New Poll: support for gun control is not waning


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Reality bites!

70,291,049 Background Checks for Gun Purchases Under Obama | CNS News

There have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases since President Obama took office, according to data released by the FBI.

This doesn't count the number of people who had previously bought weapons and undergone a background check. These are just new purchasers.

Wouldn't you imagine that Connecticut be FOR strong gun control, after all the legislature is gonna do it based on what they thing polls say?

Not there either.

Customers Rush to Store to Purchase Guns, Ammo | NBC Connecticut

This was a big concern for gun owners, and thousands of them rushed to gun stores to stock up on guns and ammunition that could soon be illegal.

“They’re insane, I’ve never seen them so busy before,” said Shari Reilly

She bought high-capacity magazines at three different stores, from Norwalk to Newington, and she was irate over the possible changes.

The biggest impediment to gun control is reality. Didn't Colorado just pass strong gun laws? Reality bites there too.

Intruder killed while breaking into Colorado prosecutor's home - U.S. News

DENVER - An intruder who forced his way into the mountain home of a Colorado deputy district attorney was shot dead by either the prosecutor or her police officer husband, authorities said on Tuesday.

Every time there is a story like this, a couple hundred gun owners are minted out.
Well then, the rights of the minority should certainly be set aside if it be the will of the majority...right?

Well then, the rights of the minority should certainly be set aside if it be the will of the majority...right?


Evidently argumentum ad populum is just fine when it comes to things that progressives agree with. When its a popular libertarian/social conservative thing? Not so much.
The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools -- you know, like Columbine's armed guards -- you know, like Virginia Tech's police force -- you know, like Ft Hood's armed police -- you know, like several of the audience members at the Gabby Giffords shooting but-----but you have to wonder how does the NRA propose to know whether or not the armed school guards are not themselves likely to be "bad guys" -- you know, like the "Hillside Strangler" who was a paid guard when he started his killing spree.

Irony of ironies, to ensure schools aren't hiring "bad guys", the NRA is proposing background checks, testing, screening and training -- whoda thunk the NRA would expropriate the Brady Bill's position?
Wouldn't you imagine that Connecticut be FOR strong gun control,
Why? They have probably noticed that gun control has had no effect on crime rates, and that none of the laws being proposed now, would have stopped the nutcase who shot up the school there.

Liberals may think those people are stupid enough to fall for the usual baiting and emotional appeals for laws that don't work.

Maybe liberals are wrong.


This was a big concern for gun owners, and thousands of them rushed to gun stores to stock up on guns and ammunition that could soon be illegal.

The biggest impediment to gun control is reality.
I couldn't have put it better myself.
You can make a poll say whatever you want, depending on who you ask and how you ask the questions.
You can make a poll say whatever you want, depending on who you ask and how you ask the questions.

of course

if you ask a room full of gun control addicts

if they want more gun control

most would say yes
Why no link to the poll?

Because it's a viewers poll of MSNBC



Failed "search engine" class didja?

I didn't think I would have to school y'all Republicans on how to use a search engine but I put a small link in the OP for the search engine challenged anyway.
As far as the methodology is concerned, it's in the link also but since Republicans probably can't find it either... How the Survey was Conducted

Far be it from me to call anyone stupid but when Republicans aren't smart enough to defend their own ideology, the typical Republican response is to go all - ad hominem on the messenger. Rightwingers are a strange, predictable lot.

The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools

So did Bill Clinton, with one difference...he ACTUALLY put armed guards in public schools. LOTS of them.

Clinton also unveiled the $60-million fifth round of funding for “COPS in School,” a Justice Department program that helps pay the costs of placing police officers in schools to help make them safer for students and teachers. The money will be used to provide 452 officers in schools in more than 220 communities.

Were you equally outraged then???

But regardless of that fact that the NRA proposal mirrors Clinton's actions, tell us, how would you proposed to stop a lunatic killing kids in a school? Tell the shooter he's in a gun free zone and therefore must cease and desist?
Well then, the rights of the minority should certainly be set aside if it be the will of the majority...right?


Whose rights are violated if the law requires you to prove you are qualified to buy a gun before you're allowed to buy a gun?

Whose rights are violated if the law requires you to prove you are qualified to buy a book before you're allowed to buy a book?
Remember the Obamacare debate, when opponents argued over and over that the slight majority or plurality of opposition to the bill that showed up in some of the polls proved that the bill should not pass because Americans didn't want it?

That was their BIG argument against Obamacare - that and that it was unconstitutional, lol.

Well, if the 90% support for universal background checks lost a full third of that support,

all the way down to 60%,

that would still be well above the numbers that the opponents of Obamacare insisted were a good argument against the bill.

So shut up. lolol
Well then, the rights of the minority should certainly be set aside if it be the will of the majority...right?


Whose rights are violated if the law requires you to prove you are qualified to buy a gun before you're allowed to buy a gun?

Whose rights are violated if the law requires you to prove you are qualified to buy a book before you're allowed to buy a book?

Nobody's. Stop reminding us how retarded you are and answer the question.

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