New Texas Law Wants to Vaccinate Minor Children without Parental Consent

IMPORTANT UPDATE: HB 212 is being pulled down from the hearing on Wednesday!
We do NOT need you to come and testify against it!
Thank you everyone for your meetings, calls, emails and faxes to oppose HB 212 which would let minor children ages 14 and up in the Juvenile Justice System to consent to vaccination themselves! Your efforts have made a huge difference. We have just received confirmation from the House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues Committee Clerk that the bill author has requested that HB 212 be removed from the schedule of bills to be heard on Wednesday. This does not mean the bill is dead, and it could be rescheduled for a hearing on a later date, but for now, it will not be heard by the committee on Wednesday and your testimony and registered opposition with this committee is not needed.
HOWEVER, if you have not yet contacted your own representative and senator to oppose HB 212, PLEASE DO ASAP. Not only will those communications help prevent this bill from resurfacing, it will help shift the vaccine conversation to parental rights which will help with all the other vaccine bills. Please follow the steps on the alert for this bill posted on the NVIC Advocacy Portal at to contact your own representative and senator.

Its down for now but that don't mean its out completely.
They'll wait for a crisis in the news, when everyone's attention is somewhere else, then pass it in the middle of the night. That's how they usually get these kinds of bills passed.
Vaccinations should be up to the parent. Of course if the parent refuses, his kid won't be allowed into a school where he can spread disease when he gets it. Home schooling will be on the rise and little Johnnie can enjoy his measles and chickenpox at home and still learn his ABCs..
If you want to be in the public school system your child has to get the shots.....
Vaccinations should be up to the parent. Of course if the parent refuses, his kid won't be allowed into a school where he can spread disease when he gets it. Home schooling will be on the rise and little Johnnie can enjoy his measles and chickenpox at home and still learn his ABCs..
Then look forward to shingles.....
Vaccinations should be up to the parent. Of course if the parent refuses, his kid won't be allowed into a school where he can spread disease when he gets it. Home schooling will be on the rise and little Johnnie can enjoy his measles and chickenpox at home and still learn his ABCs..
Include kids who just had the vaccines,those that are medically unable to,etc etc.
If you want to be in the public school system your child has to get the shots.....
Actually they don't. Only 2 states are run like dictatorships.

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