New Research: Greatest Low-Wage Earnings Gains Came In States That Raised The Minimum Wage

Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Wage growth equal to inflation is progress.
Losing 2.5% of buying power every year is horrible. This is exactly the reason MW should be indexed to inflation.

it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.
They think if you raised minimum wage to $100 we would all be rich.
I simplified it so progressive twatwaddles such as yourself can understand it. But the crux of the situation is that economics cannot handle someone being paid $15 an hour to add $5-$10 worth of value to a product or a service. In that situation, costs have to go up.

Yea ok :rolleyes:

Only one small problem: That which is false should not be understood as true.

Liberals do not argue that costs will not go up, they argue that poor people will be better off. Facts back that up and contradict conservative bullshit about how poor are not actually better off because mw causes so much inflation that it doesn't help low income earners.

When you done playing in the sandbox you may want to read up what serious economic estimates say about this matter:

The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income

Poor people will not be better off if they continue to think any minimum wage job is a career. These are supposed to be entry level jobs that provide structure and training so people can go on to higher paying jobs, that are worth an increased salary.

By artificially creating a salary floor that is well above the value provided by certain jobs one creates situations that probably actually hurt the people you are trying to help. If I have to pay someone $15 an hour for a job that on average I get $10 worth of labor out of, why don't I just try to hire a more proficient person who maybe gets closer to $15 worth of labor than the $10 an hour person?
Hey, dumbasshole. I'm not the one that made the claim. Go fuck yourself then come back and try to read the actual words.

I read the actual words and their meaning was that no one who doesn't own a fast food franchise can have any legit opinion about minimum wage issue.

Which is fucking stupid, though not surprising considering the source.
The stupidity is all yours. He claimed the increase would only raise a burger price by $.25 so I asked how many franchises he owned to know then you hopped in and wanted to know how many I owned. I didn't make the claim so no, you did not understand the conversation.
So, raising the minimum wage increases wages for the lower earning people? What's next from you? Rain is wet? Fire is hot?
The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Wage growth equal to inflation is progress.
Losing 2.5% of buying power every year is horrible. This is exactly the reason MW should be indexed to inflation.

it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.
They think if you raised minimum wage to $100 we would all be rich.

They also think owners will just eat the cost and continue operating the same as before.

Owners will try to get more of out less workers, or try to hire more competent workers who add enough value to justify the higher salaries. And those people who plodded along at $8 to $10 an hour will now be making $0 an hour.
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?
That's called a Strawman argument. I posted NOTHING about the number of jobs, I post how minimum wage laws adversely affect the most vulnerable citizens in our society.


You posted an OPINION backed by nothing.

I posted serious economic estimates that show that minimum wage increase overall financial well being of "the most vulnerable citizens in our society." as you put it.

Do you think you can spot the difference?

I posted an opinion based in logic and reason. You changed the subject in order to attach a point that had nothing to do with my post.

More jobs does NOTHING for those whose skills cannot warrant the minimum wage.

Strawman. Logic fallacies. It's what we've come to expect from the statists.
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Wage growth equal to inflation is progress.
Losing 2.5% of buying power every year is horrible. This is exactly the reason MW should be indexed to inflation.

it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.
They think if you raised minimum wage to $100 we would all be rich.

They also think owners will just eat the cost and continue operating the same as before.

Owners will try to get more of out less workers, or try to hire more competent workers who add enough value to justify the higher salaries. And those people who plodded along at $8 to $10 an hour will now be making $0 an hour.
I've owned my own business for 31 years but the real experts are the ones that barely have a job. Go figure.
I posted an opinion based in logic and reason.

Your logic and reason alone is not sufficient for realistic economic modeling and judgement.

Sorry to burst your little naive bubble...but as a condolence gift I did provide you some serious, but plain worded, reading material to better familiarize with the issue.
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?
That wasn't his point. LOL, you should just stop.

Oh I know exactly what his point was and I know why it's misleading. His "worth of labor" number is completely arbitrary and I could just as well say it is worth $15 or $7.25, my comment goes to the heart of that.
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it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?

SOME work is worth $10 an hour, some is worth $5 an hour. while paying $7.25 for work worth $5 an hour is an issue, a bigger issue is paying someone $15 an hour for it.
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?
That wasn't his point. LOL, you should just stop.

Oh I know exactly what his point was and I know why it's misleading. My comment goes to the heart of that.

No, it doesn't. You just ignore the basic concept. How can someone stay in business paying $15 for $5 or $10 worth of labor?
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?
That wasn't his point. LOL, you should just stop.

Gotta love the current crop of Noobs on this board.

I feel like i should be yelling at them to get off my lawn.
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?

SOME work is worth $10 an hour, some is worth $5 an hour. while paying $7.25 for work worth $5 an hour is an issue, a bigger issue is paying someone $15 an hour for it.

Right, so your number is completely arbitrary and actually means nothing.

Strictly market setting the cost of labor is non starter, we've had minimum wage laws for a long time, they work and this is a moot conversation.
And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Conservative economic ignorance at it's finest.

Explain how can 2.5% increased mw wages, which comprise a small fraction of business expenses can POSSIBLY cause 2.5% inflation. And further explain why the fuck you would expect inflation to be 0% absent mw increase.

The stuff that gets passed around as sane economic commentary on the right is mind-boggling.

I simplified it so progressive twatwaddles such as yourself can understand it. But the crux of the situation is that economics cannot handle someone being paid $15 an hour to add $5-$10 worth of value to a product or a service. In that situation, costs have to go up.
Wages increase with wage increases.. lol idiot
Lets talk about the statistic that matters. GDP

The original GOP argument against minimum wage was all the jobs would disappear, lowering the average earnings (not wage).
No one ever said that. Why do liberals need to lie so often? The study does no good without know the full economic impact. How many lost jobs or got moved to part time? That sort of stuff.

And what happened to their buying power?

If your wage goes up 2.5% and inflation is at 2.5% because of the wage increase, there is no net benefit.

Wage growth equal to inflation is progress.
Losing 2.5% of buying power every year is horrible. This is exactly the reason MW should be indexed to inflation.

it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Who says it's $10 worth of work?
Is $15/hr in today's dollar a better,same or worse value for the earner as compared to MW of the past? What is the standard? If you were to put past MW rates into 2016 real dollars, the MW would be $20+ to match buying power.
Hey, dumbasshole. I'm not the one that made the claim. Go fuck yourself then come back and try to read the actual words.

I read the actual words and their meaning was that no one who doesn't own a fast food franchise can have any legit opinion about minimum wage issue.

Which is fucking stupid, though not surprising considering the source.
The stupidity is all yours. He claimed the increase would only raise a burger price by $.25 so I asked how many franchises he owned to know then you hopped in and wanted to know how many I owned. I didn't make the claim so no, you did not understand the conversation.

Raising prices is not the only way to off set cost.
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?

SOME work is worth $10 an hour, some is worth $5 an hour. while paying $7.25 for work worth $5 an hour is an issue, a bigger issue is paying someone $15 an hour for it.

Right, so your number is completely arbitrary and actually means nothing.

Strictly market setting the cost of labor is non starter, we've had minimum wage laws for a long time, they work and this is a moot conversation.
How does having minimum wage laws prove they help the economy?
it still doesn't change the fact that paying people $15 for $10 worth of work is not economically viable.

Well the current federal minimum wage is $7.25, so since you say that work is worth $10, do you support Federal MW increase?

SOME work is worth $10 an hour, some is worth $5 an hour. while paying $7.25 for work worth $5 an hour is an issue, a bigger issue is paying someone $15 an hour for it.

Right, so your number is completely arbitrary and actually means nothing.

Strictly market setting the cost of labor is non starter, we've had minimum wage laws for a long time, they work and this is a moot conversation.

The MW has never been so high as to eclipse the added value of the labor in some cases, which can result in more impacts then "poor people get more money".

If you don't have the cognitive ability to understand the concepts I am trying to explain, may I suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as something more your speed.

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