New Red Governors

Yeah ... even Mass just was just called Red. It looks lie the Dems are being punished by their base. Maybe the Dem incumbents just weren't leftist enough to satisfy them.

It's independents that really kicked the democrats asses.

The GOP had better do it right.

People are in no mood to keep assholes.

The right has been talking a big game. Many Independents want to see if they can follow up on it.

I know for a fact they can't. They promise the moon and stars (aka they promise poor people more money, their primary followers)

I will watch them fail and watch bias clowns justify their failures.......THIS SHOULD BE POLITICS 101 IN 1014
"True Blue" Illinois and Maryland both elect Repub governors.
WTF is going on here?

Hand the idiot the mic. Then every one knows he's an idiot and not just someone asking for the mic.

You mean "better to remain silent and keep 'em guessing than open your mouth and remove all doubt?" That's sound advice you might want to consider.

If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

From Fox News...a sea of red governorships...


2014 Midterm Elections Politics Fox News

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?
Damn that Cruz shutdown! People surely remembered a PRINCIPLED man!

The shut down was Nihilism. It's just like political debate. If you refuse to debate and shut down the conversation, it doesn't make you correct....It makes you a dictator of the debate and by default, you lose.

I usually stay away from your threads, as you are OUT THERE...somewhere, but I see you have no idea about principles, and I would expect ethics and morals as well.

EVERYONE that learns too much about politics is painted as "out there". It takes a party system to ensure the people don't think for themselves. Look at Jesse Ventura. He knows LOTS about politics and everyone see's him as a crazy person. Yet so many issues he talks about is easy to research.
Hand the idiot the mic. Then every one knows he's an idiot and not just someone asking for the mic.

You mean "better to remain silent and keep 'em guessing than open your mouth and remove all doubt?" That's sound advice you might want to consider.

If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

From Fox News...a sea of red governorships...


2014 Midterm Elections Politics Fox News

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?

You are a Missouri Gun Nutt that is scared to death if you receive information beyond Gary Nolan that you might become a Liberal. Did you know that Gary Nolan is rich and just wants more? You do understand that the SUPERFICIAL AMERICANS are the ones that control you correct? Stop fighting for your own poverty.

You probably can't even buy bullets for your gun because you believed the false scare that Obama is going to take your guns driving up ammo prices to an all time high.
Damn that Cruz shutdown! People surely remembered a PRINCIPLED man!

The shut down was Nihilism. It's just like political debate. If you refuse to debate and shut down the conversation, it doesn't make you correct....It makes you a dictator of the debate and by default, you lose.

I usually stay away from your threads, as you are OUT THERE...somewhere, but I see you have no idea about principles, and I would expect ethics and morals as well.

EVERYONE that learns too much about politics is painted as "out there". It takes a party system to ensure the people don't think for themselves. Look at Jesse Ventura. He knows LOTS about politics and everyone see's him as a crazy person. Yet so many issues he talks about is easy to research.

Jesse.... NO RESPECT for that Boy!

Jesse Ventura Sues Wife of Slain Navy SEAL Chris Kyle SOFREP
Hand the idiot the mic. Then every one knows he's an idiot and not just someone asking for the mic.

You mean "better to remain silent and keep 'em guessing than open your mouth and remove all doubt?" That's sound advice you might want to consider.

If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

From Fox News...a sea of red governorships...


2014 Midterm Elections Politics Fox News

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?

Gun Manufacturers "donate" massive amounts of $ to NRA (started in '05). NRA changes it's tune on certain gun regulations. NRA starts donating it's massive amounts of $ to Republican Congressman. A school shooting happens. Republicans immediately start saying Obama wants to take your guns. Gun and ammo sales get to an all time record high.

Like everything else in America today. The Corporations are Unionizing and controlling the people.
You mean "better to remain silent and keep 'em guessing than open your mouth and remove all doubt?" That's sound advice you might want to consider.

If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

From Fox News...a sea of red governorships...


2014 Midterm Elections Politics Fox News

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?

You are a Missouri Gun Nutt that is scared to death if you receive information beyond Gary Nolan that you might become a Liberal. Did you know that Gary Nolan is rich and just wants more? You do understand that the SUPERFICIAL AMERICANS are the ones that control you correct? Stop fighting for your own poverty.

You probably can't even buy bullets for your gun because you believed the false scare that Obama is going to take your guns driving up ammo prices to an all time high.

I don't think I've ever once listened to Gary Nolan...I had to look him up just to find out who he was.

And ammo here is cheap and plentiful...only .22LR is in short supply and has been for a long time...I switched over to a .177 pellet gun.

I'll tell you what I did do...I bought my wife an AR15 she desperately wanted when Obama was pushing to ban them again. Paid too much for it. But, when Mama ain't happy...

But what does any of that have to do with education or Fox News?

Obama said himself he wanted to reinstate the Clinton Ban. My decision had more to do with history that reporting.
Last edited:
You mean "better to remain silent and keep 'em guessing than open your mouth and remove all doubt?" That's sound advice you might want to consider.

If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

From Fox News...a sea of red governorships...


2014 Midterm Elections Politics Fox News

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?

Gun Manufacturers "donate" massive amounts of $ to NRA (started in '05). NRA changes it's tune on certain gun regulations. NRA starts donating it's massive amounts of $ to Republican Congressman. A school shooting happens. Republicans immediately start saying Obama wants to take your guns. Gun and ammo sales get to an all time record high.

Like everything else in America today. The Corporations are Unionizing and controlling the people.

If I was a gun manufacturer, I'd donate to the NRA too.

I don't necessarily disagree that corporations are too powerful.

But, at this time, that power is the only counterweight opposing what I would term populist socialism.

The idea that citizens can vote themselves more and more government provided benefits and entitlements paid for by taxpayers.

At this time, IMO, that makes their power a necessary evil.
Been a good day for the Red, but not a rout.

Voters are willing to see what the Red can do in the next two years before the big election.
Yeah ... even Mass just was just called Red. It looks lie the Dems are being punished by their base. Maybe the Dem incumbents just weren't leftist enough to satisfy them.

It's independents that really kicked the democrats asses.

The GOP had better do it right.

People are in no mood to keep assholes.

The right has been talking a big game. Many Independents want to see if they can follow up on it.

I know for a fact they can't. They promise the moon and stars (aka they promise poor people more money, their primary followers)

I will watch them fail and watch bias clowns justify their failures.......THIS SHOULD BE POLITICS 101 IN 1014

Wow. From one side of your mouth it's "Let's see their "Progress and Change" LOL. (Oh wait, I can't just hate everything Obama does? There was more to it?)" and from the other it's "The right has been talking a big game. Many Independents want to see if they can follow up on it." So which is it, Princess? Did they talk a big game or was it all just hating Obama?
Damn that Cruz shutdown! People surely remembered a PRINCIPLED man!

The shut down was Nihilism. It's just like political debate. If you refuse to debate and shut down the conversation, it doesn't make you correct....It makes you a dictator of the debate and by default, you lose.

I usually stay away from your threads, as you are OUT THERE...somewhere, but I see you have no idea about principles, and I would expect ethics and morals as well.

EVERYONE that learns too much about politics is painted as "out there". It takes a party system to ensure the people don't think for themselves. Look at Jesse Ventura. He knows LOTS about politics and everyone see's him as a crazy person. Yet so many issues he talks about is easy to research.

So you're a Jesse V aficionado and you have the audacity to talk trash about others and their sources? Really dude, you seem waaay smarter when you JUST SHUT DA FUK UP!
You mean "better to remain silent and keep 'em guessing than open your mouth and remove all doubt?" That's sound advice you might want to consider.

If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

From Fox News...a sea of red governorships...


2014 Midterm Elections Politics Fox News

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?

You are a Missouri Gun Nutt that is scared to death if you receive information beyond Gary Nolan that you might become a Liberal. Did you know that Gary Nolan is rich and just wants more? You do understand that the SUPERFICIAL AMERICANS are the ones that control you correct? Stop fighting for your own poverty.

You probably can't even buy bullets for your gun because you believed the false scare that Obama is going to take your guns driving up ammo prices to an all time high.

Stop! You're killing me! I can hardly believe the stupid, stupid drivel that rolls off your keyboard. Are you a Cyborg? A slow learner? Really, really stupid?
If the Nix it Party get's into office, it's probably better for the Left at this point. When Ted Cruz got power and shut down the Government, it woke up massive amounts of Americans that were normally focused on things such as sports.

I doubt you are wrong but I also wonder why you are uneducated enough to get news from Fox..........OH MISSOURI!

Where else but Fox?

P.S. - I was educated in liberal Maryland...oops.

Educated +Follow Fox News doesn't go hand in hand there kiddo.

Is that a challenge?

Gun Manufacturers "donate" massive amounts of $ to NRA (started in '05). NRA changes it's tune on certain gun regulations. NRA starts donating it's massive amounts of $ to Republican Congressman. A school shooting happens. Republicans immediately start saying Obama wants to take your guns. Gun and ammo sales get to an all time record high.

Like everything else in America today. The Corporations are Unionizing and controlling the people.

If I was a gun manufacturer, I'd donate to the NRA too.

I don't necessarily disagree that corporations are too powerful.

But, at this time, that power is the only counterweight opposing what I would term populist socialism.

The idea that citizens can vote themselves more and more government provided benefits and entitlements paid for by taxpayers.

At this time, IMO, that makes their power a necessary evil.

Well said. The dynamic you describe even has a new name ... INEPTOCRACY:
a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely or willing to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Wolf trounced Corbett here in Pennsylvania.

Woo. Meanwhile Repubs took "True Blue" Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts. Last I looked Repubs won 31 and Dems 15. Can you say landslide?
Been a good day for the Red, but not a rout.

Voters are willing to see what the Red can do in the next two years before the big election.

The SUBVERSIVE RINO makes another pronouncement.... Go play with the communist subversives, and leave us REAL AMERICANS alone!....IF it wasn't for the TEA PARTY BASE holding their noses again, and putting people in that WE ARE HOPING are somewhat better than the Communists that they were running against, the Republican party would be in worse shape than the GREEN PARTY!
Vigilante, as we all know on the Board, is not a patriot and he loves Putin and Russia, along with the anarcho-commie, bripat.

The mainstream GOP now in Congress is not the least worried about the TPM. Absolutely fangless. America is onto their shell game.
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Voted for Logan in Maryland, as I got the feeling that Brown was just a status quo puppet and wouldn't actually do anything. Then there was the point he looked, spoke, and acted slightly like Obama, so that really did him in for me.

If Democrats had brought out a better candidate, I probably would have voted for a Democratic governor. Instead, they only got my vote for the rest of the state and county positions.
Vigilante, as we all know on the Board, is not a patriot and he loves Putin and Russia, along with the anarcho-commie, bripat.

The mainstream GOP now in Congress is not the least worried about the TPM. Absolutely fangless. America is onto their shell game.
And Fakey is a subversive, that claims to be a Republican but praises the obomanation any chance he gets.... Your undercover scheme is well know by TRUE patriots,,, The LIES you keep trying to spread are also well known, you're a subversive plant, we have already made you insignificant!

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