New Research: Greatest Low-Wage Earnings Gains Came In States That Raised The Minimum Wage

The question isn't being able to make a livings.

Dummy, I never made an argument that minimum wage should be living wage, if I did I would support $15 minimum wage which I don't.

So yet again what you say is stupid.

Then your support of even a $10 minimum wage is retarded, because people will still think they can live on it, businesses will still be paying more than the people are worth, and they will be forced to take measures to correct that, via automation, reduced workforce with greater effort required by the remaining workers, or hiring people actually worth the $10 an hour, thus firing the ones worth $7 now making $10 an hour.
Then your support of even a $10 minimum wage is retarded, because people will still think they can live on it, businesses will still be paying more than the people are worth, and they will be forced to take measures to correct that, via automation, reduced workforce with greater effort required by the remaining workers, or hiring people actually worth the $10 an hour, thus firing the ones worth $7 now making $10 an hour.

You are seriously retarded.

People don't live on their salary by THINKING about it. They take their paycheck and go to store to buy food, pay for housing etc. It doesn't matter what they THINK, they actually LIVE ON IT.
More money don't = more buying power fool if you don't freeze prices.

Damn you are stupid.

They would still have to get subsidies.

You are retarded.

If I make 30% more an hour and prices go up a few % I still have much better buying power.

Economic estimates on this are quite straight forward - reasonable minimum wage increases improve buying power for the poor and what you say is just rightwing fantasizing not grounded in facts.

You fellas just say stuff you feel like and pretend it to be some sort of sane thought process.

I got this far, and had to ask this question of this astute lefty--------------> If pay goes up for them 30%, but prices only go up 1% in your model, then tell all of us where the other 29% in their pay came from-)
I got this far, and had to ask this question of this astute lefty--------------> If pay goes up for them 30%, but prices only go up 1% in your model, then tell all of us where the other 29% in their pay came from-)

I said " a few %" I don't know how that could be misread as 1%.

Now the thing about percentages(%) is that they are of different things.

Different things like minimum wage and business expenses. The relationship between them, even in a mw labor intensive industry like fast food is fractional.

Do you need further explanation?
I got this far, and had to ask this question of this astute lefty--------------> If pay goes up for them 30%, but prices only go up 1% in your model, then tell all of us where the other 29% in their pay came from-)

I said " a few %" I don't know how that could be misread as 1%.

Now the thing about percentages(%) is that they are of different things.

Different things like minimum wage and business expenses. The relationship between them, even in a mw labor intensive industry like fast food is fractional.

Do you need further explanation?

No, what I am asking you is-------------->where the money is coming from, nothing more, nothing less. It has to come from somewhere, does it not? It doesn't just materialize out of thin air, since business is not the fed who can print money. If they did, they would be prosecuted.

So, all I am asking you is WHERE the rise in pay funds are coming from!
I posted an opinion based in logic and reason.

Your logic and reason alone is not sufficient for realistic economic modeling and judgement.

Sorry to burst your little naive bubble...but as a condolence gift I did provide you some serious, but plain worded, reading material to better familiarize with the issue.

You can level all the insults you like. The fact remains that you committed the logical fallacy of a straw man argument.

Deal with it.

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