New show from GOTs developer...America where the democrats won the civil war, and still have slaves.

Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended

Two main problems, one historical, one in the OP.

The historical --- it would have been impossible for Slavery to have continued. Most of the western world and the Americas had already abolished it before the Civil War started. It would not have been tolerated by that western world, much less the Union. So the premise itself is wildly unrealistic and requires massive suspension of realities.

And two, the "democrat party" (which does not exist) didn't control the South until after, and as a direct result of, that war. Matter of fact the closest match, the Democratic Party, came in fourth in the Presidential election of 1860, its candidate pulling the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln got --- zero. And Lincoln's name wasn't even on a ballot as the Republican Party did not yet exist there.

Moreover Democrats in the North, including Douglas the candidate who came in fourth, worked for the preservation of the Union and against the Confederacy. Lincoln even took one of them on as a running mate in 1864 (and he was a Southerner), forming a new political party "brand" for that purpose.

And more moreover, even your link mentions nothing about political parties. You just plugged that in because you're a moron completely ignorant of your own history.
The industrial revolution would have made slavery too expensive to continue. Just as automation is ending the need for low skilled labor now, machines would have ended slavery.
The industrial revolution would have made slavery too expensive to continue. Just as automation is ending the need for low skilled labor now, machines would have ended slavery.

It was already doing that in the North, while the South remained agriculture-based, dependent largely on King Cotton. But the need for and production of that commodity shifted when the massive cotton export business, making up well over half of all US exports by 1860 (61%), was suddenly interrupted by the War, throwing industries and economies in Europe into freefall, and spurring new labor paradigms for its production beyond the old paradigm of slavery as well as new fields in which to grow it in Asia (India), the Middle East (Egypt) and South America (Brazil).

After that shift, the King Cotton of the South was no longer in such a dominant international position, and would not have been even if it had survived the Civil War. Its dependence on emphasizing a single crop on which it no longer had a monopoly would have had something of a Venezuela effect. This resulting declining profit would have undermined the slave system even further, even if it had been able to resist the moralistic argument that had already put the institution of slavery in its death throes in all but a small handful of nations.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended

Two main problems, one historical, one in the OP.

The historical --- it would have been impossible for Slavery to have continued. Most of the western world and the Americas had already abolished it before the Civil War started. It would not have been tolerated by that western world, much less the Union. So the premise itself is wildly unrealistic and requires massive suspension of realities.

And two, the "democrat party" (which does not exist) didn't control the South until after, and as a direct result of, that war. Matter of fact the closest match, the Democratic Party, came in fourth in the Presidential election of 1860, its candidate pulling the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln got --- zero. And Lincoln's name wasn't even on a ballot as the Republican Party did not yet exist there.

Moreover Democrats in the North, including Douglas the candidate who came in fourth, worked for the preservation of the Union and against the Confederacy. Lincoln even took one of them on as a running mate in 1864 (and he was a Southerner), forming a new political party "brand" for that purpose.

And more moreover, even your link mentions nothing about political parties. You just plugged that in because you're a moron completely ignorant of your own history.
You realize tv is just tv, right?
I bet pogo lost his shit when they started airing true blood or twilight saga :lol:
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended

Two main problems, one historical, one in the OP.

The historical --- it would have been impossible for Slavery to have continued. Most of the western world and the Americas had already abolished it before the Civil War started. It would not have been tolerated by that western world, much less the Union. So the premise itself is wildly unrealistic and requires massive suspension of realities.

And two, the "democrat party" (which does not exist) didn't control the South until after, and as a direct result of, that war. Matter of fact the closest match, the Democratic Party, came in fourth in the Presidential election of 1860, its candidate pulling the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln got --- zero. And Lincoln's name wasn't even on a ballot as the Republican Party did not yet exist there.

Moreover Democrats in the North, including Douglas the candidate who came in fourth, worked for the preservation of the Union and against the Confederacy. Lincoln even took one of them on as a running mate in 1864 (and he was a Southerner), forming a new political party "brand" for that purpose.

And more moreover, even your link mentions nothing about political parties. You just plugged that in because you're a moron completely ignorant of your own history.
You realize tv is just tv, right?

Oh I've said my piece on TV many a time and will undoubtedly do it again.

This however was about the OP and its stupid revisionista basis.

I don't dabble in TV except to expose its use as a propaganda tool and completely useless cultural cancer. What I care about is truth --- actual history.
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I bet pogo lost his shit when they started airing true blood or twilight saga :lol:

I don't watch that shit. Ever.

I wouldn't even know what either one was were it not for the fact that somebody gave me a series of True Blood DVDs (which I got some sucker on eBay to buy) and a trip to the Northwest with a GF who insisted while we were in rural Washington that we had to go see the site of "Twilight". I was like, "huh?". And of course I was right --- complete waste of time.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended
You know...the South left the Democrat Party before the 1860 election and Douglas won only one state as the Democratic candidate. When the Southern states seceded, they left the entire Dem/Rep concept behind.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended
You know...the South left the Democrat Party before the 1860 election and Douglas won only one state as the Democratic candidate. When the Southern states seceded, they left the entire Dem/Rep concept behind.

Yep, they actually kicked its convention out of the South altogether. Douglas won a border state (Missouri) and a split EV from New Jersey and that was it. After he was defeated he worked on Lincoln's behalf to speak for the preservation of the Union and advise Lincoln on preparations. The Republican Party hadn't established itself at all in the South --- never did put Lincoln's name on a ballot, nor Frémont's in 1856 --- so all that was left in the South was disconnected Democrats and Constitutional Unionists (offshoot of the Whigs).

So actually the South never had a Dem/Rep platform at all until after the War, by which time the Republicans became to the ariistocracy class the invaders and occupiers. Which is exactly why it stayed solidly Democratic for the next 99 years.
it's the way the film industry and media create a false narrative.

Indeed, one of the reasons I call TV a cancer. And for their plots they'll draw not on actual history or in this case on actual historical conditions to construct a plausible plot --- rather, they'll draw on what will sell emotionally, regardless how much suspension of reality is required. Because that way they score more eyeballs and more eyeballs means higher prices for commercials, and that's all there is going on with that man behind the curtain --- more money for the production company, while historical accuracy and public elucidation can go sit on a tack.
Slavery of blacks is still painfully present.

The only difference is that while the slaves of old of Southern land owners were expected and give valuable service for their keep, the present day slaves of the Democrats are expected to give no value only their votes to their Democrat masters.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended

I don't know why they would come up with new material when they could just buy a Screenplay of this guy's novels:

Southern Victory - Wikipedia

The Southern Victory series or Timeline-191 are fan names given to a series of eleven alternate history novels by author Harry Turtledove, beginning with How Few Remain (1997) and published over a decade. The period addressed in the series begins during theAmerican Civil War and spans nine decades, up to the mid-1940s. In the series, the Confederate States of America defeats the United States in 1862, thereby making good its attempt at secession and becoming an independent nation. Subsequent books are built on imagining events based on this alternate timeline.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended
You know...the South left the Democrat Party before the 1860 election and Douglas won only one state as the Democratic candidate. When the Southern states seceded, they left the entire Dem/Rep concept behind.

Every member of the Confederate government were democrats......from President through the cabinet and their congress with a few whigs thrown are wrong.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended

Two main problems, one historical, one in the OP.

The historical --- it would have been impossible for Slavery to have continued. Most of the western world and the Americas had already abolished it before the Civil War started. It would not have been tolerated by that western world, much less the Union. So the premise itself is wildly unrealistic and requires massive suspension of realities.

And two, the "democrat party" (which does not exist) didn't control the South until after, and as a direct result of, that war. Matter of fact the closest match, the Democratic Party, came in fourth in the Presidential election of 1860, its candidate pulling the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln got --- zero. And Lincoln's name wasn't even on a ballot as the Republican Party did not yet exist there.

Moreover Democrats in the North, including Douglas the candidate who came in fourth, worked for the preservation of the Union and against the Confederacy. Lincoln even took one of them on as a running mate in 1864 (and he was a Southerner), forming a new political party "brand" for that purpose.

And more moreover, even your link mentions nothing about political parties. You just plugged that in because you're a moron completely ignorant of your own history.

Hell he doesn't even mention the Confederacy.

As usual with 2aguy its not about 'history'- its about attacking Democrats.
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended


You would think from your post that there was no such thing as the Confederate States.....

Since you never even mention them.

The leadership of the Confederate states were all democrats.......
Yes...the new show will be about the South, the democrat party controlled south, winning the Civil War, and keeping blacks as slaves...

....of course, they will find a way to blame republicans.....

'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended


You would think from your post that there was no such thing as the Confederate States.....

Since you never even mention them.

The leadership of the Confederate states were all democrats.......

There were Democrats in leadership in the Union and in the Confederate States.

You of course- failed to mention name the Confederacy because your only intent is to attack Democrats.

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