New Pedestrian Bridge Collapses in Miami

Fact: Our roads and bridges are crumbling all over this country.
You're putting your life at stake driving on these bridges.
Car repairs are skyrocketing due to the horrendous roads.

But be comforted Congress just rolled back regulations that were put in to prevent another 2017 financial meltdown.
Be comforted that the rich made out like bandits with the tax bill.

Yet still no Infrastructure bill to be voted on.
Infrastructure repairs might cut into billionaires bottom lines and that isn't fair. Lmao.
Trump has rolled back all or most of Obama's safety regulations
Trump was so proud of all the regulations of Obama's he did away with.

Let me count the ways you make a fool of yourself.

Trump Effort to Roll Back Rail Safety Rules Questioned Following Amtrak Crash
Its health and safety gone maaaaad !!!!!!!!!!!
America gets more third world every week.
We were third world under Obama...we are climbing out of his mess and it will take time...when do you think that bridge was built? last weekend? It was started off site in 2015 with all of the Obama regulations the damn thing could take...OKAY?
Bridges need upgrades and repairs to be safe.
Where's the money for that?
Your president is creating more messes than anyone can fix.
The Bridge was up for only 6 days
Idiots...this bridge was constructed under regulations that existed in's the weak steel....
You don't know that. Hell! I'm an engineer and I don't know that.

Don't get me wrong. I live in the upper Ohio River valley not 35 miles from downtown Pittsburgh and I know a little about the products we once produced here. I know that the quality of our steel was superior to Chinese made steel.

But I also know that there are too many other factors that must be investigated before blame can be laid anywhere. Construction techniques, welding and joinery, installation and securing the structure to abutments, concrete strength, design specifications and contract adherence to spec.

I think the responsible thing to do is wait for all the coming investigatione to conclude and provide factual information. That way the mistakes made there will not be repeated and no one can say it was X when it really was A through W that were the problems.
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Its health and safety gone maaaaad !!!!!!!!!!!
America gets more third world every week.
We were third world under Obama...we are climbing out of his mess and it will take time...when do you think that bridge was built? last weekend? It was started off site in 2015 with all of the Obama regulations the damn thing could take...OKAY?
Bridges need upgrades and repairs to be safe.
Where's the money for that?
Your president is creating more messes than anyone can fix.
The Bridge was up for only 6 days
I understand. Where were the inspectors?
Obama isn't at fault. Trump isn't at fault. I understand this is a political forum, but not everything has to be political. That's why out of the many sub-forums here only one is called "Politics". Both sides claim the other causes divisiveness, yet both sides are so quick to jump over dead bodies over something that has nothing to do with politics. Wait until an investigation is complete. Hell, wait until they lift the bridge off of those tragically lost. You people disgust me.
Its health and safety gone maaaaad !!!!!!!!!!!
America gets more third world every week.
We were third world under Obama...we are climbing out of his mess and it will take time...when do you think that bridge was built? last weekend? It was started off site in 2015 with all of the Obama regulations the damn thing could take...OKAY?

From what I have read the bridge was completed a year ahead of schedule. How exactly do more regulations cause a bridge to be completed faster? Whoever built it is at fault.

the bridge span was rolled into place a week ago, it was not schedule to be open to the public til this Dec. They still had to build the support tower.
Idiots...this bridge was constructed under regulations that existed in's the weak steel....

I'm pretty sure it was pre-stressed concrete. The only structural support was embedded cables under tension. Either way, you don't test a bridge with traffic running under it. It was designed to have a support tower on each end, and a center support tower. The center support tower hadn't even been built yet. I'm sure there is a lot about that particular bridge that I don't know, but only someone with a total lack of concern for the people who could die would put that structure above a road that was in use.
Another 'Reasonable' conclusion: "Something bad happened.....uuuuuh it's Trump's fault!" :cuckoo:
Translation: Nothing is Trump's fault.
I see you continually look the other way as Trump is rolling back Obama's safety regulations.
4 people are confirmed dead from the bridge collapse.

Expect this scenario played out over and over as this worthless president and GOP can't get their act together with an Infrastructure bill.

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