignment grades and scores shall be calculated using ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance, including any legitimate pedagogical concerns, and shall not penalize or reward a student based on the religious content of a student's work."

Depends on what we're talking about. I'd need to see an example.

Are we talking about 1 + 1 = 11 because that's what my religious views say? Then that's an issue.

But if it's a test on the origin of the universe, and I write down "The theory of evolution is...." instead of "Evolution is how...." then I don't think students should lose points on that.

I actually got into a bit of a debate with my teacher on this, because they cited their example of evolution of moths adapting to dark bark, and then adapting back to lighter bark.

I pointed out, that it hasn't evolved, just adapted to the changing environment. She marked it wrong, but gave me the points anyway. That in the 90s when schools were a little more tolerant of religious views though. Now it's more like an indoctrination camp.
Before you post, remember common core.


New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

The Ohio state House of Representatives has passed the Student Religious Liberties Act, which prevents teachers from penalizing students for giving incorrect answers on tests or other schoolwork if those facts would conflict with their religious beliefs.

The relevant section reads "No school district board of education (...) shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments. Assignment grades and scores shall be calculated using ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance, including any legitimate pedagogical concerns, and shall not penalize or reward a student based on the religious content of a student's work."
So students can say the Earth is 6000 years old, or that dinosaur fossils are a trick, or that it's turtles all the way down, and the schools are OK with all that?
or a boy is actually a girl
One of the reasons Christian society is advanced was that Christianity allowed room for science. The last 20 years, Christianity with help from the Republicsns is ending this & now pass laws to make people stupid.

I have not seen this chick hosting a show on TBN.
I didn't see where it stated they could give a wrong answer. I doubt very seriously that anyone is going to be marked correct if they state that their religion teaches them 1+1=3.
You are forgetting the Left now says math is racist, so anything is possible
WTF? Link to where the "Left" says that math is racist???

Is math racist? New course outlines prompt conversations about identity, race in Seattle classrooms

These and other questions erupted on Twitter, shortly after Seattle Public Schools released a draft of new learning objectives that integrate ethnic studies into math
Because we need to have 'ethnic math'. Not to be confused with....... math.
They live in the United States. Learn our ways or leave. Fucking Democrats are destroying this country. Our founding fathers are rolling over in there graves, there probably dizzy by now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The solution seems simple, is voting Republican not gittin'-r-done?
Before you post, remember common core.


New Ohio law lets students give wrong answers on tests for religious reasons

The Ohio state House of Representatives has passed the Student Religious Liberties Act, which prevents teachers from penalizing students for giving incorrect answers on tests or other schoolwork if those facts would conflict with their religious beliefs.

The relevant section reads "No school district board of education (...) shall prohibit a student from engaging in religious expression in the completion of homework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments. Assignment grades and scores shall be calculated using ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance, including any legitimate pedagogical concerns, and shall not penalize or reward a student based on the religious content of a student's work."

What would a student be marked if a person has X and Y chromosomes but the student wrote "female" because some humans identify as such regardless of science?

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