New study released on transgenders

Please name me a single elected official that you have voted for that tried to pass any legislation to de-legalize fags? Name one
Like I said ... RINOs aren't "conservative." And when I cast a vote these days (even though I already know the elections are fixed and that my vote doesn't really count) I look at a candidate's ideals collectively. Nobody is going to agree with me on everything, so I have to look for the person who will agree with me on most things. My main goal, at this point, is to vote for candidates who'll stand up for my 2nd Amendment rights.

For the record ... I did vote for Trump, twice. But one of the things I had against him was him holding up an LGBTQ+Pedo flag with a smile on his face. Pretty disgusting!

It's ok to not be able to own up to the fact that Conservatives were cowards when they had a chance to stand up to gays -- and they are probably going to be cowards again when they get all they can get out of demonizing trannies

Either have them pass legislation to ban transgenderism or continue on with your outrage porn over it
So in order to save children from being groomed we must first fix all issues regarding gays and tranniies?

You must first acknowledge why the Conservatives caved into the gays
And when you figure that out - then you may have the strength to pass legislation to ban trannies

But the weakness of conservatives to oppose gays lead to gays being able to have jobs that placed them around our children, so they can rape them...

The weakness of conservatives allowed gays to be able to enter our restrooms, to rape children.....the weakness of conservatives has even allowed gays to be be able to adopt children..and rape them

Why am I to believe the conservatives will be strong against trannies?
We are trying to protect children, at least, I am.

Why is this so difficult to understand?

Perhaps it is because you know I'm right and have no defense for not agreeing, so you derail the thread into something else.

Conservatives are nothing more than a punching bag in the US. It's just a matter of how much can they take until they refuse to take any more?
We are trying to protect children, at least, I am.

Why is this so difficult to understand?

Perhaps it is because you know I'm right and have no defense for not agreeing, so you derail the thread into something else.

Conservatives are nothing more than a punching bag in the US. It's just a matter of how much can they take until they refuse to take any more?
I am all for protecting children

And who have we ALLLLLWAAAYYSSS claimed to be the most dangerous threat to children? why did Conservatives cave in to them?

Can you show me any legislation being proposed that is going to at least ban trannies? As long as they exist, they are a danger to children
The medical/mental health profession failed us when they stopped referring to fags as mentally ill we expect them to step in and stop the trannies?

The GOP needs to pass legislation today that outlaws gays....and if they are too afraid to do that, at least ban trannies and make it punishable by death...
Shut the fuck up, asshole.
Notice the only leftist to comment on this thread deflected and gaslit people?
As I always say, all the do is defend deflect or gaslight when it comes to kids. Sad.
The medical establishment is horrific regarding trying to fix mental health issues, or anything dealing with the brain.

But unfortunately, the brain is usually the one area that needs fixed, instead of the rest of the body

For example, those seeking bariatric surgery, that is, trying to surgically create a thinner person by shrinking their stomach, comes to mind. What they can do is go in and surgically shrink the stomach so that people are not as hungry, thus losing weight. But I can't tell you the number of people I have run into who have had secondary issues from the surgeries. Some have even died. But it gets worse, they inevitably go back to their former eating habits as their stomach slowly stretches back out. The next thing you know, they are fat again. The problem was never the stomach so why mutilate it?

Again, the problem is with the human mind, for which, the medical community is largely clueless on how to treat. It is much easier to cut and collect a check as it usually solves shorter term issues and has a brief feel good window of accomplishment. But most of all, they collect far more profit from a surgery than counciling sessions.
With anorexia, the other extreme, people look in the mirror and see a fat person that's not there, so they starve themselves trying to make what they see in the mirror acceptable. Yet we don't force-feed them. Agreed that the problem is in the mind and we are largely clueless on how to treat it.

I sincerely believe that medicine will look back from 100 years in the future and shudder the same way we look at driving a spike into the brain to control emotional outbursts or bloodletting to let the vapors out.
This was posted by Obejoekenobe in response to this article

This is why people call Ds pedos and groomers. Gaslighting freaks
Obe is one fucked up individual.
I bet he doesn't come out of the sewer to comment.
He doesn't want the main board to see how vile he truly is.
But yeah, go ahead and chop off limbs, tits and sterilize them you goddamn freaks
Yup, there are some crazy people in this world.

But your attempt to constantly group ever (D) or liberal, on the USMB, as groomers and freaks is WRONG.
Yup, there are some crazy people in this world.

But your attempt to constantly group ever (D) or liberal, on the USMB, as groomers and freaks is WRONG.
Its not wrong when its true. I mean, they do it to themselves :dunno:
But your attempt to constantly group ever (D) or liberal, on the USMB, as groomers and freaks is WRONG.

It would sure help the image and cause of “ever [sic] (D) or liberal” if more of you would come out against the sexual brainwashing, grooming, and exploitation of children that is being seen coming from your side, instead of denying or defending it.

The faggot/tranny agenda being promoted to young children in public schools, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, the drugging and mutilation of young people under the fraudulent pretense of changing their sex; how hard is it to acknowledge that this is happening, and to say that it is wrong, and should not be allowed? It's not difficult at all, to anyone who has any actual vestige of moral and eth9ical standards; but for those on your side, it seems to be extremely difficult or even impossible.

In fact, given how little value your side has for truth, given how prone your side is to blatantly lying, you'd think you could at least pay lip service to this obvious truth, even if you don't actually believe it. But this is one area in which you can't even bring yourselves to lie, in order to condemn this sick shit.

Modern LIbEralism truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease, as your kind continually prove.
coming from your side

given how little value your side has for truth

your side is to blatantly lying

as your kind continually prove.
There you go painting anti-trumpers with the same broad brush.
The trans and gender talk, I'll never understand, but I believe it is NOT my job to humiliate them. I just leave them alone.

Yes, I despise the lying con man trump, doesn't make me or others a pedophile or a groomer or put us on 'their side'.

Funny when you speak of TRUTH and LYING, when in fact, trump can't complete a paragraph without lying.

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