new poll shows voters Trust Trump more than Biden on democracy !

heres another source for the truth denying leftists ..

gag when shitlib says democracy.jpg
We'll see what happens in November. Because for some reason I don't think that poll accurately represents Americans in those states. Because I don't answer polling questions when I'm called.
Source: April 15-May 30, 2024, Washington Post-Schar School poll of 1,684 registered voters including 1,094 Deciders in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points overall and 3.6 among Deciders.

1,684 voters do not represent the number of voters in those 6 states. That's 280 people per state.
Not a toss-up: Polling guru Nate Silver gives Trump 66% chance of winning 2024 race . . . Election prognosticator Nate Silver is no fan of Donald Trump, but he predicts that the former president will win the November election against President Biden, and what’s more, it won’t be particularly close. In his first 2024 presidential election model, the political statistics guru gave the presumptive Republican nominee a 65.7% chance of winning the Electoral College vote versus 33.7% for the Democrat Biden.

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