New Poll Just Out ... shows trump winning in a landslide and the media and democrats as fakers !!

Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

Wow, we've covered how truthful is. It's a ultra rightwing conspiracy site. it rates so low on the truth scale that it doesn't even register. If that is the poll you are going to use, get ready for another 2016 shocker.

Look at the numbers at the rallies

Trumps is exploding upwards and the dems far less

The excitement at the trump rallies is the most ever in history other than wars just won

That excitement brings them to talk constantly and change many views

That is the real proof of trump winning and then he goes out and locks up the crooked democrats
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

Wow, we've covered how truthful is. It's a ultra rightwing conspiracy site. it rates so low on the truth scale that it doesn't even register. If that is the poll you are going to use, get ready for another 2016 shocker.

Look at the numbers at the rallies

Trumps is exploding upwards and the dems far less

The excitement at the trump rallies is the most ever in history other than wars just won

That excitement brings them to talk constantly and change many views

That is the real proof of trump winning and then he goes out and locks up the crooked democrats

The only thing I will admit is, there are a lot of confused, lonely and people out there looking for a messiah that can tell them that it's someone else's fault their life isn't better than it already is. And Rump has one hell of a crowd organizer. Why go to a boring campaign rally when you can go to a Circus with everything including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on how he disappears with the Fat Lady)
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!
It's looking good for Trump right now, but as Yogi Berra (Hall of Fame baseball player) once said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." I REALLY expect the Dems to make another MAJOR push to get Trump out of office. Which unfortunately could include plans to assassinate him.

But trump has the men of America knowing clearly who is the enemy of America

Men do not jump around on voting like women do

So who carries out trumps agenda will keep the American men and military on his side

If something happens to trump. The military will round up all the democrats for treason

So now it’s too late to stop this even if an assasin comes

If something happens to trump, he'll have a funeral and get buried.

The men of America don't worship other men like you do trump.


Learn history

Normal men respects good and respects other men that fights against harm

The men will organize and stop the democrats

Already we saw the republicans finally organizing with no one voting for the house impeachment

That shows the real power the men will take down the crooked democrats
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

Wow, we've covered how truthful is. It's a ultra rightwing conspiracy site. it rates so low on the truth scale that it doesn't even register. If that is the poll you are going to use, get ready for another 2016 shocker.

Look at the numbers at the rallies

Trumps is exploding upwards and the dems far less

The excitement at the trump rallies is the most ever in history other than wars just won

That excitement brings them to talk constantly and change many views

That is the real proof of trump winning and then he goes out and locks up the crooked democrats

The only thing I will admit is, there are a lot of confused, lonely and people out there looking for a messiah that can tell them that it's someone else's fault their life isn't better than it already is. And Rump has one hell of a crowd organizer. Why go to a boring campaign rally when you can go to a Circus with everything including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on how he disappears with the Fat Lady)

You know nothing of history and human nature

Trump has already has won when he got the men on his side and especially the highest wisdom people ever

White males in a landslide supporting trump

You foolish fools are blind to cause and effect which makes you always losers
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States
Now the cat is out of the bag
Trump will win by a landslide !!

The big fatal flaw with this assumption is that since it's "In the bag"....millions of Trump voters will spend election day celebrating .....but not voting.
Why should they? He's already gonna win in a landslide....

Meanwhile, other polls today say 45% of America supports Trump's Impeachment.
Every one of those voters is mad as hell and will be voting once, twice or even more times.

Same thing that happened with the House in 2018.....BEFORE all the resignations.
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

Wow, we've covered how truthful is. It's a ultra rightwing conspiracy site. it rates so low on the truth scale that it doesn't even register. If that is the poll you are going to use, get ready for another 2016 shocker.

Look at the numbers at the rallies

Trumps is exploding upwards and the dems far less

The excitement at the trump rallies is the most ever in history other than wars just won

That excitement brings them to talk constantly and change many views

That is the real proof of trump winning and then he goes out and locks up the crooked democrats

The only thing I will admit is, there are a lot of confused, lonely and people out there looking for a messiah that can tell them that it's someone else's fault their life isn't better than it already is. And Rump has one hell of a crowd organizer. Why go to a boring campaign rally when you can go to a Circus with everything including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on how he disappears with the Fat Lady)

Your foolish mind cannot see the difference between a circus excitement and patriotic excitement

Really foolish to not see the difference

Trumps rallies brings out the real patriots who are so strong for trump they will march thru hurricanes for him

Same as Andrew Jackson

They both have that total dedication from the people with real power

Democrats are really stoooopid not to wave the white flag now and surrender !!
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States
Now the cat is out of the bag
Trump will win by a landslide !!

The big fatal flaw with this assumption is that since it's "In the bag"....millions of Trump voters will spend election day celebrating .....but not voting.
Why should they? He's already gonna win in a landslide....

Meanwhile, other polls today say 45% of America supports Trump's Impeachment.
Every one of those voters is mad as hell and will be voting once, twice or even more times.

Same thing that happened with the House in 2016.....BEFORE all the resignations.

I agree, although I feel considering what Dems have done for the last three years, voters will come out and let the politicians know exactly how we feel.
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States
Now the cat is out of the bag
Trump will win by a landslide !!

The big fatal flaw with this assumption is that since it's "In the bag"....millions of Trump voters will spend election day celebrating .....but not voting.
Why should they? He's already gonna win in a landslide....

Meanwhile, other polls today say 45% of America supports Trump's Impeachment.
Every one of those voters is mad as hell and will be voting once, twice or even more times.

Same thing that happened with the House in 2018.....BEFORE all the resignations.
That's true, but you CAN'T vote more than once. Unless you're a cheating Democrat.......
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States
Now the cat is out of the bag
Trump will win by a landslide !!

The big fatal flaw with this assumption is that since it's "In the bag"....millions of Trump voters will spend election day celebrating .....but not voting.
Why should they? He's already gonna win in a landslide.....oops

But this dedication would be opposite of being lazy and not fighting or voting

And if they lose the vote to unwise foolish people they will follow trump to stop this crooked harmful system where the unwise elects crooks that destroys the nation

Trump is gaining that type of strength which is the real power

Those rallies are bringing out the real patriots that risk anything

It’s the women who will be changing their minds when seeing trumps real power

They will give up their right to vote under that type of power over them
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

The problem is that we have actual votes as well as polls and the votes are not aligning with that poll. Democrats took 2 out of 3 governorships all in deep red states. Democrats took both houses of the Virginia legislature. They won local offices in Pennsylvania that they had never won before even beating Republican incumbents. Suburban voters in all states moved towards the Democrats.

That isn't a is a historical reality.

It follows what has happened in the past.

That has nothing to do with the presidential race.

He is kicking ass (as most pollsters expected).

You've got nobody to run against him.

Suck on it.

It does not. We are seeing a clear re-alignment with voters. Suburban voters and especially suburban women are fleeing the GOP. The Reagan coalition consisted of suburban voters and rural alike. Young voters backed the GOP. That has been shattered. Voters trust Democrats over Republicans on nearly every issue. It has everything to do with Trump. Trump is driving this re-alignment. He will be the victim in 2020.
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

Wow, we've covered how truthful is. It's a ultra rightwing conspiracy site. it rates so low on the truth scale that it doesn't even register. If that is the poll you are going to use, get ready for another 2016 shocker.

Look at the numbers at the rallies

Trumps is exploding upwards and the dems far less

The excitement at the trump rallies is the most ever in history other than wars just won

That excitement brings them to talk constantly and change many views

That is the real proof of trump winning and then he goes out and locks up the crooked democrats

The majority of the people who vote will never attend any rallies. The only rally they will attend is on election day.
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States
Now the cat is out of the bag
Trump will win by a landslide !!

The big fatal flaw with this assumption is that since it's "In the bag"....millions of Trump voters will spend election day celebrating .....but not voting.
Why should they? He's already gonna win in a landslide....

Meanwhile, other polls today say 45% of America supports Trump's Impeachment.
Every one of those voters is mad as hell and will be voting once, twice or even more times.

Same thing that happened with the House in 2018.....BEFORE all the resignations.
That's true, but you CAN'T vote more than once. Unless you're a cheating Democrat..............


Voting does not matter anymore

Learn how human nature works and real history

Might makes right

Learn that universal law

Always look at who is on whose side

If the men are on one side and they lose the election . They will then like always stop that system that they judge themselves as harmful

Again what the men JUDGES that will come

They agree with trump

The women agrees with democrats

So the men seeing that as the harm will rise up and stop the women’s voting in crooks
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!

The problem is that we have actual votes as well as polls and the votes are not aligning with that poll. Democrats took 2 out of 3 governorships all in deep red states. Democrats took both houses of the Virginia legislature. They won local offices in Pennsylvania that they had never won before even beating Republican incumbents. Suburban voters in all states moved towards the Democrats.

That isn't a is a historical reality.

It follows what has happened in the past.

That has nothing to do with the presidential race.

He is kicking ass (as most pollsters expected).

You've got nobody to run against him.

Suck on it.

It does not. We are seeing a clear re-alignment with voters. Suburban voters and especially suburban women are fleeing the GOP. The Reagan coalition consisted of suburban voters and rural alike. Young voters backed the GOP. That has been shattered. Voters trust Democrats over Republicans on nearly every issue. It has everything to do with Trump. Trump is driving this re-alignment. He will be the victim in 2020.

This time in history with lower logic women voting in crooks. Will not last

The men will stop this like always
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!
It's looking good for Trump right now, but as Yogi Berra (Hall of Fame baseball player) once said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." I REALLY expect the Dems to make another MAJOR push to get Trump out of office. Which unfortunately could include plans to assassinate him.

But trump has the men of America knowing clearly who is the enemy of America

Men do not jump around on voting like women do

So who carries out trumps agenda will keep the American men and military on his side

If something happens to trump. The military will round up all the democrats for treason

So now it’s too late to stop this even if an assasin comes

If something happens to trump, he'll have a funeral and get buried.

The men of America don't worship other men like you do trump.


Learn history

Normal men respects good and respects other men that fights against harm

The men will organize and stop the democrats

Already we saw the republicans finally organizing with no one voting for the house impeachment

That shows the real power the men will take down the crooked democrats

A friend of mine told me a story a long time ago about what it takes to be a real man. I am going to use some outdated language but that's the way we talked back then.

He said, he used to take three rolls of quarters and put them in a sock. Then he would go out and roll queers. Worked pretty well. Until on day. He hit this big one right in the side of the head. The Big Queer just blinked and smiled and said, "The only thing I like better than sucking D*** is fighting". Needless to say there were paramedics involved after that.

What's a real man? And have you met a Real Man yet? It's like when I was in the Boxing world. The whole program is to fix it where you DON'T LOSE at first if you show that you have the right stuff. They hand pick your opponents so that you are always just a cut above them. Sure, mistakes happen but not in a well run program. You start to think you are the "REAL MAN". This may go on for a year or two. But sooner or later, you end up being the chump going against the "REAL MAN" if you start to lose it. And all Fighters start to lose it sooner or later. We all aren't Mohamed Ali's. You have no idea when you are going to meet that "REAL MAN".

I worked out with a little tiny 95lb Black Belt female who was a terror. The other guys in the Dojo couldn't handle her speed, accuracy and skill level. The only thing we both agreed on was the 2/3rds rule. I went 2/3rds power and she went 2/3rds speed. It evened us both out. It looked like we were trying to kill each other. Trust me, she was more of a man than those Male Pussies that wouldn't work out with her. Did I mention I still ended up with bruises and pulled muscles? And I was 180 lbs. We both knew, though, if it were the real thing, the power would have won out since we were pretty well matched in skill level. Maybe. Was she a real man? In a room full of male pussies, she was the most graceful, dainty thing until she decided to rip your head off and crap in your neck. Being Female, should she have been excluded? Not on MY watch.

People, listen to this idiot. He's right in a small way. Women oftentimes stay home and don't vote or they bend to the will of their male partner. Women, get out and vote the way you want to vote. Send the Pussy Bigots back into the darkness where they belong. Get your own people in office.

Same goes for Democrats. These cowards want to scare you into staying home. They want you to believe that it's hopeless. Their whole dog and pony act is to create fear, madness and confusion and to try and convince you have to hope in combating it. And only They can fix it. Except, they can't fix shit. Even the smallest problems, they don't have a clue. So get out there and vote. It scares the living hell out of them to see you do that.
The republicans are finally getting together for trump

Even the republican rino globalist will now hide

Patriots are the strongest people of a nation
And if they are white males they also are the most wise

Donald Trump is getting together the same people that Andrew Jackson did

The real power. The patriot men

Congress and the courts said no to Jackson but was so scared of Jackson’s power they did nothing more

So scared of Jackson’s power they would not try to impeach him

Jackson could have turned that power on them so they just hid

Trump with another year of rallies will indeed have all the power he needs to declare the govt crooked and set up a whole new set of govt to go back to the founders who would not let the unwise vote

So women should have been voting with the men and not against like they do

Their voting will be stopped

And a logic test for voting will come
Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!
It's looking good for Trump right now, but as Yogi Berra (Hall of Fame baseball player) once said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." I REALLY expect the Dems to make another MAJOR push to get Trump out of office. Which unfortunately could include plans to assassinate him.

But trump has the men of America knowing clearly who is the enemy of America

Men do not jump around on voting like women do

So who carries out trumps agenda will keep the American men and military on his side

If something happens to trump. The military will round up all the democrats for treason

So now it’s too late to stop this even if an assasin comes

If something happens to trump, he'll have a funeral and get buried.

The men of America don't worship other men like you do trump.


Learn history

Normal men respects good and respects other men that fights against harm

The men will organize and stop the democrats

Already we saw the republicans finally organizing with no one voting for the house impeachment

That shows the real power the men will take down the crooked democrats

A friend of mine told me a story a long time ago about what it takes to be a real man. I am going to use some outdated language but that's the way we talked back then.

He said, he used to take three rolls of quarters and put them in a sock. Then he would go out and roll queers. Worked pretty well. Until on day. He hit this big one right in the side of the head. The Big Queer just blinked and smiled and said, "The only thing I like better than sucking D*** is fighting". Needless to say there were paramedics involved after that.

What's a real man? And have you met a Real Man yet? It's like when I was in the Boxing world. The whole program is to fix it where you DON'T LOSE at first if you show that you have the right stuff. They hand pick your opponents so that you are always just a cut above them. Sure, mistakes happen but not in a well run program. You start to think you are the "REAL MAN". This may go on for a year or two. But sooner or later, you end up being the chump going against the "REAL MAN" if you start to lose it. And all Fighters start to lose it sooner or later. We all aren't Mohamed Ali's. You have no idea when you are going to meet that "REAL MAN".

I worked out with a little tiny 95lb Black Belt female who was a terror. The other guys in the Dojo couldn't handle her speed, accuracy and skill level. The only thing we both agreed on was the 2/3rds rule. I went 2/3rds power and she went 2/3rds speed. It evened us both out. It looked like we were trying to kill each other. Trust me, she was more of a man than those Male Pussies that wouldn't work out with her. Did I mention I still ended up with bruises and pulled muscles? And I was 180 lbs. We both knew, though, if it were the real thing, the power would have won out since we were pretty well matched in skill level. Maybe. Was she a real man? In a room full of male pussies, she was the most graceful, dainty thing until she decided to rip your head off and crap in your neck. Being Female, should she have been excluded? Not on MY watch.

People, listen to this idiot. He's right in a small way. Women oftentimes stay home and don't vote or they bend to the will of their male partner. Women, get out and vote the way you want to vote. Send the Pussy Bigots back into the darkness where they belong. Get your own people in office.

Same goes for Democrats. These cowards want to scare you into staying home. They want you to believe that it's hopeless. Their whole dog and pony act is to create fear, madness and confusion and to try and convince you have to hope in combating it. And only They can fix it. Except, they can't fix shit. Even the smallest problems, they don't have a clue. So get out there and vote. It scares the living hell out of them to see you do that.

Understand the logic power of white men

They have won all the wars

Really stooopid to go against that type of real power
Trumps rallies are bringing out the Andrew Jackson power people who will defeat any system

Thanks Impeachment: Trump Now Beating Every Democrat in Three Battleground States

Now the cat is out of the bag

Trump will win by a landslide !!
It's looking good for Trump right now, but as Yogi Berra (Hall of Fame baseball player) once said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." I REALLY expect the Dems to make another MAJOR push to get Trump out of office. Which unfortunately could include plans to assassinate him.

But trump has the men of America knowing clearly who is the enemy of America

Men do not jump around on voting like women do

So who carries out trumps agenda will keep the American men and military on his side

If something happens to trump. The military will round up all the democrats for treason

So now it’s too late to stop this even if an assasin comes

If something happens to trump, he'll have a funeral and get buried.

The men of America don't worship other men like you do trump.


Learn history

Normal men respects good and respects other men that fights against harm

The men will organize and stop the democrats

Already we saw the republicans finally organizing with no one voting for the house impeachment

That shows the real power the men will take down the crooked democrats

A friend of mine told me a story a long time ago about what it takes to be a real man. I am going to use some outdated language but that's the way we talked back then.

He said, he used to take three rolls of quarters and put them in a sock. Then he would go out and roll queers. Worked pretty well. Until on day. He hit this big one right in the side of the head. The Big Queer just blinked and smiled and said, "The only thing I like better than sucking D*** is fighting". Needless to say there were paramedics involved after that.

What's a real man? And have you met a Real Man yet? It's like when I was in the Boxing world. The whole program is to fix it where you DON'T LOSE at first if you show that you have the right stuff. They hand pick your opponents so that you are always just a cut above them. Sure, mistakes happen but not in a well run program. You start to think you are the "REAL MAN". This may go on for a year or two. But sooner or later, you end up being the chump going against the "REAL MAN" if you start to lose it. And all Fighters start to lose it sooner or later. We all aren't Mohamed Ali's. You have no idea when you are going to meet that "REAL MAN".

I worked out with a little tiny 95lb Black Belt female who was a terror. The other guys in the Dojo couldn't handle her speed, accuracy and skill level. The only thing we both agreed on was the 2/3rds rule. I went 2/3rds power and she went 2/3rds speed. It evened us both out. It looked like we were trying to kill each other. Trust me, she was more of a man than those Male Pussies that wouldn't work out with her. Did I mention I still ended up with bruises and pulled muscles? And I was 180 lbs. We both knew, though, if it were the real thing, the power would have won out since we were pretty well matched in skill level. Maybe. Was she a real man? In a room full of male pussies, she was the most graceful, dainty thing until she decided to rip your head off and crap in your neck. Being Female, should she have been excluded? Not on MY watch.

People, listen to this idiot. He's right in a small way. Women oftentimes stay home and don't vote or they bend to the will of their male partner. Women, get out and vote the way you want to vote. Send the Pussy Bigots back into the darkness where they belong. Get your own people in office.

Same goes for Democrats. These cowards want to scare you into staying home. They want you to believe that it's hopeless. Their whole dog and pony act is to create fear, madness and confusion and to try and convince you have to hope in combating it. And only They can fix it. Except, they can't fix shit. Even the smallest problems, they don't have a clue. So get out there and vote. It scares the living hell out of them to see you do that.

Foolish loser there thinks physical is power

Nope it is LOGIC

They organize the best and invent the best

Foolish losers are blind because they have low logic ... they are easily fooled

All democrat voters have low logic too easily fooled
The republicans are finally getting together for trump

Even the republican rino globalist will now hide

Patriots are the strongest people of a nation
And if they are white males they also are the most wise

Donald Trump is getting together the same people that Andrew Jackson did

The real power. The patriot men

Congress and the courts said no to Jackson but was so scared of Jackson’s power they did nothing more

So scared of Jackson’s power they would not try to impeach him

Jackson could have turned that power on them so they just hid

Trump with another year of rallies will indeed have all the power he needs to declare the govt crooked and set up a whole new set of govt to go back to the founders who would not let the unwise vote

So women should have been voting with the men and not against like they do

Their voting will be stopped

And a logic test for voting will come

One itty bitty problem with that. It's called the Constitution of the United States. Yah, I know yours is printed on Charmin Toilet Tissue for those real emergency situations. But do us all a favor, please read it before you wipe.
Congress would not impeach Andrew Jackson because so scared that Jackson would turn the real power on them

Trump now has that power

No matter what courts say or congress if the men judges different .. then the real power the men will stop the women’s voting in of crooks

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