New Research: Greatest Low-Wage Earnings Gains Came In States That Raised The Minimum Wage


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
New Research: Greatest Low-Wage Earnings Gains Came In States That Raised The Minimum Wage


MassBudget published its findings on how the minimum wage affects earnings in its 2016 State of Working Massachusetts report, published September 5. The study largely focused on a 7 percent increase in wage growth that low-wage Massachusetts workers experienced from 2014 to 2015 after the state enacted a minimum wage increase. The report also found that low-wage earnings growth was strongest nationwide in states that raised their minimum wages. According to the MassBudget report, women saw relatively greater income gains at the state level than men over the past year, and that may be related to the fact that women make up nearly two-thirds of all minimum wage workers and are disproportionately affected by wage increases. From the 2016 State of Working Massachusetts:

Wow, and not company went out of business. Mr. Papa Johns still has his castle.
New Research: Greatest Low-Wage Earnings Gains Came In States That Raised The Minimum Wage


MassBudget published its findings on how the minimum wage affects earnings in its 2016 State of Working Massachusetts report, published September 5. The study largely focused on a 7 percent increase in wage growth that low-wage Massachusetts workers experienced from 2014 to 2015 after the state enacted a minimum wage increase. The report also found that low-wage earnings growth was strongest nationwide in states that raised their minimum wages. According to the MassBudget report, women saw relatively greater income gains at the state level than men over the past year, and that may be related to the fact that women make up nearly two-thirds of all minimum wage workers and are disproportionately affected by wage increases. From the 2016 State of Working Massachusetts:

Wow, and not company went out of business. Mr. Papa Johns still has his castle.

Now, who says there ain't no real Captain Obvious!
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
When you comment to my post, could you at least try to stay relevant? Why do I give a damn what the GOP argument is?
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.
Its just the state trying to make itself look accomplished to the dumbfucks... See the OP'ster for reference.
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.
And how are American workers supposed to compete with illegals if they're forced to accept jobs that pay these absurdly high minimum wages?
Well, duh.

How about all those folks that are now unable to work at all because of your minimum wage? You know, the most vulnerable in our society whose lack of experience, low intelligence, or other factors do not warrant the minimum wage. To hell with them! Let 'em beg for their supper!

Cruel, just cruel.
And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Conservative economic ignorance at it's finest.

Explain how can 2.5% increased mw wages, which comprise a small fraction of business expenses can POSSIBLY cause 2.5% inflation. And further explain why the fuck you would expect inflation to be 0% absent mw increase.

The stuff that gets passed around as sane economic commentary on the right is mind-boggling.
Well, duh.

How about all those folks that are now unable to work at all because of your minimum wage? You know, the most vulnerable in our society whose lack of experience, low intelligence, or other factors do not warrant the minimum wage. To hell with them! Let 'em beg for their supper!

Cruel, just cruel.

Why don't you post about how mw job numbers declined in the states that raised Can't? Because it didn't happen.

Here is what long term study finds:

" suggests, not shockingly, that when restaurant owners pass expenditures, reasonably, on to customers, the sun tends to rise the next day. To put it less glibly, the sheer number of restaurants and restaurant employees did not fall over time in parts of the country that legislated minimum wage increases."

Cornell University Study Debunks Right-Wing Media Myth About Minimum Wage
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Inflation would not go up 2.5% because of a minimum wage increase, that's ridiculous. Inflation is mostly driven by national trends and policy...not a statewide wage increase.

Further it's not a direct relation like you're making it out to be. A 2.5% minimum wage increase (which is peanuts btw) would not be equaled out by a 2.5% increase in inflation.
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.
nope Marty!

a 2.5% in wages for the minimum wage earner never increases prices by 2.5%....the min wage worker is saturated in a very small portion of our market, and small portion of our workforce producers, other costs in the retail price like the cost of goods, overhead/building rental costs are in the price of the retail product...payroll for min wage workers is just a small portion...

if they go up 2.5%, price of goods overall may go up 1/2 a percent at the very very very most.
"but its only a little bit of inflation"...
Yea, I bet that's what they said when Big Macs cost 50 fucking cents, too.
And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Conservative economic ignorance at it's finest.

Explain how can 2.5% increased mw wages, which comprise a small fraction of business expenses can POSSIBLY cause 2.5% inflation. And further explain why the fuck you would expect inflation to be 0% absent mw increase.

The stuff that gets passed around as sane economic commentary on the right is mind-boggling.

I simplified it so progressive twatwaddles such as yourself can understand it. But the crux of the situation is that economics cannot handle someone being paid $15 an hour to add $5-$10 worth of value to a product or a service. In that situation, costs have to go up.

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