New Quinnipiac Poll is Horrible News for Hillary

She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail
But Statistheilhitler has assured us she'll win over 300 EVs on Election Night!

The DemocRATS see this sinking ship and they'll be jumping off as soon as they can.
Yepp, the numbers don't look good. I agree.

But it's only one pollster, who has been bearish on Clinton the entire time, and I can prove it, too.

The picture will look completely different in the summer of 2016.
Right on cue.
Yes the numbers will look different in the summer. Because Hillary will be out of the race.
Yepp, the numbers don't look good. I agree.

But it's only one pollster, who has been bearish on Clinton the entire time, and I can prove it, too.

The picture will look completely different in the summer of 2016.
Right on cue.
Yes the numbers will look different in the summer. Because Hillary will be out of the race.

Uhm, no.
Yepp, the numbers don't look good. I agree.

But it's only one pollster, who has been bearish on Clinton the entire time, and I can prove it, too.

The picture will look completely different in the summer of 2016.

What is she going to do win the Nobel peace prize or something?

I don't even think she will make it to August 2016.

Trey is in her wind...
The poll ALSO says that Joe Biden can beat them all - Shrillary and Donald included - yes?

Hate to admit it, but I've never even heard of this school, never mind knowing anything about the quality of their work.

In the final analysis, the only poll that really matters a damn, is the one that we all participate in, using a voting booth.
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Yepp, the numbers don't look good. I agree.

But it's only one pollster, who has been bearish on Clinton the entire time, and I can prove it, too.

The picture will look completely different in the summer of 2016.

The picture will look completely different in the summer of 2016.

Will she even be in the picture in 2016?
Yepp, the numbers don't look good. I agree.

But it's only one pollster, who has been bearish on Clinton the entire time, and I can prove it, too.

The picture will look completely different in the summer of 2016.
This is good news.

Either she can show she can weather this, or her campaign tanks.

However, she will be good through SC at least.
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Clinton's done. And I don't see a majority of Americans getting all squishy over Sanders or O'Malley... Biden? He's off his rocker and way to gaffe prone.
The poll ALSO says that Joe Biden can beat them all - Shrillary and Donald included - yes?

Hate to admit it, but I've never even heard of this school, never mind knowing anything about the quality of their work.

In the final analysis, the only poll that really matters a damn, is the one that we all participate in, using a voting booth.
If you have never heard of the Quinnipiac Polls, you do not pay much attention to polling or politics.
The Democratic part elite did everything they could to gift the nomination to Hillary vs allowing the people to select their candidate. That is corruption of the highest order. I love that its blowing up in their face. And yes the corrupted GOP establishment has been doing the same damn thing and Trump has them discombobulated. The people in both parties need to rise up and bitch slap these fools, show them who is really in charge.
Really must thank the Hard Right helping everyone with Hillary's nomination process...

I know what you are thinking the Hard Right loves Sanders...

So we have seen endless attacks on Hillary for month and it is amounting to nothing... The Hard Right is very scared of Hillary, they know it is game over if the Democrats go for her.

All Democrats have to do is remember this is Bill Clinton's wife we are voting for.
It is difficult to imagine any reason why a poll in August of 2015 is relevant to anything at all.

There are two reasons to vote for HRC: She has a vagina (presumably), and she is a Democrat. Other than that, she is an odious, tainted, unattractive, and unqualified candidate. But neither of the two main reasons will change in the next 15 months, and the combination of the two will GUARANTEE her 45% of the electorate. That is to say, any Republican will have to garner more than 90% of EVERYONE ELSE in order to beat her.

Bernie Sanders' success is nothing more than the accumulation of the ANYBODY BUT HILLARY! Democrats. But those people will fall into line when she is the nominee. No one believes they will come out and vote Republican, or even stay home (which is what disaffected Republicans do).

The interesting thing is how the MSM pretends to be holding her feet to the fire over this email server thing, but none has dared to ask the most obvious question: "What gave you the right to conduct your business outside the official communication network of the State Department?" Or, putting it another way, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

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