New poll shows Trump at 48%!!!

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How Trump Can Start Over

Did somebody say winning? Gotta say....even I'm a bit surprised! On the eve of the SOTU address too....and #s always spike up after = more winning!

Just cant keep this guy down now, can ya?:113::113:

If House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says it can be a “barrier,” and if the Democrats’ No. 3 House leader, Jim Clyburn, can embrace the same rhetoric, Trump can declare himself the reasonable leader: Let’s not let a dispute over what to call it stop us from building the border security we need. (If this represents a flip-flop, or a somersault, well, it wouldn’t be the first time.)

From your link. If Trump pivots on the wall ......
Well, I don't think Trump is up to the job, but tonite he does have an opportunity to reset the debate, and that's what the op link was about. And it's true that people (like me) may think he's worse than an aborted fetus as a human being BUT I don't think it's deniable that his obnoxious style has caused BOTH Nato to increase defense spending and reconsider whether defense is just the US's job AND no potus in either party has successfully addressed illegal immigration. Now what he ends up doing on immigration is imo his biggest challenge, and if he wants' to "win" he's got to have dem help.
Well, I don't think Trump is up to the job, but tonite he does have an opportunity to reset the debate, and that's what the op link was about. And it's true that people (like me) may think he's worse than an aborted fetus as a human being BUT I don't think it's deniable that his obnoxious style has caused BOTH Nato to increase defense spending and reconsider whether defense is just the US's job AND no potus in either party has successfully addressed illegal immigration. Now what he ends up doing on immigration is imo his biggest challenge, and if he wants' to "win" he's got to have dem help.
"In 2014, the 29 NATO members agreed to contribute 2% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on defence by 2024." - Army Technology

Thanks, Obama!
Well, I don't think Trump is up to the job, but tonite he does have an opportunity to reset the debate, and that's what the op link was about. And it's true that people (like me) may think he's worse than an aborted fetus as a human being BUT I don't think it's deniable that his obnoxious style has caused BOTH Nato to increase defense spending and reconsider whether defense is just the US's job AND no potus in either party has successfully addressed illegal immigration. Now what he ends up doing on immigration is imo his biggest challenge, and if he wants' to "win" he's got to have dem help.
"In 2014, the 29 NATO members agreed to contribute 2% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on defence by 2024." - Army Technology

Thanks, Obama!
Yeah, but they didn't spend 2% on defense knowing about Pajama Boy and his red lines. Pajama Boy is now a distant memory and they're finally spending.

Well, I don't think Trump is up to the job, but tonite he does have an opportunity to reset the debate, and that's what the op link was about. And it's true that people (like me) may think he's worse than an aborted fetus as a human being BUT I don't think it's deniable that his obnoxious style has caused BOTH Nato to increase defense spending and reconsider whether defense is just the US's job AND no potus in either party has successfully addressed illegal immigration. Now what he ends up doing on immigration is imo his biggest challenge, and if he wants' to "win" he's got to have dem help.
"In 2014, the 29 NATO members agreed to contribute 2% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on defence by 2024." - Army Technology

Thanks, Obama!
But they didn't do it. I didn't vote for Trump and never will, but it's undeniable that Nato is spending more and relying more on its European members. I believe the US still has to guarantee any member state that any Russian aggression will be met as if it were a direct attack on the US, but still Germany continues to be an embarrasement.

Perhaps their loathing of an actual military is understandable since they are still wearing the scars of something like 40% of their population being relocated during the 1950s. But still. Given their economy, and if they rely on others to be ready to sacrifice lives, they can pay 4% too.
Still living in the past. Move on.
If you were paying attention, you would know that was my message to you. This is 2019, and trump is a flop.
Trump's approval is the same as Obama's in his second year. The way the media kissed his ass, compared to nothing but negative on Trump. Looks like your trangerdered boy was a failure.

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