New report ranks Mexifornia dead LAST in ‘quality of life’...weird?

issa this thread is about the quality of life,not how much produce is grown......even though the Ralphs down the street might have all the produce i need, if i am out of work and broke it wont make my quality of life any better.....

You can not pick and choose which part of California you want to attack. Produce products in California is something we are very proud. It is part of our economy that make this state great. If not for Ca you will be buying your produce in Mexico.
As far as quality of life. I traveled all over this planet, travel all over US and regularly travel all over Ca .......... California is number for me.

What produce products in Nevada?
pay attention charwin.....the topic is QUALITY OF LIFE....not what produce is grown and were...and like i said,if i am unemployed and cant buy that produce,a lot of good that produce is doing me,hence my quality of life wont be that great....

Produce products is part of quality of life. Without these produce the economy of Ca will not be as great as we can see today.
it aint quality of life if you dont have any money to would know this if you were able too relate to poor people....

Bullfucking shit dumbass.

If they are building new houses all over and there are no indications of stopping. Why the fuck bother to build if people here don’t have money.
if they have a high unemployment rate,it must mean many people are out of work in that area,so they probably are not building as many as you seem to think they are,OR these builders are gambling things will get better,and if it doesnt they just turn them into rentals...
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area?
as i have already stated....unlike you i lived in Anaheim for 50 years and delivered mail for 33 years to all 7 zip codes.....i know this city and its areas pretty well,much better than you im sure...
You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning
how the hell do you know what i have or havent been involved in?....

You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
Without letter carriers, you would get no mail.
Without truck drivers, you would get nothing that is not made or grown by your neighbors.
Without garbage collectors, you would live in your own garbage heap.
Without autoworkers, you'd have to make your own transportation.

You are an arrogant piece of shit if you think anyone is beneath you based on their profession.

I never said without those and that shithead. Pay attention dumbass.
Your last sentence gave away your arrogance in thinking you are better than other people. Were that true, we would all be in deep shit.

California is a shithole.

I know I’m far better than stupid fuck like you or this lousy letter carrier.

But I never said without those and that.
yea thats are to much of a pompous ass to be better than anyone chartwin...i dont demean the less fortunate like you do,and i have lived among the not so well to do for years when i could have picked up and moved,i bet you have never lived among the "lower" class and would never even consider them equals...
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..

You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area? How so?
You are making your assessments based from your income but there are millions of people that makes far more than you. That enjoy life and will never live Ca.

You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning..... None of those. You don’t even live here..... Yet you keep ?????

As I said repeatedly..... I know lots of people like you that moved to Texas, Nevada and Arizona but most regret the move because of 1. Missed their families. 2. Weather.
Some are back living in apartments or with their kids.

Business and job opportunities here in Ca is better than any states.
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area?
as i have already stated....unlike you i lived in Anaheim for 50 years and delivered mail for 33 years to all 7 zip codes.....i know this city and its areas pretty well,much better than you im sure...
You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning
how the hell do you know what i have or havent been involved in?....

You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...

You are full of shit dude......... You are just a delivery guy looking at those letters. That doesn’t qualify you in my standard of anything. Keep trying.
You are full of shit dude
am i?....lets see you prove it....prove to me you know more about Anaheim than i do....
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..

You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area? How so?
You are making your assessments based from your income but there are millions of people that makes far more than you. That enjoy life and will never live Ca.

You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning..... None of those. You don’t even live here..... Yet you keep ?????

As I said repeatedly..... I know lots of people like you that moved to Texas, Nevada and Arizona but most regret the move because of 1. Missed their families. 2. Weather.
Some are back living in apartments or with their kids.

Business and job opportunities here in Ca is better than any states.
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area?
as i have already stated....unlike you i lived in Anaheim for 50 years and delivered mail for 33 years to all 7 zip codes.....i know this city and its areas pretty well,much better than you im sure...
You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning
how the hell do you know what i have or havent been involved in?....

You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
Fool! Go to any Kroger, Ingles, Wal-Mart, will find imported produce. Order online. Go to a local Farmer's Market....within a few miles.

Each time you post, you strengthen the argument that you may be totally brain dead. I enjoy enlightening readers.

Bullshit.... So you go to groceries looking for those foreign produce? If you shop online you specifically look produce from other countries? Then ignore Ca produce. Dude you have a problem.

Let me repeat it again to enlighten how stupid fuck are you.
California produce enormous fruits and vegetables but we cannot support the entire nation. So we buy them from other places like Mexico to feed the rest of the nation. Stick that to your dumbass brain.

Like always you are full of shit.
It is quite simple to find imported produce online.

Search "imported ___________" (after filling in the blank)

As I said repeatedly when you go shopping on line. You look for foreign produce?
You are a piece of shit.
I search for whatever I want to find.

That’s stupid.
So you go around spend more time looking for foreign produce? Instead of what is coming to your home grown. So you go to groceries looking for those labels?
You are more stupid than I thought.

Oh I’m loving this.
No, dingbat! I go to a store to buy what I need or want. The fact that many items are imported does not translate to my having looked for imported items. Anything grown in California can be obtained elsewhere.

California is a shithole.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..

You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area? How so?
You are making your assessments based from your income but there are millions of people that makes far more than you. That enjoy life and will never live Ca.

You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning..... None of those. You don’t even live here..... Yet you keep ?????

As I said repeatedly..... I know lots of people like you that moved to Texas, Nevada and Arizona but most regret the move because of 1. Missed their families. 2. Weather.
Some are back living in apartments or with their kids.

Business and job opportunities here in Ca is better than any states.
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area?
as i have already stated....unlike you i lived in Anaheim for 50 years and delivered mail for 33 years to all 7 zip codes.....i know this city and its areas pretty well,much better than you im sure...
You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning
how the hell do you know what i have or havent been involved in?....

You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
i got sick and tired of the place,the congestion,every place you go the streets had cars up the yin yang....even on weekends the 5 and 91 freeways were packed and in certain places just about stopped,and back in the 90's when they widened and built a few new freeways to hopefully alleviate this,did not help much.....but then with people constantly coming in,its to be the neighborhood my 4-plex was in,which is in the Disneyland "sphere", went from upper middle class in the 70's to lower middle class this century.....before the housing bubble the place was priced at $950,000....went down into the 600 thousands....when it went back up to were it was when i sold it and i had retired me and the wife decided lets get out before anything else we left....were i am at now....a lot less people....the freeways at rush hour have maybe 20-30 cars,plus i get to look at mountains which are maybe 3 miles from the house....

Cajalco, Temecula, Murrieta, Perris, Hemet, Lake Elsinore, Moreno Valley, big bear, mammoth areas, Rancho Cucamonga, Beaumont etc etc etc etc with new communities and brand new houses still affordable and are not CROWDED.
Yet you move to Nevada.
charwin why dont you move to one of those cities?....and just as an example to prove you dont look at things before you throw things up here....the population of temecula has doubled what it was in 2000 so much for not being crowded....and its still growing,and ill tell you what you go live in hemet and its gang problems,my mother-in-law lived there....not a very attractive area....

Bullshit. I was just in Temecula the other day and I can see sprawling of new houses and developments. New casinos popping up.

Of course any new places there is a big change from 2000 to 2018. Like where you live right now. Is it the same as 5 years ago? Why do you keep babbling this nonsense?
If there are no changes then there’s no progress.

True, Temecula is a relatively new neighborhood, unfortunately with pretty minimal jobs...and probably not many that want to drive 2-3 hours each way to work in L.A.

You are contradicting your self. If those residents doesn’t want to live there because of driving. Then why are they buying those new houses? And there are no signs of stopping. Just build build build build.

What I've seen in the past (i.e.. Ontario, Redlands, San Bernardino) are younger people flock to the those newer neighborhoods. They become enamored with the idea of a brand new house with a tile roof. Which to a certain extent really is much nicer than a 50 year old house closer to the jobs. At least that's the idea until they find out it takes 2-3 to drive each way in traffic, figure out they have to buy a new car every 2-3 years because of the mileage, and figure out it get's hotter than hell in these far away neighborhoods. If you look back at San Bernardino, 10-20 years ago people were buying up the houses, then the bottom fell out of the market, people in San Bernardino were walking away from their homes...that they had lived in for the previous 5 years. Granted the market bust affected people in a lot of areas, but many more walked away from homes in San Bernardino than any other neighborhood.
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area? How so?
You are making your assessments based from your income but there are millions of people that makes far more than you. That enjoy life and will never live Ca.

You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning..... None of those. You don’t even live here..... Yet you keep ?????

As I said repeatedly..... I know lots of people like you that moved to Texas, Nevada and Arizona but most regret the move because of 1. Missed their families. 2. Weather.
Some are back living in apartments or with their kids.

Business and job opportunities here in Ca is better than any states.
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area?
as i have already stated....unlike you i lived in Anaheim for 50 years and delivered mail for 33 years to all 7 zip codes.....i know this city and its areas pretty well,much better than you im sure...
You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning
how the hell do you know what i have or havent been involved in?....

You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
You are making that assessment based from delivering letters in one particular area?
as i have already stated....unlike you i lived in Anaheim for 50 years and delivered mail for 33 years to all 7 zip codes.....i know this city and its areas pretty well,much better than you im sure...
You don’t get involved in any businesses opportunities, community developments, construction developments, city or county planning
how the hell do you know what i have or havent been involved in?....

You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
issa this thread is about the quality of life,not how much produce is grown......even though the Ralphs down the street might have all the produce i need, if i am out of work and broke it wont make my quality of life any better.....

You can not pick and choose which part of California you want to attack. Produce products in California is something we are very proud. It is part of our economy that make this state great. If not for Ca you will be buying your produce in Mexico.
As far as quality of life. I traveled all over this planet, travel all over US and regularly travel all over Ca .......... California is number for me.

What produce products in Nevada?
pay attention charwin.....the topic is QUALITY OF LIFE....not what produce is grown and were...and like i said,if i am unemployed and cant buy that produce,a lot of good that produce is doing me,hence my quality of life wont be that great....

Produce products is part of quality of life. Without these produce the economy of Ca will not be as great as we can see today.
it aint quality of life if you dont have any money to would know this if you were able too relate to poor people....

Bullfucking shit dumbass.

If they are building new houses all over and there are no indications of stopping. Why the fuck bother to build if people here don’t have money.
Exactly....I wish people were moving in droves like the cons claim. Contrary is getting busier and expanding by the minute.
You are just a letter carrier all of your entire life. How can that be? You don’t even know all the new or any developments here. How can that be.

Better than me? That is so funny.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
Without Californians that go and spend their money in Vegas you guys would be toast.
oh geezus this guy is pathetic....chartwin i have delivered mail in just about every neighborhood in Anaheim,some a little rich pompous ass like you would be afraid to go into....and yes i knew of every development going on in Anaheim.....and yes i know the city better than you a once in a while visitor...
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
Without Californians that go and spend their money in Vegas you guys would be toast.
i did not move there for the gambling,so i can care less,i live 35 miles from the strip....what else you got?....
charwin95 only pretends to be rich. He is however, definitely a pompous ass...and extremely uneducated. We've got to help him as best we can.
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
Without Californians that go and spend their money in Vegas you guys would be toast.
i did not move there for the gambling,so i can care less,i live 35 miles from the strip....what else you got?....
I don't gamble and I still go to Vegas...what else?
he doesnt understand english to well....he repeats himself and apparently has a pretty bad memory...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
Without Californians that go and spend their money in Vegas you guys would be toast.
i did not move there for the gambling,so i can care less,i live 35 miles from the strip....what else you got?....
I don't gamble and I still go to Vegas...what else?
good for anything worth posting that matters to this thread?...
I am thinking he doesn't understand English at all.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
Without Californians that go and spend their money in Vegas you guys would be toast.
i did not move there for the gambling,so i can care less,i live 35 miles from the strip....what else you got?....
I don't gamble and I still go to Vegas...what else?
good for anything worth posting that matters to this thread?...
A lot. California is the best state in the US.
he is just a tad strange....he asked me twice i believe what part of Nevada i live previous posts he asked me why i moved to vegas....he just has a california flag stuck in his ass...he cant see the down side of the state and if you point it out you are bashing california....
Without Californians that go and spend their money in Vegas you guys would be toast.
i did not move there for the gambling,so i can care less,i live 35 miles from the strip....what else you got?....
I don't gamble and I still go to Vegas...what else?
good for anything worth posting that matters to this thread?...
A lot. California is the best state in the US.
like i said before...take that California flag out of your ass,you might then be able to see what is happening inland and realize California has a lot more problems then you want to admit....
California has gradually deteriorated over the years with all the illegal immigration. More homeless people digging in dumpsters, more thefts, more violence. What used to be a great place to live is rapidly becoming a third world, all because Democrats have to import voters. Every nutbag from every shithole country comes here, knowing they'll be welcomed with open arms, protected from the law and free to rape and murder American citizens, and our governor willingly and enthusiastically supports their lawlessness. And yes, they DO vote.
I usually don't weigh in..on threads like these...since it's all BS.

But..just got back from California--not seeing all the 'third world' stuff being alleged..sure there are homeless..but...most of the time all I saw were beautiful homes...gorgeous weather...lots of cool stuff to do and see. California is a big place...politics aside...still great to live there. Not cheap--unless you want to live in Barstow or Needles. But I saw a lot of jobs being offered in the STEM high wage.
Just saying...I didn't see it...all the bad stuff being alleged.
Illegals, I'm sure that they're there...and I'd wish them gone...but I sure didn't see any deterioration of quality of life due to their presence. "Rape and murder"? Most of the news I read seemed to show that crime is still equal opportunity among the races. Most illegals just want our money...if we were to stop employing them..they'd go away..or not come in the first place.
And no, they don't vote...what a stupid canard.
California has gradually deteriorated over the years with all the illegal immigration. More homeless people digging in dumpsters, more thefts, more violence. What used to be a great place to live is rapidly becoming a third world, all because Democrats have to import voters. Every nutbag from every shithole country comes here, knowing they'll be welcomed with open arms, protected from the law and free to rape and murder American citizens, and our governor willingly and enthusiastically supports their lawlessness. And yes, they DO vote.
I usually don't weigh in..on threads like these...since it's all BS.

But..just got back from California--not seeing all the 'third world' stuff being alleged..sure there are homeless..but...most of the time all I saw were beautiful homes...gorgeous weather...lots of cool stuff to do and see. California is a big place...politics aside...still great to live there. Not cheap--unless you want to live in Barstow or Needles. But I saw a lot of jobs being offered in the STEM high wage.
Just saying...I didn't see it...all the bad stuff being alleged.
Illegals, I'm sure that they're there...and I'd wish them gone...but I sure didn't see any deterioration of quality of life due to their presence. "Rape and murder"? Most of the news I read seemed to show that crime is still equal opportunity among the races. Most illegals just want our money...if we were to stop employing them..they'd go away..or not come in the first place.
And no, they don't vote...what a stupid canard.
Well, your policy of not commenting is well advised since you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Either that, or you're just a typical liberal who makes shit up. You should try looking at some of the crime statistics if you want to actually be informed but I doubt if that would interest you.
What's weird is NOT questioning a report that lists North Dakota as #1.
California has gradually deteriorated over the years with all the illegal immigration. More homeless people digging in dumpsters, more thefts, more violence. What used to be a great place to live is rapidly becoming a third world, all because Democrats have to import voters. Every nutbag from every shithole country comes here, knowing they'll be welcomed with open arms, protected from the law and free to rape and murder American citizens, and our governor willingly and enthusiastically supports their lawlessness. And yes, they DO vote.
I usually don't weigh in..on threads like these...since it's all BS.

But..just got back from California--not seeing all the 'third world' stuff being alleged..sure there are homeless..but...most of the time all I saw were beautiful homes...gorgeous weather...lots of cool stuff to do and see. California is a big place...politics aside...still great to live there. Not cheap--unless you want to live in Barstow or Needles. But I saw a lot of jobs being offered in the STEM high wage.
Just saying...I didn't see it...all the bad stuff being alleged.
Illegals, I'm sure that they're there...and I'd wish them gone...but I sure didn't see any deterioration of quality of life due to their presence. "Rape and murder"? Most of the news I read seemed to show that crime is still equal opportunity among the races. Most illegals just want our money...if we were to stop employing them..they'd go away..or not come in the first place.
And no, they don't vote...what a stupid canard.
Sorry, Charlie! You are not qualified as an expert on California based on a trip or two there. I doubt you had time to visit all of the filthy areas one sees on social media and occasionally on the news. Unless you had a guide willing to show you these areas, you would not be expected to find them.

Here are some photos for you.
homeless in California images - Google Search:


The data here is from 1990. The numbers are much higher today. Roughly 25% of our nation's homeless people are in California....over 100,000 and climbing.

San Francisco has Poop Maps for the tourists and residents to avoid accidental venture into piles of shit in the streets and on the sidewalks.

San Francisco Is A Literal S***hole, Public Defecation Map Reveals


homeless in California images - Google Search
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