New Old Stock

Hi, I am new to this board, but have been posting on political message boards for more than 10 years. I am a fairly outspoken constitutional conservative. I have open-minded views on social issues, but I also respect traditional and religious values. I am not 'religious' per say, although I am very spiritually oriented and grounded. I believe most organized religion is a misinterpretation of something humans have difficulty wrapping their minds around.

I tend to upset Liberals because I won't play their little games or fall into their traps. I love a good back and forth debate with substance, and I get bored when it turns into trolling for attention. I noticed 'midcan' on the member list, I've been arguing with that pinhead for the last decade, but I have to say, he does bring substance and makes an attempt at argument most of the time, rather than spew names and insults.

Anyway, it's good to be here, I come from edited message board info, where I posted as "Dixie."

You joined in Apr 2012 and you are new? Typical Rightie logic.

Typical Lefty, commenting before reading the thread... See Post #17 above.

Oh, Pardon me, I didn't know I was supposed to read the thread in its entirety before posting. FYI, you should have mentioned all that crap in your OP.

So, your friend got run off another board, and you have been temp banned from your old site, hmmmmm, sounds to me like you and your friend "don't play well with others".


And the "games/traps" you think Liberals play are all in your mind - and about the name-calling, you're the one that is already mentioning someone you argued with and called him a name, hmmmm, kinda hypocritical, too.

Well, I kinda have an idea what you're like already - typical rightie.
"New old stock" makes me think of booze. Rotate inventory. For the LIFO me, I can't remember what this thread's about. :beer:
You joined in Apr 2012 and you are new? Typical Rightie logic.

Typical Lefty, commenting before reading the thread... See Post #17 above.

Oh, Pardon me, I didn't know I was supposed to read the thread in its entirety before posting. FYI, you should have mentioned all that crap in your OP.

Generally speaking, it's a good idea to read the thread, so that you don't make a jackass out of yourself, like you did. Of course, some people enjoy making jackasses out of themselves, so that's fine too, I was just letting you know. I couldn't mention "all that crap" in my OP, because "all that crap" hadn't happened yet, that's why I am here now, even though I signed up a year ago. You're not very bright, are you?

So, your friend got run off another board, and you have been temp banned from your old site, hmmmmm, sounds to me like you and your friend "don't play well with others".

Neither of us deserved to be banned, the board is run by idiot morons, you'd be right at home there, heck they might even make you a MOD!

And the "games/traps" you think Liberals play are all in your mind - and about the name-calling, you're the one that is already mentioning someone you argued with and called him a name, hmmmm, kinda hypocritical, too.

Well, I kinda have an idea what you're like already - typical rightie.

I didn't say anything about games or traps, you must be thinking of another thread you didn't read. I also haven't said anything about name calling, you are free to call me all kinds of names, liberals usually do while I am schooling them.
You joined in Apr 2012 and you are new? Typical Rightie logic.

Typical Lefty, commenting before reading the thread... See Post #17 above.

Oh, Pardon me, I didn't know I was supposed to read the thread in its entirety before posting. FYI, you should have mentioned all that crap in your OP.

So, your friend got run off another board, and you have been temp banned from your old site, hmmmmm, sounds to me like you and your friend "don't play well with others".


And the "games/traps" you think Liberals play are all in your mind - and about the name-calling, you're the one that is already mentioning someone you argued with and called him a name, hmmmm, kinda hypocritical, too.

Well, I kinda have an idea what you're like already - typical rightie.
Me too....

Unless you brought beer, then I'm hanging out. So the real question is....

Where's the beer Boss?

Welcome anyhoo

Are you still panhandling for beer?
Here, hope that pacifies you for a while.


Sweet Jesus, look at the size of those things....

They can't be real!

They only look big because it was a close-up shot. They're actually shot glasses.
I'll welcome ya when I know you are gonna stay, m'kay? ;)

Well, unless I just stop posting on boards, I will be around. I've been doing this for 15 years, so I am pretty addicted to it. I was a founding board member on the old forum, I came from an older site, where I was also a founding member, and have a long deep history under my old moniker.

They decided to be cute and ban me, so I am done. I won't go back, ever. I did nothing wrong, and violated no rules, but they claim I did... so I am banned until 5/3/13... but it may as well be forever, I am not returning. This forum seems more robust and at least, operated by people who aren't idiots. Many more posters, I like that. I also recognize a lot of old familiar names from the past.

Yep, this will be my new home. Time to cut some trees for my cabin! ;)

Yeah, that sounds like a conservative... It's all their fault, I did nothing wrong, they're claiming I did stuff I didn't do......blah blah....

Own it Boss. You screwed up and got booted.
I'll welcome ya when I know you are gonna stay, m'kay? ;)

Well, unless I just stop posting on boards, I will be around. I've been doing this for 15 years, so I am pretty addicted to it. I was a founding board member on the old forum, I came from an older site, where I was also a founding member, and have a long deep history under my old moniker.

They decided to be cute and ban me, so I am done. I won't go back, ever. I did nothing wrong, and violated no rules, but they claim I did... so I am banned until 5/3/13... but it may as well be forever, I am not returning. This forum seems more robust and at least, operated by people who aren't idiots. Many more posters, I like that. I also recognize a lot of old familiar names from the past.

Yep, this will be my new home. Time to cut some trees for my cabin! ;)

Yeah, that sounds like a conservative... It's all their fault, I did nothing wrong, they're claiming I did stuff I didn't do......blah blah....

Own it Boss. You screwed up and got booted.

Sorry you interpreted it that way, I didn't violate board rules, and I won't 'admit' that I did. I made a statement that someone interpreted to mean something that wasn't said. I was prosecuted on the basis of the interpretation, not what I actually said. I'm sorry, I regret they rushed to judgement and banned me, because they lost a world class poster to USMB. I don't regret what I said, and I don't regret making the choice to come here, I actually like it better, so far.

I don't hold animosity, I wish them well with their board. I think the quality of the board has consistently declined over the years, and what could have been a really great forum, has turned into a zoo being run by the animals. The board is now divided into little 'cliques' and run by moderators who have no business moderating a forum of any kind. The more distance I get from there, the more I realize this and wonder why I didn't make the move sooner. In that respect, they actually did me a favor... I would have loyally remained a poster there forever, I don't like change.
Sorry you interpreted it that way, I didn't violate board rules, and I won't 'admit' that I did. I made a statement that someone interpreted to mean something that wasn't said. I was prosecuted on the basis of the interpretation, not what I actually said. I'm sorry, I regret they rushed to judgement and banned me, because they lost a world class poster to USMB.
LOL That remains to be seen!
I don't regret what I said, and I don't regret making the choice to come here, I actually like it better, so far.
I don't hold animosity, I wish them well with their board. I think the quality of the board has consistently declined over the years, and what could have been a really great forum, has turned into a zoo being run by the animals. The board is now divided into little 'cliques' and run by moderators who have no business moderating a forum of any kind.
I was a refugee from a board which closed down for good. I like it better here too.
The more distance I get from there, the more I realize this and wonder why I didn't make the move sooner. In that respect, they actually did me a favor... I would have loyally remained a poster there forever, I don't like change.
That's the intrinsic problem with conservatives.... refusing to accept the fact that the world constantly changes around them. They can try and fight it but what winds up happening is they just sound old and angry. In the long run, after they are dragged kicking and screaming into the new world, they come to find out the change wasn't so bad after all.
That's the intrinsic problem with conservatives.... refusing to accept the fact that the world constantly changes around them. They can try and fight it but what winds up happening is they just sound old and angry. In the long run, after they are dragged kicking and screaming into the new world, they come to find out the change wasn't so bad after all.

First, I think you have a perception problem. I think you have developed a stereotype to apply to conservatives, and you take any opportunity to throw it up. Most conservatives are simply more pragmatic about change, as opposed to emotionally driven, as you are. This is where they get the old saying: Under 40 and Conservative, you have no heart... Over 40 and Liberal, you have no brain. With maturity and age, you begin to realize the wisdom in carefully weighing change, is it really good to change? Depends on what it is, of course. But all too often, young liberals, simply want to change for change sake... anything, doesn't matter, let's CHANGE it because someone doesn't want it changed!

As a conservative, I can tell you, I see a LOT of things I think we need to change in Washington D.C. So I am certainly NOT opposed to some changes.
That's the intrinsic problem with conservatives.... refusing to accept the fact that the world constantly changes around them. They can try and fight it but what winds up happening is they just sound old and angry. In the long run, after they are dragged kicking and screaming into the new world, they come to find out the change wasn't so bad after all.

First, I think you have a perception problem. I think you have developed a stereotype to apply to conservatives, and you take any opportunity to throw it up. Most conservatives are simply more pragmatic about change, as opposed to emotionally driven, as you are. This is where they get the old saying: Under 40 and Conservative, you have no heart... Over 40 and Liberal, you have no brain. With maturity and age, you begin to realize the wisdom in carefully weighing change, is it really good to change? Depends on what it is, of course. But all too often, young liberals, simply want to change for change sake... anything, doesn't matter, let's CHANGE it because someone doesn't want it changed!

As a conservative, I can tell you, I see a LOT of things I think we need to change in Washington D.C. So I am certainly NOT opposed to some changes.

If you're going to accuse someone of stereotyping, it's best not to do it yourself immediately after. :lol:
That's the intrinsic problem with conservatives.... refusing to accept the fact that the world constantly changes around them. They can try and fight it but what winds up happening is they just sound old and angry. In the long run, after they are dragged kicking and screaming into the new world, they come to find out the change wasn't so bad after all.

First, I think you have a perception problem. I think you have developed a stereotype to apply to conservatives, and you take any opportunity to throw it up. Most conservatives are simply more pragmatic about change, as opposed to emotionally driven, as you are. This is where they get the old saying: Under 40 and Conservative, you have no heart... Over 40 and Liberal, you have no brain. With maturity and age, you begin to realize the wisdom in carefully weighing change, is it really good to change? Depends on what it is, of course. But all too often, young liberals, simply want to change for change sake... anything, doesn't matter, let's CHANGE it because someone doesn't want it changed!

As a conservative, I can tell you, I see a LOT of things I think we need to change in Washington D.C. So I am certainly NOT opposed to some changes.

If you're going to accuse someone of stereotyping, it's best not to do it yourself immediately after. :lol:

Okay, watch and learn...

My statements:
Most [not all] conservatives are simply more pragmatic about change, as opposed to emotionally driven, as you [specifically] are.

But all too often [not always], young liberals, simply want to change for change sake... anything, doesn't matter, let's CHANGE it because someone doesn't want it changed!

As opposed to your statement:
That's the intrinsic problem with conservatives [ALL].... refusing to accept the fact that the world constantly changes around them [non-specific].

My statements are not applying a stereotype, because they leave the possibility open, that what I said may or may not apply to others, and is specifically targeted at you. Your statement leaves no other possibility open, all conservatives are stereotyped. You could have avoided a stereotype by adding "some" in front of conservatives.

Glad I could help!

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