New RNC ad destroys Obama re-election chances using Obama's own words!

This ad pretty much sums it up for President Obama and his failed policy.

He stated during his election in 2008 that america can't wait four more years for real change to our economy, but we must act now and it is time to try something new, speaking of the failed policies of the George W Bush administration.

More : New RNC ad destroys Obama re-election chances using Obama's own words!

instead of linking to a competing forum which contains the video, you should have linked directly to the video.

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We don't need an ad to tell us what we already know.

Obamanomics has failed!!!
The Democrats took control of the country in January 2007 & massively increased government debt, spending & regulations. They destroyed our jobs.

The Democrats took control of the country in January 2007 & massively increased government debt, spending & regulations. They destroyed our jobs.


And Forced a downgrade in credit rating for the first time in our history...yeah real proud they must be. (And they want more of the same).
It't time for the GOP to go back in excile. It has been proven that the economy does well with Democrats. Republicans lie about the economy, they say we have x number of jobs, but it's not true. There is not a coincidence that since Reagan, the wealthiest people in this country have had their taxes lowered, while the other 99% of Americans have had their taxes raised.

The only thing they are doing is reverting that facts that they have no plan. They wasted the American people's time and vote! They ran on jobs, jobs, jobs, not only they now run on the spreading BS that everything was better till Obama showed up, they have no one to run, period!

"Obama will replace him as our worst President in modern history" - Conservative

I guess he's worse then the Presidents who let 500,000 Americans die needlessly.
Where's the part where Republicans boast about being able to stop him from doing anything? About how they were able to get 98% of everything they wanted just before we were downgraded? About how they held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts?

Well, they weren't able to stop him from getting Bin Laden and Qaddafi and most of the al Qaeda leadership. But since they let Bin Laden go in the first place, I'm sure they would have stopped Obama if they could have.
Where's the part where Republicans boast about being able to stop him from doing anything? About how they were able to get 98% of everything they wanted just before we were downgraded? About how they held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts?

Well, they weren't able to stop him from getting Bin Laden and Qaddafi and most of the al Qaeda leadership. But since they let Bin Laden go in the first place, I'm sure they would have stopped Obama if they could have.
You're comparing Machine guns to cumquats as usual deany.

Your marked improvement in stupidity and partisanship at the expense of this Republic is impressive as expected.

This ad pretty much sums it up for President Obama and his failed policy.

He stated during his election in 2008 that america can't wait four more years for real change to our economy, but we must act now and it is time to try something new, speaking of the failed policies of the George W Bush administration.

More : New RNC ad destroys Obama re-election chances using Obama's own words!

instead of linking to a competing forum which contains the video, you should have linked directly to the video.


thank you o' great wannabe moderator..... :clap2:
Where's the part where Republicans boast about being able to stop him from doing anything? About how they were able to get 98% of everything they wanted just before we were downgraded? About how they held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts?

Well, they weren't able to stop him from getting Bin Laden and Qaddafi and most of the al Qaeda leadership. But since they let Bin Laden go in the first place, I'm sure they would have stopped Obama if they could have.

how about you finally man up and address how much the dems and obama got before the downgrade? how about you provide proof that just because boehner claimed to get 98% of what he wanted that this caused the downgrade.

wait....i've given you plenty of chances before and you run away each and every time
Where's the part where Republicans boast about being able to stop him from doing anything? About how they were able to get 98% of everything they wanted just before we were downgraded? About how they held millions of unemployed Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts?

Well, they weren't able to stop him from getting Bin Laden and Qaddafi and most of the al Qaeda leadership. But since they let Bin Laden go in the first place, I'm sure they would have stopped Obama if they could have.

how about you finally man up and address how much the dems and obama got before the downgrade? how about you provide proof that just because boehner claimed to get 98% of what he wanted that this caused the downgrade.

wait....i've given you plenty of chances before and you run away each and every time

If you bother to read what caused the downgrade, the blame was laid squarely at the feet of the Republicans. And that's a fact.
My naive, but good hearted friend. Obama and the media dont care about reality. Thus while the add might provide logic and good argument for the base, those that blindly support Obama wont be affected by it whatsoever.
If you bother to read what caused the downgrade, the blame was laid squarely at the feet of the Republicans. And that's a fact.

The fact here is that you are an idiot. Republicans did not cause the credit downgrade. China, Germany & Egan Jones downgraded the US debt as far back as last year. The downgrade was earned & a long time coming. More downgrades are coming.

CNN: Chinese agency downgrades U.S. credit rating for the 3rd time.

German Rating Agency Feri Downgrades US Government Bonds: AAA to AA! | zero hedge

Egan-Jones Downgrades US From AAA To AA+ It had nothing to do with the current Debt Limit!!! It was due to the looming 100% Debt to GDP ratio.

Moody's lowered its outlook on U.S. debt to "negative." | CNN

S&P Downgraded US Credit to AA+ | AP

Fitch Statement Shows US Downgrade Risk Remains In Play

Gold upgrade to a Tier 1 Asset while US Bonds get downgraded.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Nothing to do with the 2nd Pub Great Depression or the congressional disfunction they cause? Hilarious!
[ame=]It's Been Three Years - YouTube[/ame]

This is a great add. There is so much of this stuff that can be used against Obama, his own words and actions are enough to defeat him. Once we get the nominee he will be bombarded with this stuff :cool:
Yeah, Obama has done a swell job.
Problem is, the GOP/Tea Party are really out of touch with Main Street America to the point of ignorance.
There's little wonder why Obama, Congress, Democrats, Republicans and the Tea Party all have big negative numbers. They are all incompetent and whores to special interests.
I really wish a 3rd party would emerge that just plain used common sense and represented all Americans. Then Americans could actually clean house in Washington.

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