New poll says Crazy Joe Biden leads President Trump by 11 points in potential 2020 matchup

Run, Creepy Uncle Joe, run!
Moot - the guy is too old to run.

11 points is also very slim considering he has been out of the grind while the heat is on Trump everyday.

One of my choices, albeit an obscure one, would be Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, but he apparently has no such ambitions.

I also wish my governor, Andrew Cuomo would run.
Trump is at 38% in the polls with little hope for improvement and no president has ever won a second term with an approval that low.

You're cause and effect challenged, lack a sense of timing and history. The election is three years away silly sally, and your "polls" promised you Hillary would run away with the last one.

If you can envision a scenario and circumstances that would 'cause' Trump's approval to get anywhere near or over 50%,

by all means, entertain us with that.

We can start with honest polling.
Trump is at 38% in the polls with little hope for improvement and no president has ever won a second term with an approval that low.

You're cause and effect challenged, lack a sense of timing and history. The election is three years away silly sally, and your "polls" promised you Hillary would run away with the last one.

If you can envision a scenario and circumstances that would 'cause' Trump's approval to get anywhere near or over 50%,

by all means, entertain us with that.

We can start with honest polling.

ha! you are out to lunch - all these polls and NOT A SINGLE ONE is honest? FOX news after Trump too?
Biden doesn't have the heat on him yet. Rest assured, the GOP will be doing their intelligence in preparation, unlike Trump, all of his life isn't out there...yet.

If he can bring the Democrats back to the center, that's not a bad thing. If he runs on another 4 years of Obama? God help us.
Step on up!! GO Slo-Joe GO!!

Slo-Joe Biden has every right to run. He should JUST DO IT!! Democrats really need to run a tired, old, white , male, political insider, who's never had a job in the real world, and who, as a bonus !! has a proven record of odd sexual misconduct, and racist statements!

You've got to have just a little bit of Pakistani in you to deny that that will PROVE beyond a doubt that Democrats are the party of diversity!! He's a lock!!


I know a way that he can easily win!! Cut off his genitals, install a plastic vagina and silicone tits, and wear a dress!!

they ran a sweaty old white bitch that kept falling on her face last time, now they have a sweaty old white guy that can't keep his hands off women and kids. Diversity at its finest. Good thing the core demolosers want a change. LOL, my gd I'm laughing my ass off.
Trump economy is losing! The USA lost a Million Jobs last month!

Boeing just lost $77 billion in contracts to Europe Airbus & Trump blessed European Bayer buying Monsanto! Biggest Losses in History! Socialist Europe is kicking the shit out of Trump economy!
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