New Poll Dec 16-18 Says 52% Of Iowa Republican Voters Can't Tell Where Obama Was Born


Dec 10, 2011
See question 12 in the link for verification. Public Policy Polling, December 16-18, 2011: The first question about Obama asked if the respondents believe Obama was born in the United States. 31% said no and 21% said not sure. It looks like a lot of Iowa farmers and citizens aren't buying that Obama is a natural born citizen even after the abstract computer image of his birth certificate was released back on April 27th. The people in my district would counsider the poll incredible. What could be the reason for this? Does this mean that the beltway and other republicans in other non beltway states share the same Iowans thoughts on this?

The first question (#12) that even mentions Obama says:
Do you think that Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?

He was............................................... ............. 47%
He was not............................................... ....... 31%
Not sure .................................................. ........ 21%
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Birthers likely take comfort in the fact that mostly, the Midwest tends to think that Obama was born in Hawyyah, instead of in Hava-ee!

The Census, in fact, is probably not too up on this matter, either.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At least most Americans are aware of where they truly come from! From Indian Reservations, they are not(?)!)
I think if you take a national poll on this subject,you'll find that many many Americans can't tell where Obama was born. I don't even think it's just a Democrat/Republican thing. So little is really known about Obama's past. That's just the way it is. I mean how much do most Americans know about his parents for example? The MSM never vetted Barack Obama and i think that's the big problem. The Liberal-dominated Press was in such a rush to get him elected,they never even tried vetting him. So it's no surprise so many know nothing of his past. It's all very murky. It is what it is.
I think if you take a national poll on this subject,you'll find that many many Americans can't tell where Obama was born. I don't even think it's just a Democrat/Republican thing. So little is really known about Obama's past. That's just the way it is. I mean how much do most Americans know about his parents for example? The MSM never vetted Barack Obama and i think that's the big problem. The Liberal-dominated Press was in such a rush to get him elected,they never even tried vetting him. So it's no surprise so many know nothing of his past. It's all very murky. It is what it is.

At this point anyone claiming to know nothing about the president's past are just not interested. They prefer ignorance to information and as such are the prefect republican voter.
I think if you take a national poll on this subject,you'll find that many many Americans can't tell where Obama was born. I don't even think it's just a Democrat/Republican thing. So little is really known about Obama's past. That's just the way it is. I mean how much do most Americans know about his parents for example? The MSM never vetted Barack Obama and i think that's the big problem. The Liberal-dominated Press was in such a rush to get him elected,they never even tried vetting him. So it's no surprise so many know nothing of his past. It's all very murky. It is what it is.

Anybody who doubts that Obama was born in Hawaii - especially after he released the official long form BC - is a raving lunatic. I'm not surprised that you side with them.
It's amazing how little the country really knows about his past. There won't be any Golden books published about his birth and upbringing!
I think if you take a national poll on this subject,you'll find that many many Americans can't tell where Obama was born. I don't even think it's just a Democrat/Republican thing. So little is really known about Obama's past. That's just the way it is. I mean how much do most Americans know about his parents for example? The MSM never vetted Barack Obama and i think that's the big problem. The Liberal-dominated Press was in such a rush to get him elected,they never even tried vetting him. So it's no surprise so many know nothing of his past. It's all very murky. It is what it is.

At this point anyone claiming to know nothing about the president's past are just not interested. They prefer ignorance to information and as such are the prefect republican voter.

I disagree. His past really is very murky. The MSM did not vett him properly. They were too busy trying to get him elected. All Candidates are intensely vetted and scrutinized. Barack Obama has been the lone exception to this rule. And that's why so many know nothing of his past. And when a layman does do research on his past,it still comes up very murky. So this Poll really doesn't surprise me.
New Poll Dec 16-18 Says 52% Of Iowa Republican Voters Can't Tell Where Obama Was Born

They have President Obama to thank for learning that Hawaii is a state. At the time the silly birther crap hit the fan, they didn't even know that!

All of this would be hysterically funny except that they VOTE.

Even scarier is that they have children. Lots and lots of children.

(They don't seem to know where they come from either!)

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