New Poll: support for gun control is not waning

I have recently purchased a Remington 870 tactical shotgun (under barrel 500 lumen light) and a Glock 30 .45 caliber which I sometimes carry concealed and sometimes carry openly. I'll add that to the AR-15, the Remington 700 (.308) with the Leopold 10X scope, the Colt Double-Eagle, and the three other shotguns that I have. The issue that I have is that I am paying $45 for 20 .45 ACP rounds. THAT is obscene!!

I have said a thousand times that when Clinton passed the last law against large magazines, small metal shops all over the area went into overdrive either making large capacity magazines or converting the smaller ones. They are now loading ammo as well. The best customers? ATF, FBI, Federal Marshals, state and local law enforcement.

My question is: Was Clinton and now Obama secretly getting donations from gun/ammo manufacturers? Everytime they do this, the amateurs drive the prices through the roof.

By the way, the world's largest gun show is in Tulsa this weekend (Wannamacher's). See you there.

you need to start reloading. it will cut your costs greatly

You know, I thought of that, but I ranch so time is of a premium. I'm actually considering selling the ranch, so maybe I'll have more time later. Thanks for the advice though. What I do know is that the hand-wringers have ZERO effect on guns/ammo in this area except for prices. I don't care what laws they pass. How's those laws outlawing moonshine working for you? I mean they were so effective.
I have recently purchased a Remington 870 tactical shotgun (under barrel 500 lumen light) and a Glock 30 .45 caliber which I sometimes carry concealed and sometimes carry openly. I'll add that to the AR-15, the Remington 700 (.308) with the Leopold 10X scope, the Colt Double-Eagle, and the three other shotguns that I have. The issue that I have is that I am paying $45 for 20 .45 ACP rounds. THAT is obscene!!

I have said a thousand times that when Clinton passed the last law against large magazines, small metal shops all over the area went into overdrive either making large capacity magazines or converting the smaller ones. They are now loading ammo as well. The best customers? ATF, FBI, Federal Marshals, state and local law enforcement.

My question is: Was Clinton and now Obama secretly getting donations from gun/ammo manufacturers? Everytime they do this, the amateurs drive the prices through the roof.

By the way, the world's largest gun show is in Tulsa this weekend (Wannamacher's). See you there.

you need to start reloading. it will cut your costs greatly

You know, I thought of that, but I ranch so time is of a premium. I'm actually considering selling the ranch, so maybe I'll have more time later. Thanks for the advice though. What I do know is that the hand-wringers have ZERO effect on guns/ammo in this area except for prices. I don't care what laws they pass. How's those laws outlawing moonshine working for you? I mean they were so effective.

how much do you shoot? you'd be surprised how little time it takes. you could do 250 rounds in and hour easily. honestly, even molding your own projectiles is not all that hard either. especially for pistol.
Nobody's. Stop reminding us how retarded you are and answer the question.

Then I suppose you would have no objections if a full background NICS backgroundcheck was done at the polling place before allowing someone to vote--- that, of course requires a person to have a valid photo ID such as a drivers license?

A person's eligibility to vote should be determined when they register to vote.

If you think that's an apt analogy then I assume you have no objection to keeping a registry of who has purchased a firearm, just as we keep a registry of who has voted.

Um.....not a very good analogy.

Between gun ownership and voting, only one of these is listed in our Bill of Rights.

Well then, the rights of the minority should certainly be set aside if it be the will of the majority...right?


Whose rights are violated if the law requires you to prove you are qualified to buy a gun before you're allowed to buy a gun?

well then, what rights would of been violeted for making a woman have a ultrasound done to prove she is qualified to have a abortion?
Because it's a viewers poll of MSNBC



Failed "search engine" class didja?

I didn't think I would have to school y'all Republicans on how to use a search engine but I put a small link in the OP for the search engine challenged anyway.
As far as the methodology is concerned, it's in the link also but since Republicans probably can't find it either... How the Survey was Conducted

Far be it from me to call anyone stupid but when Republicans aren't smart enough to defend their own ideology, the typical Republican response is to go all - ad hominem on the messenger. Rightwingers are a strange, predictable lot.


A request for a link is not outrageous nor is it because we can't google oh snotty one. USMB rules require that you link.

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

"Please proceed Gov..." uh, I mean Tinydancer and Avatar. Keep searching for the link(s),
I think/would hope -- you're smart enough to find the links -- the C&Ps are within the guidelines.
The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools -- you know, like Columbine's armed guards -- you know, like Virginia Tech's police force -- you know, like Ft Hood's armed police -- you know, like several of the audience members at the Gabby Giffords shooting but-----but you have to wonder how does the NRA propose to know whether or not the armed school guards are not themselves likely to be "bad guys" -- you know, like the "Hillside Strangler" who was a paid guard when he started his killing spree.

Irony of ironies, to ensure schools aren't hiring "bad guys", the NRA is proposing background checks, testing, screening and training -- whoda thunk the NRA would expropriate the Brady Bill's position?
Columbine? That was in the middle of Clinton's assault weapons ban.
The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools -- you know, like Columbine's armed guards -- you know, like Virginia Tech's police force -- you know, like Ft Hood's armed police -- you know, like several of the audience members at the Gabby Giffords shooting but-----but you have to wonder how does the NRA propose to know whether or not the armed school guards are not themselves likely to be "bad guys" -- you know, like the "Hillside Strangler" who was a paid guard when he started his killing spree.

Irony of ironies, to ensure schools aren't hiring "bad guys", the NRA is proposing background checks, testing, screening and training -- whoda thunk the NRA would expropriate the Brady Bill's position?
Columbine? That was in the middle of Clinton's assault weapons ban.

it is misguided and ill informed to say "like in Columbine" since the "armed guard"

was not on campus at the time the shooting started

he was off campus with another unarmed guard

watching a park where kids gather to smoke

What a selective memory you lefties have. Let me remind you of somwething you are fond of saying:

We are a nation of laws and not a nation of mob rule.
you want to know what the real public opinion polls say. Read andrew cuomo's facebook page and look at the comments. 95% against his law to about 5% in support.
Then I suppose you would have no objections if a full background NICS backgroundcheck was done at the polling place before allowing someone to vote--- that, of course requires a person to have a valid photo ID such as a drivers license?

A person's eligibility to vote should be determined when they register to vote.

If you think that's an apt analogy then I assume you have no objection to keeping a registry of who has purchased a firearm, just as we keep a registry of who has voted.

Um.....not a very good analogy.

Between gun ownership and voting, only one of these is listed in our Bill of Rights.


The bill of rights is NOT all inclusive though and changes to the constitution have been made. Voting is now a right according to the constitution.
BTW.. with MD's new gun laws, the minute I pay the last child support check and my youngest turns 18 (by agreement I have to stay in the same school district as my ex to share custody), I will put my house up for sale and move out of this state...
The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools -- you know, like Columbine's armed guards -- you know, like Virginia Tech's police force -- you know, like Ft Hood's armed police -- you know, like several of the audience members at the Gabby Giffords shooting but-----but you have to wonder how does the NRA propose to know whether or not the armed school guards are not themselves likely to be "bad guys" -- you know, like the "Hillside Strangler" who was a paid guard when he started his killing spree.

Irony of ironies, to ensure schools aren't hiring "bad guys", the NRA is proposing background checks, testing, screening and training -- whoda thunk the NRA would expropriate the Brady Bill's position?

You seem to think it's a bad idea to keep our schools from being easy targets. Why?

I think responding to school shootings at all is silly.

The miniscule number of shootings makes virtually any response overkill. Of course mothers do not like to hear this, but kids are vastly more likely to get killed on the ride to school than in a school shooting.

Gun laws should be based on the merits of the laws themselves. I have no problem with background checks. Couldn't care less if people like it or not. I have no problem with registering guns. I have no problem with a law mandating gun locks.

But banning guns is a waste of time. It won't solve much of anything and will have a negligible affect on crime.

But both sides of the issue are insane. Gun control people are thinking with their emotions when they start talking about bans, as are those on the pro gun side who thinks any person in the country, regardless of background, should be able to walk into any gun store and walk out with a gun.
The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools

So did Bill Clinton, with one difference...he ACTUALLY put armed guards in public schools. LOTS of them.

Clinton also unveiled the $60-million fifth round of funding for “COPS in School,” a Justice Department program that helps pay the costs of placing police officers in schools to help make them safer for students and teachers. The money will be used to provide 452 officers in schools in more than 220 communities.

Were you equally outraged then???

But regardless of that fact that the NRA proposal mirrors Clinton's actions, tell us, how would you proposed to stop a lunatic killing kids in a school? Tell the shooter he's in a gun free zone and therefore must cease and desist?

Republicans never get too old to believe something stupid. After fighting tooth and nail against the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, H.R. 3355, it's now being touted on the USMB as the gold standard for protecting our school children from gun wielding nuts but-----but Republicans are allowing themselves to be punked/breitbarted uhh-gaynn.

Confused and Crazed Conservatives Distort Clinton's COPS Program to Help the NRA has the conservatives super confused again. This time it’s writer John Nolte, seeking to justify the NRA’s jumping-the-shark presser yesterday. How can anyone justify that, you ask? Well, he’s claiming that President Clinton put cops in school and there’s no difference between what Clinton did and what LaPierre offered up as the corporate agenda NRA’s vision for America, so how dare the media act as if Wayne LaPierre sounded crazy.

In a paranoid rant about how the media is attacking LaPierre’s “attractive” idea of arming up our schools, Nolte hyperventilates:
In their zeal to rampage this left-wing agenda, the media has apparently forgotten that back in 2000, on the one-year anniversary of the Columbine shooting (which occurred with an assault weapons ban in place), President Clinton requested $60 million in federal money to fund a fifth round of funding for a program called “COPS in School,” a program that does exactly what the NRA is proposing and the media is currently in overdrive mocking.
It’s as if he doesn’t realize that that program was already in effect, and what that program did, and who tried to shut it down.

He even quotes Clinton and this does not raise the alarm bell for him that he might be missing something:
“Already, it has placed 2,200 officers in more than 1,000 communities across our nation, where they are heightening school safety as well as coaching sports and acting as mentors and mediators for kids in need,” Clinton said.

School safety and coaching sports! Curse the evil media that ignores the hypocrisy!

Clinton’s 1994 COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) program, which Republicans tried to kill in 1995 and Bush defunded, was not about cops carrying armed weapons into schools. It was part of a broader approach to decrease crime rates by getting police involved in their communities. In other words, it was a sane policy.

MSNBC explained, “The original Clinton plan, enacted as part of a crime bill in 1994, envisioned hiring 100,000 police officers who would walk the streets, visit the schools and get to know the communities they were policing. The federal government paid 75 percent of the cost for three years, with a salary and benefit cap of $75,000 per officer.”

It also included money for police departments to buy computers and other new equipment. Note: No one was paying the NRA with taxpayer money to train armed police in order to patrol our schools. It’s a shame that Nolte missed that part, because that part contributed to LaPierre appearing like a cold-hearted, greedy, out-of-touch man whose relationship with reality is now in question.

Of course, Republicans were against Clinton’s COPS program back then. Sigh. Republicans preferred to focus on punishing crimes and claimed to have issue with the federal government having any say over local government. It was a waste of money, they cried! They felt so strongly about this that it contributed to (prepare for déjà vu) their shut down of government. Of course, the current proposal by the NRA (R-nationwide) is estimated to cost around $5.4 billion. This from the “fiscal hawks” who just hightailed it out of congress after failing to pass a budget plan out of alleged concern over spending.

Obama started funding the COPS program again via the stimulus, at a time when police departments couldn’t afford to keep fully staffed.

Not surprisingly, “community policing” was acknowledged to mean the opposite of Breitbart writer’s take on it.
Milwaukee police chief Edward Flynn said that while the politics has centered mostly on the hiring program, “the great value of the COPS program was on the educational side.”
The money for new officers was the hook, he said, but the notion of close engagement with neighbors “was a critical development in the evolution of policing in American cities,” helping drive down crime while boosting community trust.
Indeed, when a conservative criticized it in 2001, he scoffed that it was feel good liberal bs that we couldn’t afford, especially since some of the funds went to “… Department of Natural Resources officers whose duties include teaching children how to fish and putting up deer crossing signs along highways.” Yeah, teaching what I assume were at-risk youths how to fish is almost like assault weapon carrying police stalking the hallways of our preschools in order to enrich the NRA in both weapon purchases and “training” they’ve suggested they be in charge of, but not.

The purpose of COPS was to get police out from behind their desks and engaged in their communities, in order to foster trust on both sides. Furthermore, if LaPierre hasn’t lost it completely, we have to assume he wants these armed Blackwater types armed with assault weapons, because after all, “bad guys” have them.

In case Nolte is still confused,on December 19th Senator Boxer (D-CA) introduced the School Safety Enhancements Act, which would strengthen and expand the Justice Department’s existing COPS Secure Our Schools grants program to provide schools with more resources to install tip lines, surveillance equipment, secured entrances and other important safety measures. Clearly COPS falls short of LaPierre’s Mad Max vision.


How do Republicans feel about allowing themselves to be breitbarted/punked again and again and...?
Congress: Manchin-Toomey talks on guns - First Read

“Talks between two influential senators have emerged as the most promising route for a bipartisan breakthrough on expanding federal background checks for gun buyers, a pivotal part of President Barack Obama’s plan for combating gun violence,” AP writes. “One possibility being discussed by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., would involve expanding background checks to gun show sales and firearms transactions online, Senate aides said. Sales between close relatives and temporary transfers between hunters may be excluded, but an agreement along those lines could give Obama’s guns agenda a significant boost and would be a major expansion of the current system, which covers only sales handled by federally licensed gun dealers.”
The NRA is proposing we put bullets and the guns that shoot them in our schools -- you know, like Columbine's armed guards -- you know, like Virginia Tech's police force -- you know, like Ft Hood's armed police -- you know, like several of the audience members at the Gabby Giffords shooting but-----but you have to wonder how does the NRA propose to know whether or not the armed school guards are not themselves likely to be "bad guys" -- you know, like the "Hillside Strangler" who was a paid guard when he started his killing spree.

Irony of ironies, to ensure schools aren't hiring "bad guys", the NRA is proposing background checks, testing, screening and training -- whoda thunk the NRA would expropriate the Brady Bill's position?

You seem to think it's a bad idea to keep our schools from being easy targets. Why?

I think responding to school shootings at all is silly.

The miniscule number of shootings makes virtually any response overkill. Of course mothers do not like to hear this, but kids are vastly more likely to get killed on the ride to school than in a school shooting.

Gun laws should be based on the merits of the laws themselves. I have no problem with background checks. Couldn't care less if people like it or not. I have no problem with registering guns. I have no problem with a law mandating gun locks.

But banning guns is a waste of time. It won't solve much of anything and will have a negligible affect on crime.

But both sides of the issue are insane. Gun control people are thinking with their emotions when they start talking about bans, as are those on the pro gun side who thinks any person in the country, regardless of background, should be able to walk into any gun store and walk out with a gun.

My bold.

Wow, you're nuts. I'm sure Gabrielle Giffords would love to hear how the response to her attempted assassination was "overkill" since it is rare for house representatives to be shot at by crazed maniacs. Just wow. Using your logic, we should let gun wielding maniacs kill our children while the local law enforcement "does more important things."

No, taking a neutral stance on this issue is insane. Saying local law enforcement should not respond to a school shooting for want of a priority is insane. You really need to rethink your premise. I am wholly shocked.

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