NEW THREAT: Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees

Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.
Yes he was an admitted national socialist and leftist ...he was not a right winger
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.
Yes he was an admitted national socialist and leftist ...he was not a right winger
He knew how to gain power using racial and religious hatred. You`re talking really stupid now with the goofy socialist/ leftist shit. Good night.
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.

It has nothing to do with that incident but if it matters, they were victims because they were liberal. See how that works? If you become a victim for whatever reason then you are being victimized, liberal OR conservative.

Your post seemed to suggest that conservatives claiming victimization is a hollow claim. Am I wrong?

And you can dispense with the feeble attempts at making me look stupid. It's a tired, lazy and cheap debate tactic.
Regardless, ALL conservatives deserve to be attacked and even murdered because of the murder of Heather Heyer by the Nazi goon in Charlottesville. For all eternity, leftists have a license to attack, maim and murder as many conservatives as they can find. Right, Coyote ?
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.
Wasn’t the driver prosecuted?
Wasn’t the driver prosecuted?

Yep, and sentenced to life in prison. But that doesn't matter. The death of Heather Heyer gives the left a license to assault and kill as many conservatives as possible for all eternity, right, Coyote!
Let them try

Let Antifa scum cowards try

They won't live to tell the story.
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.
Instead of bringing up obscure images go to the power fiefdoms of police/corrections/judicial and kill them. The corrupted ones. You will find them to be more diverse though. You are going to have to deal with them at some point. They are the modern plantation owners. Only the slaves are the ones that do their call and beckoning are not in the fields. The lower wage jobs in business store employment proves how stupid the general population can be when controlled by the overseers. Did you notice any laws removed from the criminal codes? Because they do not enforce them does not mean they will ever not use them when convenient. Just like the southern border and immigration. It will be used one day because we will be in deep chitt at that time. And the stupid general population will be convinced. You must take the privileged jobs down and the power that goes with it. Change is reality. This is not just about the rich. Who you can eliminate at any time if you really want to.
Big League Politics ^ | Jun 29, 2019

Sounds like a distinct terrorist threat by member of an organization (well, more like a poorly run franchise) with a demonstrated track record of violence. The FBI knows who this guy is and where to find him. Will they do anything?
Notice how the left looks exactly like ISIS?
Big League Politics ^ | Jun 29, 2019

Sounds like a distinct terrorist threat by member of an organization (well, more like a poorly run franchise) with a demonstrated track record of violence.

The FBI knows who this guy is and where to find him.

Will they do anything?

If this is true, and not a hoax, then this is the clearest case of terrorism, that one could get. This is literally the definition of terrorism. Trying to instill fear in the population to change how society works.

Of course, the left-wing will defend this, because the left-wing ideology is built on fear and hate, so 50% of their agenda is basically a form of political terrorism. Biden said "They are going to put ya'll back in chains".

The Democrats would be hypocrites to not support Antifa.
I´m pretty sure that if an ANTIFA terrorist throws acid in your face, you have the right to shoot them.

It´s like when that hood rat attacked George Zimmerman and Zimmerman shoot him. It´s all good in the eyes of the law.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

antifa always engages in violence and most of the time they get away with it, which is why they continue to do it. But it's fine that they engage in violence against peaceful conservatives because, after all, that moron in Charlottesville murdered that poor woman.
I dont think they get away with. They have been arrested. The Charlottesville guy is not the only rightest involved in violent extremism against peaceful people.

The joke of a professor committed multiple violent felonies and got time served. The progressive government is protecting, and encouraging their criminality.

This is going to end very badly. I just hope that there is minimal collateral damage.
Well that's ok. After all, that guy in Charlottesville killed someone, right Coyote ? Leftists have a license for life to attack conservatives.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

Being a victim of assault for being conservative is not "claiming" victimization, it is actual victimization.
How about being run over and killed by a neo-Nazi? Anyone with a measurable IQ knows who the victim is. Now you know how to spell IQ.

Can you see the difference between these idiots and your assholes? No? These idiots are demonstrating PEACEABLY!

Holy shit batman, they aren't carrying pry bars and baseball bars and wearing masks so that they can't be identified when they commit a crime.

You fucking moron!
Holy crap republicans are so dumb I need to become one and open a fake university. How about Wheelie U? Nah that's too normal. I'l bring Jesus into it and it will be all good.

My new church: Jesus God wheelie Evangelical. Gimmee muh tax breaks and Nascar team.
Who said it was ok? There is however a big difference between damaging property and murder. I think Antifa is a bunch of thugs who's reach and affect is grossly inflated because conservatives need a bogeyman in order to clsim victimization. Arrest them for assault and rioting, but there is far worse out there to worry about.

antifa always engages in violence and most of the time they get away with it, which is why they continue to do it. But it's fine that they engage in violence against peaceful conservatives because, after all, that moron in Charlottesville murdered that poor woman.
and he was sent to prison ! nobody from antifa is getting long prison terms for terrorism ! i think every conservative should exercise their 2nd amendment rights when they gather for rallys and peaceful demonstrations !
From the West Point study: "the overall trend is very clear".
"in the last few years and especially since 2007 there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self identify with the far right of American politics".
Its great to see that the good people at West Point are keeping an eye on you nuts.
What far right group approximates what Antifa has done, and is doing? There is none, clearly.
Your attempt to change the subject is a failure, just so you know.
Has Antifa run over any protesters?
the point is that the guy who ran over the girl is now sitting his sorry ass in prison !! no one is prosecuting antifa for the violence they commit ! you are a liar a communist and a coward !

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