New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

We've been through this CLOWN and I GUTTED YOU.

Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
My post to LOOOSA Tommy

""You never had a Point you Moron.

Your Dishonest attempt was based on the Idea that If Holocene was as warm or warmer that now, that current warming wouldn't be AGW.

Of course, that would not have affected my OP, and we know that premise is Wrong my inadequatcy complex/Dishonest clown friend.

Mid-Holocene Warm Period – About 6,000 Years Ago
Mid-Holocene Warm Period – About 6,000 Years Ago | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

....In summary, the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today during summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In some locations, this could be true for winter as well.
Moreover, we clearly know the cause of this Natural warming (aa: orbital changes), and we know without doubt that this proven "Astronomical" climate forcing mechanism CANNOT be responsible for the Warming over the last 100 years.""
There goes ALL of your posts.
It's Sunset for Tommy.""

LOFL, recycling Your Forgotten (or Disingenuously tried again anyway) Losses. Bogus themes that you used to justify Yo POlitical opinion.
Last edited:
No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

It's why backhoe operators in SoFL frequently find fossils 10 miles inland in the so-called "coral rock" / oolitic limestone

....In summary, the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today during summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In some locations, this could be true for winter as well.

Do you guys ever actually check anything before you speak?...or do you just say whatever your pseudoscientific overlords tell you to say. Checking isn't that difficult. If you did it every once in a while, you might come to see what a dupe you are being.

Here is a temperarure reconstruction from the region of the Prince Gustav Ice shelf in Antarctica.


There are other temperature reconstructions from the Antarctic region which also show that most of the past 10,000 years were warmer than the present. Now, would you care to give a rational, scientifically valid reason that gold standard temperature reconstructions from the poles indicate that most of the past 10,000 years were warmer than the present, but the space between the poles was cooler than the present?

By the way, how do we "know" that astronomical climate forcing was responsible for the fact that most of the past 10,000 years were warmer than today. Are you suggesting that we know all the reasons the climate fluctuates?


....In summary, the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today during summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In some locations, this could be true for winter as well.

Do you guys ever actually check anything before you speak?...or do you just say whatever your pseudoscientific overlords tell you to say. Checking isn't that difficult. If you did it every once in a while, you might come to see what a dupe you are being.

Here is a temperarure reconstruction from the region of the Prince Gustav Ice shelf in Antarctica.


There are other temperature reconstructions from the Antarctic region which also show that most of the past 10,000 years were warmer than the present. Now, would you care to give a rational, scientifically valid reason that gold standard temperature reconstructions from the poles indicate that most of the past 10,000 years were warmer than the present, but the space between the poles was cooler than the present?

By the way, how do we "know" that astronomical climate forcing was responsible for the fact that most of the past 10,000 years were warmer than today. Are you suggesting that we know all the reasons the climate fluctuates?

SSDD....schooling the children!! Great post!
No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

This new research using high-resolution sea level proxy evidence can be added to the list of 75 other recently published sea level papers indicating that global sea levels were on average about 1 to 5 meters higher than they are now(depending on location) just a few thousand years ago.

New Study: Denmark Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene

So, on the average, the sea levels were 1 to 5 meters higher 4600 to 7600 years ago. And the GHG level then was about what it was a couple of hundred years ago. Seems to confirm the worst fears of the scientists concerning sea level rise. 5 meter rise would result in huge inland migrations, and we are in for at least that much by what this paper indicates. Now, the only problem is the timeline for this rise. From prior rises, this not usually a linear rise, but one that goes in steps, some rather rapid.
No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

Phew, I feel better now
A never-ending supply of threads posted by people that can't face the reality of global warming. It's what children do, when a situation is too scary you just pretend it isn't real and it will go away.

Adults on the other hand look the problem in the face and deal with it. Global Warming is getting worse and the human race may have already missed the opportunity to deal with it precisely because this small cohort of scared cons can't face reality.
A never-ending supply of threads posted by people that can't face the reality of global warming. It's what children do, when a situation is too scary you just pretend it isn't real and it will go away.

Adults on the other hand look the problem in the face and deal with it. Global Warming is getting worse and the human race may have already missed the opportunity to deal with it precisely because this small cohort of scared cons can't face reality.

So you're saying we need more windmills....
A never-ending supply of threads posted by people that can't face the reality of global warming. It's what children do, when a situation is too scary you just pretend it isn't real and it will go away.

Adults on the other hand look the problem in the face and deal with it. Global Warming is getting worse and the human race may have already missed the opportunity to deal with it precisely because this small cohort of scared cons can't face reality.

Gosh not a word about the science paper itself...………., just a cute babbling rant.
Tommy, boy, why the lie? I actually quoted from the paper, and demonstrated that it was a paper that actually was quite alarming. Post #8.
Tommy, boy, why the lie? I actually quoted from the paper, and demonstrated that it was a paper that actually was quite alarming. Post #8.

What lie was that?

Maybe it is YOUR confusion that is apparent since this part YOU quoted is NOT from the new paper itself, it was written by Kenneth Richards the author of the blog post:

"This new research using high-resolution sea level proxy evidence can be added to the list of 75 other recently published sea level papers indicating that global sea levels were on average about 1 to 5 meters higher than they are now (depending on location) just a few thousand years ago."

The new paper itself made this statement:


“The raised spit deposits at Skagen Odde, northern Denmark, offer a unique possibility to study spit evolution over the past 7600 years. The deposits contain well-preserved beach facies including the transition from wave-formed foreshore to aeolian-influenced backshore sediments. After correction foroffset and isostatic spatial gradient, we have been able to use this boundary as a proxy for palaeo-sea level.”
“Measurements at 57 sample sites covering ~17 km along the northwestern coast of the spit indicate that this boundary first rises towards the northeast, then reaches a maximum relative sea level at about 12.5 m above present mean sea level [apmsl] before gradually decreasing toward the most recent part of the spit.”

“By pairing all boundary elevation measurements with an OSL age, the variation in elevation with age has been determined directly. The resulting curve reflects variation in relative sea level with time; we conclude that relative sea level initially rose between c. 7600 and c. 6250 years ago, reached a first peak value around 12.5 m apmsl [above present mean sea level] and a second peak value around 11 m apmsl c. 4600 years ago before it dropped to reach 2 m apmsl c. 2000 years ago.”

No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

It's why backhoe operators in SoFL frequently find fossils 10 miles inland in the so-called "coral rock" / oolitic limestone

All of Florida is ancient coral. It fucking GREW, fool.
No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

It's why backhoe operators in SoFL frequently find fossils 10 miles inland in the so-called "coral rock" / oolitic limestone

All of Florida is ancient coral. It fucking GREW, fool.
Where is the erosion ?
No Tricks Zone

By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2018

New Study: Sea Level Was 11-12.5 Meters Higher Than Now During The Mid-Holocene


In a new paper, data from 57 sites along 17 km of coastal Denmark reveal that sea levels were 11 to 12.5 meters higher than they are today between 7,600 and 4,600 years ago.

It's why backhoe operators in SoFL frequently find fossils 10 miles inland in the so-called "coral rock" / oolitic limestone

All of Florida is ancient coral. It fucking GREW, fool.
Where is the erosion ?

See that white stuff all over those mountains? It compresses to ice, which form things called glaciers, which very effectively erode rocks, even as tectonic thrust them up.
Doggerland - The Europe That Was

A short presentation showing that people were easily able to just move to higher ground as sea level rose over the centuries.
Just about as dumb ass of a statement as I have ever read. There were not over 7 billion people in the world then. So if the sea goes over Bangladesh, the people can just move to India, right?

The obvious point of the article zoomed right over your head. It is plan obvious you didn't read it.


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