New Quinnipiac Poll is Horrible News for Hillary

The Democratic part elite did everything they could to gift the nomination to Hillary vs allowing the people to select their candidate. That is corruption of the highest order. I love that its blowing up in their face. And yes the corrupted GOP establishment has been doing the same damn thing and Trump has them discombobulated. The people in both parties need to rise up and bitch slap these fools, show them who is really in charge.
It is not corruption. In 2012 there was only one Democratic Candidate. In 2004, only one Republican. Parties always try to present a united front and to select the best candidate that would give them a chance to win. Can you name a single thing the party did to assist Hillary? Didn't think so. More importantly, it is AUGUST 2015. There is a year to go before the Democrats select a candidate. In August 2007 Hillary was in pretty much the same position she is in now. How'd that work out for her?

"The survey, taken Friday through Sunday, puts Clinton at 48% — up 8 percentage points from three weeks ago — and Obama at 26%, down 2 points. Among Democrats and independents who "lean" Democratic, former North Carolina senator John Edwards is at 12%."

The next paragraph is interesting:
"Among Republicans, the race was stable: Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani at 33%, former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson at 21%, Arizona Sen. John McCain at 16% and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney at 8%." Giuliani with 33% is far better than Trump today at 24 %, particularly with the huge field and idiots here think Trump is "kicking ass".

Poll: Dems favor Clinton over Obama -

Oh please, even the other Democratic party candidates are complaining about the corrupt process being used to anoint Hillary.
Imagine that? Political opponents criticizing one another or complaining that the other is getting special treatment. What is the world coming to.
The poll ALSO says that Joe Biden can beat them all - Shrillary and Donald included - yes?

Hate to admit it, but I've never even heard of this school, never mind knowing anything about the quality of their work.

In the final analysis, the only poll that really matters a damn, is the one that we all participate in, using a voting booth.
Were you a dj in a former life?
I think Marco Rubio is the most electable GOP candidate. It is interesting that he leads Clinton by 12 points in Florida.....7 points in Pennsylvania... and 2 points in Ohio.

But....but...but...Stat says the Hildabeast will win by a gagillion votes!!!!!! :lol:

Latest Polls | RealClearPolitics
Him and Kasich on the same ticket would likely be the Republicans strongest team and not one that rational democrats would think would be a disaster if elected. Carson, Huckabee, Trump, Jindal, Cruz, Santorum... those would be a disaster for the nation.
Whoa, from the link:
  • FLORIDA: Biden 45 - Trump 42
  • OHIO: Biden 48 - Trump 38
  • PENNSYLVANIA: Biden 48 - Trump 40
If Trump makes a third-party run, results are:
  • Florida - Clinton at 37 percent, with 36 percent for Bush and 19 percent for Trump;
  • Ohio - Clinton over Bush 37 - 27 percent, with 23 percent for Trump;
  • Pennsylvania - Clinton tops Bush 37 - 29 percent, with Trump at 24 percent..
The poll ALSO says that Joe Biden can beat them all - Shrillary and Donald included - yes?

Hate to admit it, but I've never even heard of this school, never mind knowing anything about the quality of their work.

In the final analysis, the only poll that really matters a damn, is the one that we all participate in, using a voting booth.
Were you a dj in a former life?
Was that an oblique reference to 'spin'? Frankly, I don't understand where you're going with that one. Perhaps I'm having a denser-than-usual day.
Whoa, from the link:
  • FLORIDA: Biden 45 - Trump 42
  • OHIO: Biden 48 - Trump 38
  • PENNSYLVANIA: Biden 48 - Trump 40
If Trump makes a third-party run, results are:
  • Florida - Clinton at 37 percent, with 36 percent for Bush and 19 percent for Trump;
  • Ohio - Clinton over Bush 37 - 27 percent, with 23 percent for Trump;
  • Pennsylvania - Clinton tops Bush 37 - 29 percent, with Trump at 24 percent..

But we don't call them Dimwits for nothing...

Poll: Democrats want Biden to run, but want Clinton to win

Forty-eight percent of Democratic voters say Vice President Biden should run for president, but only 21% say they would vote for him if he did, according to a poll released Wednesday.
With Biden in the race, former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s support would drop from 65% to 48% — but she would retain a commanding 27-point lead over Biden. Biden trails Clinton in all major demographic groups, but his support is slightly stronger among men, older voters, and churchgoers, the poll shows.

Election 2016: Poll - Democratic primary voters see Hillary Clinton as most electable - CBS News

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton holds a wide lead in the Democratic contest for the nomination, receiving 58 percent of Democratic primary voters' support. Senator Bernie Sanders is second, with 17 percent. Vice President Joe Biden, who has not yet announced whether he is running for president, receives support from 11 percent of Democratic primary voters.

Count on the idiots to pick a loser!!!!
She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail

Who gives a shit? It's too early to worry about polls. NaziCons will keep conjuring up more anti-Hillary shit until the General Election. She hasn't been convicted of anything and probably never will be.
The poll ALSO says that Joe Biden can beat them all - Shrillary and Donald included - yes?

Hate to admit it, but I've never even heard of this school, never mind knowing anything about the quality of their work.

In the final analysis, the only poll that really matters a damn, is the one that we all participate in, using a voting booth.
Were you a dj in a former life?
Was that an oblique reference to 'spin'? Frankly, I don't understand where you're going with that one. Perhaps I'm having a denser-than-usual day.
Yes, spinning that record about Hillary into a Dont Touch Me There Biden record.
She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail

Who gives a shit? It's too early to worry about polls. NaziCons will keep conjuring up more anti-Hillary shit until the General Election. She hasn't been convicted of anything and probably never will be.

Ha, you're gonna vote for Hillary Clinton? Seriously? Pretty much sums you up as a person, no? A Hillary Clinton supporter? Yikes.
She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail
People have been underestimating the Clintons since 1991. It's amazing they still do.

There's a word for people who don't learn. Oh, yeah. Retards.

However, Ohio and Florida both happen to be the home states of three Republican candidates. Kasich from Ohio, and Bush/Rubio from Florida.

Kasich is very popular in Ohio, for good reason, and so he is probably dragging Clinton's numbers down in that state.

I like Kasich a lot, and the demographics are exactly why I say a Kasich/Rubio ticket is a winning one. You'd have two of the most important swing states in your pocket.
Regardless, you know Democrats are in panic-mode. You know it's real bad if you're pushing a Communist wingnut like Bernie Sanders and an embarrassing buffoon like Biden. They better pray Hillary Clinton stays out of an orange jumpsuit.
She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail

Who gives a shit? It's too early to worry about polls. NaziCons will keep conjuring up more anti-Hillary shit until the General Election. She hasn't been convicted of anything and probably never will be.

Ha, you're gonna vote for Hillary Clinton? Seriously? Pretty much sums you up as a person, no? A Hillary Clinton supporter? Yikes.
You do realize that half the voters, a little more, are democrats? You really think that there is something wrong with being a democrat? People like you are the reason politics is so fucked up in this country now.
She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail

Who gives a shit? It's too early to worry about polls. NaziCons will keep conjuring up more anti-Hillary shit until the General Election. She hasn't been convicted of anything and probably never will be.

Ha, you're gonna vote for Hillary Clinton? Seriously? Pretty much sums you up as a person, no? A Hillary Clinton supporter? Yikes.
You do realize that half the voters, a little more, are democrats? You really think that there is something wrong with being a democrat? People like you are the reason politics is so fucked up in this country now.

Never said there's something wrong with being a Democrat. But i do say there is something very wrong with being a Hillary Clinton supporter. She's as corrupt as they come.
The poll ALSO says that Joe Biden can beat them all - Shrillary and Donald included - yes?

Hate to admit it, but I've never even heard of this school, never mind knowing anything about the quality of their work.

In the final analysis, the only poll that really matters a damn, is the one that we all participate in, using a voting booth.
Were you a dj in a former life?
Was that an oblique reference to 'spin'? Frankly, I don't understand where you're going with that one. Perhaps I'm having a denser-than-usual day.
Yes, spinning that record about Hillary into a Dont Touch Me There Biden record.
Too oblique for me, Gramps, I'm just not getting it.
She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail

Who gives a shit? It's too early to worry about polls. NaziCons will keep conjuring up more anti-Hillary shit until the General Election. She hasn't been convicted of anything and probably never will be.

Ha, you're gonna vote for Hillary Clinton? Seriously? Pretty much sums you up as a person, no? A Hillary Clinton supporter? Yikes.
You do realize that half the voters, a little more, are democrats? You really think that there is something wrong with being a democrat? People like you are the reason politics is so fucked up in this country now.


Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008.


The results are based on more than 18,000 interviews with Americans from 13 separate Gallup multiple-day polls conducted in 2013.

If Hillary can't pull in the independent vote, it's curtains for her
...People have been underestimating the Clintons since 1991. It's amazing they still do...
Every 'good run' must come to an end at some point.

This may be hers.

Teflon Bubba and Donna (Bill and Shrillary) can't keep dodging metaphorical legal bullets forever.

Past Teflon-Don outcomes are not a guarantee of future success.

And, frankly, it would appear that The Hildabeast may have finally given the howling mob what it wants - a way to shove her off the stage.

She's yesterday's news, she has wwwaaaaaayyyy too much baggage, she's under one-too-many 'clouds', and she's fast turning into a liability.

Her most recent public appearanc,e and her petulance and arrogance during that query-session, are not helping.
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She's currently losing Florida to the GOP badly and now trails in Pennsylvania as well and is barely staying alive against them in Ohio. Her favorable ratings are also in the toilet.

Release Detail

Who gives a shit? It's too early to worry about polls. NaziCons will keep conjuring up more anti-Hillary shit until the General Election. She hasn't been convicted of anything and probably never will be.

Ha, you're gonna vote for Hillary Clinton? Seriously? Pretty much sums you up as a person, no? A Hillary Clinton supporter? Yikes.
You do realize that half the voters, a little more, are democrats? You really think that there is something wrong with being a democrat? People like you are the reason politics is so fucked up in this country now.

Never said there's something wrong with being a Democrat. But i do say there is something very wrong with being a Hillary Clinton supporter. She's as corrupt as they come.
You cannot specify any corruption other than the lies about Benghazi, her e-mail server etc. You folks hate her for the same reason you hated her husband and our current president: because they are effective democrats.
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You cannot specify any corruption other than the lies about Benghazi, her e-mail server etc. You folks hate her for the same reason you hated her husband and our current president: because they are effective democrats.

2/3rds of the country doesn't trust her.

A two year old has a better bullshit detector than you do, apparently.
The Democrats are clearly in panic-mode. You know it's real bad when you're down to pushing a Socialist/Communist wingnut like Bernie Sanders.
When people say things like socialist/ communist, you might as well say Democratic/ monarchy. Not interchangeable words. People are really not understanding how big Bernie's campaign is getting, and its working to his favor. Please, keep on mud slinging at Hillary.
...You cannot specify any corruption other than the lies about Benghazi, her e-mail server etc. You folks hate her for the same reason you hated her husband and our current president: because they are effective democrats.
It's not a matter of 'hate'.

It's a matter of Trust.

It's a matter of scarcely-concealed corruption, and scarcely-evaded consequences (so far)...

It's a matter of being part of the Old Guard, and America's had enough of that for a while.

It's a matter of Sense-of-Entitlement and Privilege and Arrogance.

It's a matter of Trust.

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