New Quinnipiac Poll is Horrible News for Hillary

This perfectly sums up the NaziCon game against Hillary:

The Democratic part elite did everything they could to gift the nomination to Hillary vs allowing the people to select their candidate. That is corruption of the highest order. I love that its blowing up in their face. And yes the corrupted GOP establishment has been doing the same damn thing and Trump has them discombobulated. The people in both parties need to rise up and bitch slap these fools, show them who is really in charge.
It is not corruption. In 2012 there was only one Democratic Candidate. In 2004, only one Republican. Parties always try to present a united front and to select the best candidate that would give them a chance to win. Can you name a single thing the party did to assist Hillary? Didn't think so. More importantly, it is AUGUST 2015. There is a year to go before the Democrats select a candidate. In August 2007 Hillary was in pretty much the same position she is in now. How'd that work out for her?

"The survey, taken Friday through Sunday, puts Clinton at 48% — up 8 percentage points from three weeks ago — and Obama at 26%, down 2 points. Among Democrats and independents who "lean" Democratic, former North Carolina senator John Edwards is at 12%."

The next paragraph is interesting:
"Among Republicans, the race was stable: Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani at 33%, former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson at 21%, Arizona Sen. John McCain at 16% and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney at 8%." Giuliani with 33% is far better than Trump today at 24 %, particularly with the huge field and idiots here think Trump is "kicking ass".

Poll: Dems favor Clinton over Obama -

Oh please, even the other Democratic party candidates are complaining about the corrupt process being used to anoint Hillary.
Imagine that? Political opponents criticizing one another or complaining that the other is getting special treatment. What is the world coming to.

Go ahead offer another explanation for the Democratic party severely limiting the primary debates, you know so we can point and laugh at you. :laugh:
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You cannot specify any corruption other than the lies about Benghazi, her e-mail server etc. You folks hate her for the same reason you hated her husband and our current president: because they are effective democrats.

2/3rds of the country doesn't trust her.

A two year old has a better bullshit detector than you do, apparently.
And yet, she wins most head to head contests with most Republicans. Most folks don't hate either Clinton. Anyone who hates any politician is an asshole.
The Democratic part elite did everything they could to gift the nomination to Hillary vs allowing the people to select their candidate. That is corruption of the highest order. I love that its blowing up in their face. And yes the corrupted GOP establishment has been doing the same damn thing and Trump has them discombobulated. The people in both parties need to rise up and bitch slap these fools, show them who is really in charge.
It is not corruption. In 2012 there was only one Democratic Candidate. In 2004, only one Republican. Parties always try to present a united front and to select the best candidate that would give them a chance to win. Can you name a single thing the party did to assist Hillary? Didn't think so. More importantly, it is AUGUST 2015. There is a year to go before the Democrats select a candidate. In August 2007 Hillary was in pretty much the same position she is in now. How'd that work out for her?

"The survey, taken Friday through Sunday, puts Clinton at 48% — up 8 percentage points from three weeks ago — and Obama at 26%, down 2 points. Among Democrats and independents who "lean" Democratic, former North Carolina senator John Edwards is at 12%."

The next paragraph is interesting:
"Among Republicans, the race was stable: Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani at 33%, former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson at 21%, Arizona Sen. John McCain at 16% and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney at 8%." Giuliani with 33% is far better than Trump today at 24 %, particularly with the huge field and idiots here think Trump is "kicking ass".

Poll: Dems favor Clinton over Obama -

Oh please, even the other Democratic party candidates are complaining about the corrupt process being used to anoint Hillary.
Imagine that? Political opponents criticizing one another or complaining that the other is getting special treatment. What is the world coming to.

Go ahead offer another explanation for the Democratic party severely limiting the primary debates, you know so we can point and laugh at you. :laugh:
Right. Those debates worked out so well for the Republicans in the past and are doing wonder for them now. If you base who you vote for on how they perform in the dog and pony show known as the debates, you are an idiot.
You cannot specify any corruption other than the lies about Benghazi, her e-mail server etc. You folks hate her for the same reason you hated her husband and our current president: because they are effective democrats.

2/3rds of the country doesn't trust her.

A two year old has a better bullshit detector than you do, apparently.
And yet, she wins most head to head contests with most Republicans. Most folks don't hate either Clinton. Anyone who hates any politician is an asshole.

Oh the irony as most liberal politicians hate conservative politicians.
Looking at the internals, these polls suggest there are a lot more Republicans out there than there have been in a Presidential Election in a very long time so I'm not sure how strong these polls are. That being said, Hillary clearly has some problems.

60 days before the 2012 election, one poll showed Romney ahead of Obama by +15. Obama won by +1 on election night. One set of Quinnipiac polls, 15 months before the election, is not exactly the A and O. But this is also a reason why I collect and examine all polls, exactly as I promised: to created a data-baseline.

As I pointed to other polls showing Hillary ahead, crazy assed cons like the fake rabbid rabbit rabbi kept saying they were meaningless, that it's too early....

And now, one poll comes out to their liking....

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When the Benghazi/Email Kangaroo Court backfires - I suspect Hillary's poll numbers will dramatically improve.
Call her and tell her. I'm sure she'll feel much better.:biggrin:

Really, she likely going to get a tummy ache again and go off the grid. Best act fast. She still sulks over what Slick Willie did to her. Maybe its the charity vote.... you know like we saw with Obama getting re-elected. 52% of America just couldn't sleep at night without re-electing the first black POTUS. Just sucks he's been such an epic failure.

Wow, went off the reservation there a second...

Anyway, back to Her Thighness, I mean, who could blame Slick Willie for fooling around. When she was not blowing Foster she was at the local gym with the.... um... girls.

The Democrats are clearly in panic-mode. You know it's real bad when you're down to pushing a Socialist/Communist wingnut like Bernie Sanders.
When people say things like socialist/ communist, you might as well say Democratic/ monarchy. Not interchangeable words. People are really not understanding how big Bernie's campaign is getting, and its working to his favor. Please, keep on mud slinging at Hillary.

At the end of the day, he's a Communist wingnut. If he's the Democrat Nominee, the Republicans will win in a Landslide.
The real difficulty Hillary has made for herself are her excuses. She's not smart enough to figure these things out. She's not familiar with technology. She thought she was dusting. Everything she says is "I'm incompetent. I'm just a woman. I'm old. I don't know." It doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
The Democrats are clearly in panic-mode. You know it's real bad when you're down to pushing a Socialist/Communist wingnut like Bernie Sanders.
When people say things like socialist/ communist, you might as well say Democratic/ monarchy. Not interchangeable words. People are really not understanding how big Bernie's campaign is getting, and its working to his favor. Please, keep on mud slinging at Hillary.

At the end of the day, he's a Communist wingnut. If he's the Democrat Nominee, the Republicans will win in a Landslide.
Yeah, with only 25 percent of voters identifying Republican now, and independents viewing Republicans unfavorably more and more, I'd like to see the Republican candidate who even offers a challenge. Republicans are the only people calling him a communist wingnut and they're the minority.
The Democrats are clearly in panic-mode. You know it's real bad when you're down to pushing a Socialist/Communist wingnut like Bernie Sanders.
When people say things like socialist/ communist, you might as well say Democratic/ monarchy. Not interchangeable words. People are really not understanding how big Bernie's campaign is getting, and its working to his favor. Please, keep on mud slinging at Hillary.

At the end of the day, he's a Communist wingnut. If he's the Democrat Nominee, the Republicans will win in a Landslide.
Yeah, with only 25 percent of voters identifying Republican now, and independents viewing Republicans unfavorably more and more, I'd like to see the Republican candidate who even offers a challenge. Republicans are the only people calling him a communist wingnut and they're the minority.

Take my word for it, you go with the Communist wingnut, and the Republicans will win very easily. You better just hope Hillary doesn't end up in an orange jumpsuit. She's all you got.

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