New Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Support Religious Freedom


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
ROFL! They 'boycotted another Christian business into the best year they ever had... (and in just 36 hours).

But the news seems to indicate that the reason is, that by 80%, people are getting sick of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality abusing innocent people:

"A new poll released by WPA Opinion Research on behalf of the Family Research Councill shows that the vast majority of Americans support religious liberty in the workplace. Last week saw Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) signing Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” infuriating liberals zealots whom alleged his legislation encouraged discrimination against gays. It's safe to assume these delusional liberal "activists" neglected to even read the bill before taking an extremist stance against it. Yes, these are very the same left wing activists whom accuse Republicans of intolerance.

Unsurprisingly the Obama administration, fueled by Democratic dissolution, is once again executing their big government agenda, stripping away freedoms -- the very same freedoms protected by the Constitution. Last week we witnessed a family restaurant in Indiana, Memories Pizza, threatened and forced into foreclosure after exercising their rights to freedom of religion. Memories Pizza, a family owned restaurant in Indiana, is just one example of several businesses publicly shamed for exercising their American rights. Accusing Memories Pizza employees as homophobic is as outrageous as it is inaccurate. Crystal O’Connor, owner of Memories Pizza attempted to clarify the misunderstanding of his business decisions:

The news took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays…”But we would not condone a wedding… That’s against our religious beliefs.”


New Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Support Religious Freedom Dana Loesch Radio

I think this is the beginning of a backlash that had to come.

Homosexuals have roared out of the closet, and they have won. They can bugger the hell out of each other to their hearts content in legally approved marital bliss.

And so, are they happy?

No, they are emboldened...they demand that Christian Heterosexuals bend their beliefs and way of life, and by force---be made to bake their wedding cakes and arrange their flowers for a ceremony which they have been taught to believe by parents over many centuries---is an abomination.

Or they will be put out of business by a law suit that most cannot afford to defend--which is force.

When will it stop?

I don't care what these poor people do in their beds. Their sexual choices seem most irregular (and dangerous) to me, a heterosexual male, but homosexuals have been in every society over all the ages, and so the Devine Design must have some use for them (and they are very talented in some special ways--of the sort which seems to emphasize the best talents of both sexes), so I am fine with them---except I hope I don't have to bend over and take one in the bum to show solidarity. And supply my own Vaseline.

And unless there is a cultural backlash to help me out--they are so ardent, so shrill, so demanding---it seems that is what they are going to demand next.
Let's forget religion for the moment and use a little common sense. There is a big difference in going into a store/restaurant and buying something off the shelf or menu and with contacting a business to provide a special order or service to customer specifications perhaps at the customer's location.

In the first case, the business is providing the same product or service to everyone in an enviroment that he controls, so public accommodations laws preventing discrimination are reasonable.

In the second case, it is very possible that the customer's request may not be a good fit for the business for numerous reasons. If the customer and business can come to an agreement (contract) then the business will provide the the product or service to the customer for appropriate compensation. However, if an agreement cannot be reached, then potential customer should try elsewhere.
This conversation occurred at work the other night. We came to the conclusion that the LGBT (and supporters) attempt to gut Christian businesses by denying them trade and bringing the force of litigation is the American equivalent of beheading/crucifying Christians by muslims in the ME.
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...
This conversation occurred at work the other night. We came to the conclusion that the LGBT (and supporters) attempt to gut Christian businesses by denying them trade and bringing the force of litigation is the American equivalent of beheading/crucifying Christians by muslims in the ME.

Seriously? Hyperbole much?
I'm not Christian, yet I find what is being done to Christians in this country to be extremely offensive. If a business owner feels that serving someone somehow offends their personal beliefs/feelings, why doesn't the customer find a business pleased to accept their trade? Nah, it's not really about doing business, is it? It's all about forcing other people to capitulate to your demands. Or else!
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...

This is the truth really....Jesus would have probably baked that cake for those gays...if he had been a baker....but the Old Testament is there too and those dudes would have run them out of their bakery at the very least.

But, attacking the beliefs of Christians will not change their beliefs...and your perceived hypocrisy is not the issue anyway...unless you propose to tell them what to believe.

For many generations they have been taught by their parents and their religion that marriage is between a man and a woman...and very suddenly it is not so anymore...and most can live with it, most believe they should not be made to participate in it.

Selling a plate lunch to someone who you don't even know or care the sexuality one thing...but arranging flowers in a Church for an ceremony which you think is an abomination....well it presents a conflict of values....which I think ought to be resolved by homosexuals going to get homosexual florists to cater their wedding...they are better at it anyway.
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...

This is the truth really....Jesus would have probably baked that cake for those gays...if he had been a baker....but the Old Testament is there too and those dudes would have run them out of their bakery at the very least.

But, attacking the beliefs of Christians will not change their beliefs...and your perceived hypocrisy is not the issue anyway...unless you propose to tell them what to believe.

For many generations they have been taught by their parents and their religion that marriage is between a man and a woman...and very suddenly it is not so anymore...and most can live with it, most believe they should not be made to participate in it.

Selling a plate lunch to someone who you don't even know or care the sexuality one thing...but arranging flowers in a Church for an ceremony which you think is an abomination....well it presents a conflict of values....which I think ought to be resolved by homosexuals going to get homosexual florists to cater their wedding...they are better at it anyway.
Agree button!
I'm not Christian, yet I find what is being done to Christians in this country to be extremely offensive. If a business owner feels that serving someone somehow offends their personal beliefs/feelings, why doesn't the customer find a business pleased to accept their trade? Nah, it's not really about doing business, is it? It's all about forcing other people to capitulate to your demands. Or else!

I think what you find offensive is telling a business owner what he can or can not do with his business. Right?

Is it really about forcing people to "capitulate to your demands" - is fair and equal treatment a "demand" or a "right"? When business' open to serve the public - and I don't mean religious establishments - don't they have to serve the public within reason?

It seems like "religious freedom" is being distorted to promote religious bigotry - something which I do not think Christ indulged in.

At one time business could forbid service or entry to women, blacks, Jews, Indians....and in some of those cases, for "religious" reasons. Before those barriers were broken it was widespread. Essentially what Indiana's "religious freedom" law does is provide an open door back to those days. They think it's just about gays - but it's not. It's about anyone someone could find a "religious" reason to bar and, add to that - that legislation squashed an amendment requiring business' to post signs if they weren't going to serve certain categories of people. I just finished reading a biography by Condaleeza Rice that was quite interesting - she grew up under segregation. Many hotel's would not serve blacks. Any time they planned a vacation - they often had to end up camping or sleeping in a car because few hotels would allow them in and no one wanted their children to witness the humiliation of being turned away. Those are the people I feel sorry for - not the business owners.

It's a hard line to draw between legitimate religious objection and discrimination, but when you open a business to the public - it's to the public, imo.
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...

This is the truth really....Jesus would have probably baked that cake for those gays...if he had been a baker....but the Old Testament is there too and those dudes would have run them out of their bakery at the very least.

But, attacking the beliefs of Christians will not change their beliefs...and your perceived hypocrisy is not the issue anyway...unless you propose to tell them what to believe.

For many generations they have been taught by their parents and their religion that marriage is between a man and a woman...and very suddenly it is not so anymore...and most can live with it, most believe they should not be made to participate in it.

Selling a plate lunch to someone who you don't even know or care the sexuality one thing...but arranging flowers in a Church for an ceremony which you think is an abomination....well it presents a conflict of values....which I think ought to be resolved by homosexuals going to get homosexual florists to cater their wedding...they are better at it anyway.

I'm not ridiculing their beliefs but perhaps they ought to be a bit more like Christ.

At what point does a conflict of values become discrimmination?

I agree that no church can be forced to marry any couple they object to - they are religious institutions. But these are business.
I'm not Christian, yet I find what is being done to Christians in this country to be extremely offensive. If a business owner feels that serving someone somehow offends their personal beliefs/feelings, why doesn't the customer find a business pleased to accept their trade? Nah, it's not really about doing business, is it? It's all about forcing other people to capitulate to your demands. Or else!

I think what you find offensive is telling a business owner what he can or can not do with his business. Right?

Is it really about forcing people to "capitulate to your demands" - is fair and equal treatment a "demand" or a "right"? When business' open to serve the public - and I don't mean religious establishments - don't they have to serve the public within reason?

It seems like "religious freedom" is being distorted to promote religious bigotry - something which I do not think Christ indulged in.

At one time business could forbid service or entry to women, blacks, Jews, Indians....and in some of those cases, for "religious" reasons. Before those barriers were broken it was widespread. Essentially what Indiana's "religious freedom" law does is provide an open door back to those days. They think it's just about gays - but it's not. It's about anyone someone could find a "religious" reason to bar and, add to that - that legislation squashed an amendment requiring business' to post signs if they weren't going to serve certain categories of people. I just finished reading a biography by Condaleeza Rice that was quite interesting - she grew up under segregation. Many hotel's would not serve blacks. Any time they planned a vacation - they often had to end up camping or sleeping in a car because few hotels would allow them in and no one wanted their children to witness the humiliation of being turned away. Those are the people I feel sorry for - not the business owners.

It's a hard line to draw between legitimate religious objection and discrimination, but when you open a business to the public - it's to the public, imo.
I believe that only the business owner involved can specify their reasons for denying service. I think that belief should be honored, regardless. It is their freedom to deny service. It is the freedom of the customer to take their trade to a businessman/woman who will welcome their trade...and take their money.
Republican double speak....
The Omnibus Spying Bill becomes The Patriot Act.
Crushing workers rights becomes the RIght to Work state.
Voter suppression becomes Voter ID laws.
Discrimination against gay people becomes "Religious Freedom."
Requiring everyone to buy health insurance becomes "a government takeover of healthcare."
1984 has nothing on the Republican Party of today.
This conversation occurred at work the other night. We came to the conclusion that the LGBT (and supporters) attempt to gut Christian businesses by denying them trade and bringing the force of litigation is the American equivalent of beheading/crucifying Christians by muslims in the ME.

Well that would definitely be a logical conclusion. :cuckoo:
Republican double speak....
The Omnibus Spying Bill becomes The Patriot Act.
Crushing workers rights becomes the RIght to Work state.
Voter suppression becomes Voter ID laws.
Discrimination against gay people becomes "Religious Freedom."
Requiring everyone to buy health insurance becomes "a government takeover of healthcare."
1984 has nothing on the Republican Party of today.

Republicans only offering is to corporations and the rich.

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