New theory on immigration


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It's often puzzled me as to why those in government in the West, Trump excluded, all around the world seem to hell bent on allowing and fostering Islamic immigration. Naturally, this will only lead to more world wide Islamic terror.

So why?

Perhaps it is create an atmosphere where people will be screaming for more "safety", or essentially 24/7 surveillance.

You could also have the added benefit of placing enough Muslims in a "democratic" party so that people will be electing Hamas to government like they do in Palestine. Then, with the people fully indoctrinated by church and state, democracy will become akin to inmates running the prisons.

Then again, I look at those in the US federal government and I get the same vibe, the inmates are running the prison, so maybe it does not really matter, other than you losing more of your freedoms under Sharia law.
What better way to grow government than to increase terrorism? More terror equals more government. It's a win-win for the ruling class. This may be one of the many reasons why the ruling class so despises Trump for wanting to limit Muslim immigration and is doing all it can to stop Trump. It is yet another example of how the ruling class always wins and the majority of Americans lose.

What is truly amazing are the numbers of average Americans easily duped by the ruling class into believing stopping Muslim immigration is TERRIBLE!
We may think that terrorism is "random" but is it?

Some in Manchester, and beyond, see the attack as one that targeted women and girls

MANCHESTER, England — At first, this one looked like all the others: randomly deadly, deliberately brutal.

In the last two years, mass killings claimed or inspired by the Islamic State have become a chilling reality in Western Europe: unexpected and impromptu truck attacks, bombings and shootings, in Paris, Brussels, Nice, Berlin and London. Manchester — where 22 were killed in an assault Monday outside a concert — seemed like just the latest chapter in a deadly saga that has claimed more than 300 lives.

But then there were the details. Among other things, this was a concert meant to celebrate female empowerment, and many of the victims were young British women there to take part. The first identified fatality was Georgina “Gina” Callander, 18.

If, as claimed, this attack was carried out by an adherent of the Islamic State, the targeting of women could have been intentional.

“It’s very well known that misogyny is deeply rooted in the radical Islamist worldview,” said Shashank Joshi, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based think tank.
What better way to grow government than to increase terrorism? More terror equals more government. It's a win-win for the ruling class. This may be one of the many reasons why the ruling class so despises Trump for wanting to limit Muslim immigration and is doing all it can to stop Trump. It is yet another example of how the ruling class always wins and the majority of Americans lose.

What is truly amazing are the numbers of average Americans easily duped by the ruling class into believing stopping Muslim immigration is TERRIBLE!

People will be begging for 24/7 surveillance.

Always remember, the most Progressive place on earth is prison.

1. Free food
2. Free cloths
3. Free room and board
4. 24/7 protection, except in the showers where you are gang raped, but then, every day is gay pride day
5. Free medical. What could be better than free medical care?
It's not just Islamic immigration. It's with other things as well. The US used to be considered one of the safest in the world. Our kids could play in our yards, walk to school, walk to the store, ride their bikes all around, without undue fears. Schools weren't surrounded by fencing or walls like a prison.
Today parents don't feel safe to allow them to, whether it be from a nanny stater reporting them, or registered sex offenders living within a short distance, or gang members being on the loose. It is crap. Pure crap.

And young adults aren't even aware of what they have lost.
And it used to be people that immigrated here wanted our way of life, to become a part of what made us great. They wanted to become an American.
It's not just Islamic immigration. It's with other things as well. The US used to be considered one of the safest in the world. Our kids could play in our yards, walk to school, walk to the store, ride their bikes all around, without undue fears. Schools weren't surrounded by fencing or walls like a prison.
Today parents don't feel safe to allow them to, whether it be from a nanny stater reporting them, or registered sex offenders living within a short distance, or gang members being on the loose. It is crap. Pure crap.

And young adults aren't even aware of what they have lost.
100% correct!

If you notice, most Dims oppose the death penalty and attack law enforcement at every opportunity? They would rather have havoc in the streets.

Also notice that they pulled prayer out of schools in the 1960's and any mention of God or morality. After they did, violence and teenage pregnancies exploded exponentially.

Ben Franklin once said that the Republic and Constitution would endure only so long as the morality of the said society will allow it to do so. Destroy morality, and what you are left with is a nation full of convicts. At that point, all that can be done is build a fence around them with a warden to rule over them to try and maintain a civil society

This is why I'm a conservative. Destroy morality and you destroy society. You either need to be your own policeman via your morality or you have the state do it. Trust me, the state would love to do it for you.

Democracy that you see in Palestine is not the answer as the elect terrorists to government and teach their children to hate Jews it is morality that is the key to a civil society.

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