New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.

Big difference: Trump is merely being set up. Hillary is a genuine criminal.

I believe that genuine criminals should be punished.

There is NO difference. A leak is a leak. Your answer just proves you have no ethics or morals.

You're confusing factual "leaked" information which showed the crimes Hillary committed, with sensationalized stories about Trump. Try as they may, the leakers and media haven't really shown anything Trump did that was illegal or immoral.

Hey numbnuts, Trump admitted the information being leaked from the White House is true. Hell he admitted it today in his media session. He said it flattered him about the leaks of the people in the White House fighting over his "love" which had to do with Bannon fighting with McMaster...

If that's all that was leaked about Trump's White House, they're gonna have a hard time ousting him. I see no crime there.

Now Hillary is another story.
That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.

Big difference: Trump is merely being set up. Hillary is a genuine criminal.

I believe that genuine criminals should be punished.

There is NO difference. A leak is a leak. Your answer just proves you have no ethics or morals.

You're confusing factual "leaked" information which showed the crimes Hillary committed, with sensationalized stories about Trump. Try as they may, the leakers and media haven't really shown anything Trump did that was illegal or immoral.

Hey numbnuts, Trump admitted the information being leaked from the White House is true. Hell he admitted it today in his media session. He said it flattered him about the leaks of the people in the White House fighting over his "love" which had to do with Bannon fighting with McMaster...

If that's all that was leaked about Trump's White House, they're gonna have a hard time ousting him. I see no crime there.

Now Hillary is another story.

That's not the ONLY thing, it was just an example proving that the leaks are not fake like you think they are.
I have to give "The Nation" a lot of credit for publishing this in-depth article. It takes bravery and principles to toss off the partisan blinders and objectively look at the facts. Bottom line. the "DNC HACK" was not a hack. It was an inside job. This is now INDISPUTABLE.

Outside the Washington bubble and leftard echo chambers, we all knew that already.

Mueller and Rosenstein should be fired tomorrow.

Enough of this dumbass charade.
That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.

Big difference: Trump is merely being set up. Hillary is a genuine criminal.

I believe that genuine criminals should be punished.

There is NO difference. A leak is a leak. Your answer just proves you have no ethics or morals.

You're confusing factual "leaked" information which showed the crimes Hillary committed, with sensationalized stories about Trump. Try as they may, the leakers and media haven't really shown anything Trump did that was illegal or immoral.

Hey numbnuts, Trump admitted the information being leaked from the White House is true. Hell he admitted it today in his media session. He said it flattered him about the leaks of the people in the White House fighting over his "love" which had to do with Bannon fighting with McMaster...

If that's all that was leaked about Trump's White House, they're gonna have a hard time ousting him. I see no crime there.

Now Hillary is another story.

The dishonest news media is good at taking some irrelevant little piece of information, and blowing it up into something it isn't. They've been doing that to Trump for 6 months now. And still, nothing of substance.
Big difference: Trump is merely being set up. Hillary is a genuine criminal.

I believe that genuine criminals should be punished.

There is NO difference. A leak is a leak. Your answer just proves you have no ethics or morals.

You're confusing factual "leaked" information which showed the crimes Hillary committed, with sensationalized stories about Trump. Try as they may, the leakers and media haven't really shown anything Trump did that was illegal or immoral.

Hey numbnuts, Trump admitted the information being leaked from the White House is true. Hell he admitted it today in his media session. He said it flattered him about the leaks of the people in the White House fighting over his "love" which had to do with Bannon fighting with McMaster...

If that's all that was leaked about Trump's White House, they're gonna have a hard time ousting him. I see no crime there.

Now Hillary is another story.

That's not the ONLY thing, it was just an example proving that the leaks are not fake like you think they are.

They are fake and agenda-driven. The same media which is turning some insignificant leak about Trump's bathroom habits into a national scandal, is completely ignoring the deep shit Hillary in in right now.
There is NO difference. A leak is a leak. Your answer just proves you have no ethics or morals.

You're confusing factual "leaked" information which showed the crimes Hillary committed, with sensationalized stories about Trump. Try as they may, the leakers and media haven't really shown anything Trump did that was illegal or immoral.

Hey numbnuts, Trump admitted the information being leaked from the White House is true. Hell he admitted it today in his media session. He said it flattered him about the leaks of the people in the White House fighting over his "love" which had to do with Bannon fighting with McMaster...

If that's all that was leaked about Trump's White House, they're gonna have a hard time ousting him. I see no crime there.

Now Hillary is another story.

That's not the ONLY thing, it was just an example proving that the leaks are not fake like you think they are.

They are fake and agenda-driven. The same media which is turning some insignificant leak about Trump's bathroom habits, is completely ignoring the deep shit Hillary in in right now.

Excuses excuses excuses... Do you understand justifying bad behavior doesn't change the bad behavior?
Oh look Conservatives are proud of leakers once again! :lalala:

If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
So democrats are aghast and against all the leaks from inside Whitehouse.......funny I dont see any of that

You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?
Oh look Conservatives are proud of leakers once again! :lalala:

If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
So democrats are aghast and against all the leaks from inside Whitehouse.......funny I dont see any of that

You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?

I've said over and over again... all leaks from the government are bad. If you knew history, Nixon would have gone down regardless. He was going crazy.
If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
So democrats are aghast and against all the leaks from inside Whitehouse.......funny I dont see any of that

You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?

I've said over and over again... all leaks from the government are bad. If you knew history, Nixon would have gone down regardless. He was going crazy.

Are leaks from the "government" per se? Usually they're done by someone over-stepping his bounds and going outside that which is allowed. Most every piece of information leaked to the press about Trump came from an Obama-sympathizer working in some bureaucratic office hidden in some building.
If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
So democrats are aghast and against all the leaks from inside Whitehouse.......funny I dont see any of that

You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?

I've said over and over again... all leaks from the government are bad. If you knew history, Nixon would have gone down regardless. He was going crazy.

How was Nixon crazy? He ended the Vietnam War and opened relations with China. Give him credit for that at least.
That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
So democrats are aghast and against all the leaks from inside Whitehouse.......funny I dont see any of that

You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?

I've said over and over again... all leaks from the government are bad. If you knew history, Nixon would have gone down regardless. He was going crazy.

How was Nixon crazy? He ended the Vietnam War and opened relations with China. Give him credit for that at least.

He was so stressed and losing it he had a drinking problem and almost nuked North Korea while drunk.
Oh look Conservatives are proud of leakers once again! :lalala:

If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
DNC is not a government institution although they view themselves as such. They are a privtae organization, a political party. Leaking their data is not quite the same as leaking confidential NATIONAL SECURITY info. Whoever leaked the DNC data - THANK YOU !!!
Oh look Conservatives are proud of leakers once again! :lalala:

If Putin himself had offered me some information that would put that bitch Hillary behind bars, I'd take him up on it.

And I'm not what you'd call "fond" of Communists.

That has nothing to do with leakers. You are either against or for leakers. You can't be FOR leakers when it benefits you, and AGAINST leakers when it makes Trump look like an idiot.
DNC is not a government institution although they view themselves as such. They are a privtae organization, a political party. Leaking their data is not quite the same as leaking confidential NATIONAL SECURITY info. Whoever leaked the DNC data - THANK YOU !!!

The employees worked for the NSA and anything that has to do with the investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 election is Classified.
So democrats are aghast and against all the leaks from inside Whitehouse.......funny I dont see any of that

You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?

I've said over and over again... all leaks from the government are bad. If you knew history, Nixon would have gone down regardless. He was going crazy.

How was Nixon crazy? He ended the Vietnam War and opened relations with China. Give him credit for that at least.

He was so stressed and losing it he had a drinking problem and almost nuked North Korea while drunk.

As opposed to Bill Clinton completely losing the nuclear codes for a month? Priorities, man.
You can say what you want about them, but as far as me, I've said very clearly I'm against ALL leaks.

But the leaks that led to Watergate were ok, right?

I've said over and over again... all leaks from the government are bad. If you knew history, Nixon would have gone down regardless. He was going crazy.

How was Nixon crazy? He ended the Vietnam War and opened relations with China. Give him credit for that at least.

He was so stressed and losing it he had a drinking problem and almost nuked North Korea while drunk.

As opposed to Bill Clinton completely losing the nuclear codes for a month? Priorities, man.

Yeah we already had this talk a few months ago... those do no good by themselves.

Being drunk and having your finger on the red button and having a plane ready to go at a moments notice, that IS a big deal.
Two words: Seth Rich.

He wasn't as loyal as the DNC though he was.

Bullshit report from a bullshit website.

This Seth Rich fiction, was planted by the White House, to deflect from Russia! Russia! Russia! according to the lawsuit filed against FOX by Rod Wheeler.

Seth Rich had no access to DNC email servers, nor was he in a position to steal the emails. His involvement in the email scandal has been denied by the FBI and the DC Police. Wheeler said the was deliberately misquoted and statements attributed to him regarding have been denied by everyone involved and retracted by FOX News on threat of law suits by the Rich Family.

Again, you don't check facts. Just go with anything that we can pin on The Democrats or Clinton or both.
Another attempt by The Evil DNC to rig The Election with a False Narrative.

Poor Seth Rich.

I wonder if The Pakistani Hackers killed him?

The fake Russia narrative is starting to fall apart......even the "progressives" at "The Nation" know it's all a huge lie......:rofl:

Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.

    • There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial “hack,” as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.

    • Forensic investigations of documents made public two weeks prior to the July 5 leak by the person or entity known as Guccifer 2.0 show that they were fraudulent: Before Guccifer posted them they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language. Guccifer took responsibility on June 15 for an intrusion the DNC reported on June 14 and professed to be a WikiLeaks source—claims essential to the official narrative implicating Russia in what was soon cast as an extensive hacking operation. To put the point simply, forensic science now devastates this narrative.
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

Fake Investigation over a Fake Accusation run by Mueller who didn't get The FBI job because he botched the Anthrax investigation and Made Fake Accusations against an Innocent Man who sued for $5 million and won.
Fake Investigation over a Fake Accusation run by Mueller who didn't get The FBI job because he botched the Anthrax investigation and Made Fake Accusations against an Innocent Man who sued for $5 million and won.

What? He served as director of the FBI for 12 years...
This was actually reported last year. It was hypothesized that it was a disgruntled Sanders staffer.

Not really new

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