New rules allow for far more expulsions of illegals, the courts can do nothing

except stomp their liberal baby killing feet...................

Will this be good or bad for WAWA loitering?

Well you better dam well hope this doesn't happen.

I was watching a report tonight. 50% of the illegal Hispanics in this country own homes. Meaning if they are forced out of their homes--your property values are going to collapse. Construction jobs will disappear in order to fill up all the vacancies. They also go to restaurants, they shop for clothes, they buy cars, and everything else that you buy. The hit to the American economy would be tremendous.

Furthermore Mexico is the 2nd largest purchaser of American products in the world.They're so pissed off right now, one Mexican legislator is wanting to boycott corn made in this country, and instead buy it from Brazil. Do have any idea how much corn they eat? Do you know what that would do to American farmers in this country?
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Since you've clearly have never been to the interior of Mexico, they buy G.E, Westinghouse, all kinds of American made products, and American made cars are everywhere. Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of Americans own condo's, time shares and other things, especially in the tourist districts. Because of this Mexico has a middle and upper class today, who have no desire what-so-ever to cross a desert to work for peanuts. American corporations are everywhere, Walmart, Home Depot, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, etc. etc. etc. We have an enormous American full time population living in Guadalajara. In fact, many of our Doctors here got their Medical degrees from medical schools in Guadalajara.

If you think MEXICO can't hurt us, you have got your head stuck up in a very dark place, and frankly you're dumber than shit.

You'll note that the only countries that Trump doesn't attack are ones he has investments in. He didn't ban Saudi Arabia, well known for attacking us because he owns investments there. He won't go after the other side of NAFTA because he owns properties in Canada. And he definitely won't go after the biggest rip off of all, China because he owns hotels there.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
Donald Trump's Investments In India To Impact US Foreign Policy: Report


The bolded is patently false.

Why didn't you link a source? Because this is it?

It doesn't say 51% of illegal immigrants own homes. It says 51% of immigrants. (which includes non-illegals) A little word play there for you.

The Facts on Immigration Today – Center for American Progress Blatant horse poo.

If the percentage of legal immigrant home ownership is 51%

It stands to reason the percentage of illegal alien home ownership is going to be much lower.

"This confirms what has been shown elsewhere in this report: A large share of immigrants have very low incomes and live in or near poverty, lack insurance, and use the welfare system. But the overall averages or median incomes are closer to natives. This is true for immigrants generally as well as for legal immigrants."

Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America's Foreign-Born Population
Last edited:
The leftist scum do not want us enforcing our existing immigration laws. They want immigrants flooding into our nation in order to build their constituency of fuck-ups and government dependent people so they can disenfranchise traditional Americans. It is sick and our nation cannot survive illegal immigration.

It's Republicans who consistently import cheap labour. Reagan gave amnesty to 5 million illegals. Bush wanted to do the same and stopped deportations almost completely.

Republicans have steadfastly voted against increasing fines for businesses employing illegals and have never enforced those laws.

It's disingenuous for Republicans to now blame Democrats for the policies which have brought you to this point.

Yes, that is a problem since every single business in the US is owned by Republicans:

The Justice Department on Thursday boosted the penalty for hiring illegal immigrants and engaging in immigration-related unfair employment practices.

Under the interim final rule published Thursday in the Federal Register, the minimum penalty imposed by the DOJ for the unlawful employment of immigrants would rise from $375 to $539, while the maximum fine would go from $3,200 to $4,313.

The changes stemmed from amendments in a 2015 budget bill that overhauled the formula for increasing such civil penalties.

DOJ increasing penalty for hiring illegal immigrants

except stomp their liberal baby killing feet...................

Will this be good or bad for WAWA loitering?

Well you better dam well hope this doesn't happen.

I was watching a report tonight. 50% of the illegal Hispanics in this country own homes. Meaning if they are forced out of their homes--your property values are going to collapse. Construction jobs will disappear in order to fill up all the vacancies. They also go to restaurants, they shop for clothes, they buy cars, and everything else that you buy. The hit to the American economy would be tremendous.

I thought that illegals were only doing the shit jobs that no American would do.

Yet, half of them own their own homes?

Your lies are contradicting each other.
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.

Reform of what sort?
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.

'Nobody?' Really? You sure about that?
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.

'Nobody?' Really? You sure about that?

I believe he was in a medically induced coma during the elections. He seems to believe that Hillary won in a landslide.
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.

No, most people do. That's why we now control the Congress, Senate, White House, and most of the governorships in the country.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.

No, most people do. That's why we now control the Congress, Senate, White House, and most of the governorships in the country.

Yeah, it's time for legal controlled Immigration. Most reasonable logical Americans agree with that. It's time.
except stomp their liberal baby killing feet...................

Will this be good or bad for WAWA loitering?

Well you better dam well hope this doesn't happen.

I was watching a report tonight. 50% of the illegal Hispanics in this country own homes. Meaning if they are forced out of their homes--your property values are going to collapse. Construction jobs will disappear in order to fill up all the vacancies. They also go to restaurants, they shop for clothes, they buy cars, and everything else that you buy. The hit to the American economy would be tremendous.

Furthermore Mexico is the 2nd largest purchaser of American products in the world.They're so pissed off right now, one Mexican legislator is wanting to boycott corn made in this country, and instead buy it from Brazil. Do have any idea how much corn they eat? Do you know what that would do to American farmers in this country?
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Since you've clearly have never been to the interior of Mexico, they buy G.E, Westinghouse, all kinds of American made products, and American made cars are everywhere. Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of Americans own condo's, time shares and other things, especially in the tourist districts. Because of this Mexico has a middle and upper class today, who have no desire what-so-ever to cross a desert to work for peanuts. American corporations are everywhere, Walmart, Home Depot, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, etc. etc. etc. We have an enormous American full time population living in Guadalajara. In fact, many of our Doctors here got their Medical degrees from medical schools in Guadalajara.

If you think MEXICO can't hurt us, you have got your head stuck up in a very dark place, and frankly you're dumber than shit.

You'll note that the only countries that Trump doesn't attack are ones he has investments in. He didn't ban Saudi Arabia, well known for attacking us because he owns investments there. He won't go after the other side of NAFTA because he owns properties in Canada. And he definitely won't go after the biggest rip off of all, China because he owns hotels there.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
Donald Trump's Investments In India To Impact US Foreign Policy: Report


The bolded is patently false.

Why didn't you link a source? Because this is it?

It doesn't say 51% of illegal immigrants own homes. It says 51% of immigrants. (which includes non-illegals) A little word play there for you.

The Facts on Immigration Today – Center for American Progress Blatant horse poo.

If the percentage of legal immigrant home ownership is 51%

It stands to reason the percentage of illegal alien home ownership is going to be much lower.

"This confirms what has been shown elsewhere in this report: A large share of immigrants have very low incomes and live in or near poverty, lack insurance, and use the welfare system. But the overall averages or median incomes are closer to natives. This is true for immigrants generally as well as for legal immigrants."

Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America's Foreign-Born Population

To be honest, I don't know how any illegal could get a loan for a house. Would you loan money to somebody that could get deported at a drop of a hat?

We are just terrible people. From your article:

"Around 8 p.m. on Wednesday, a physician told ICE agents that Beltran-Hernandez was “stable.” She was subsequently discharged from the hospital and returned to ICE custody at Prairieland Detention Center. ICE is keeping her under observation and says that she has round-the-clock care available."
except stomp their liberal baby killing feet...................

Will this be good or bad for WAWA loitering?

Most of it is not really new rules, just a better effort to enforce the ones we've had for years. Obama ignored them and waved his magic pen to give illegals a free pass.

I'm glad Trump is clamping down. We need to make E-Verify law across the country and increase penalties for anyone who hires or otherwise aids and abets illegal aliens. That means sanctuary cities face the music.
Treason Is Not a Property Right

Confiscate the property of any business that hires them and sell it to a patriot who is competent enough to make a profit without underpaying his workers. But questioning the competence of these glorified bosses is never allowed as an explanation for this phenomenon, which never happened in America until a few decades ago.
That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.

No, most people do. That's why we now control the Congress, Senate, White House, and most of the governorships in the country.

Yeah, it's time for legal controlled Immigration. Most reasonable logical Americans agree with that. It's time.

I'm for controlled immigration. Let about ten or twenty in every year. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
It's time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome Immigrants to my country. But they'll have to do it the legal way. Period, end of story.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.
I wouldn't be too sure of that if I was you.
how about a market friendly visa that actually solves our illegal problem at the federal borders while generating federal dollars?

That's an idea. But that's down the road. First, we need to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country. But it has to be done in a controlled legal fashion. The chaos has gone on for too long.

Unfortunately, we have different very dangerous threats in the world these days. A chaotic Immigration System is a recipe for absolute disaster. We need change. It's time.
I believe in laws. Supply and demand, are economic laws.

two terms, fees and fines. anyone wanting a year long visa would pay a market friendly fee; anyone already here and wanting a market friendly visa, would need to pay a fine. that is how economics works.

we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

It's our Government's duty to protect Citizens. This current chaotic Immigration System is just begging for tragedy and misery. It's time to enforce Immigration Laws. But i think we need to go deeper than that. We need big reform too.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, the law, or their alleged faith in Capitalism.

'Nobody?' Really? You sure about that?
Being able to convince some of them, twice a day, only goes so far.

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