New Trump buying opportunity

I know there have been plenty of threads on the Trump family of grifters, but this grift takes it to a whole other level. No longer content for taking his sheeple for a few a few hundred dollars he wants them to mortgage their houses for him.

“The 'Trump Victory Tourbillon' watch he is selling has 200 grams of gold and 'more than 100 real diamonds' - with a price to match, selling for $100,000 each

'That's a lot of diamonds. I love gold. I love diamonds. We all do,' Trump said in a video advertisement.

The watch has 'Trump' moniker in the middle and bears a 'Swiss made' label, as well as window that shows the mechanism, although an ad featuring it shows the watch sitting on the stars of an American flag. “

See also:

Donald Trump is now hawking a new line of watches, some with an eye popping six-figure price tag – the latest example of the former president cashing in on his name like no presidential candidate ever has.

The GOP nominee announced his latest branded merchandise, Trump Watches, on social media Thursday – 40 days before the election and on a day when he did not appear on the campaign trail. He told his supporters the watches would make good Christmas gifts and then directed them to a link where they could be purchased.

The watches retail for $499 but one series – Tourbillon – is priced at $100,000. They come in three different colors and are limited in number to 147.

“These watches are truly special—you’re going to love them,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, the same social media site where he shares political messages with his supporters.”

Trump proves he is no more than than a carnival barker every day.

Trump has effectively monetized his campaign. It is about making a profit from his minions. His lemmings will throw away their money to him because that is what lemmings do.

As a former president, Trump debases the office for every pathetic and desperate grift he makes.
Little Marco Rubio was correct...

Watch freaks are rolling on the floor pissing themselves with laughter.​
No water resistance rating at all.​
0 m.​
So I did a lot of digging and found the movement, assuming the render they show is accurate. BCP Tourbillon makes it. So it is actually Swiss made.
200g gold, around $12k. 122 tiny diamonds, under 1k. Invicta styling and finishing quality, under 1k, movement probably around 1k (same movement is in a $4k watch).
So a profit of around $85k each. Not a bad way to skirt federal election laws around donations from foreign citizens.... sorry, I mean for the finest watch afficionados.

This is really exciting. A new 100k gold watch made by a company that nobody has ever heard of.

I think Trump is missing a trick here. He should highlight all the American jobs he is creating by introducing all these exciting products to the market. That would make him a true legend.

I think I will wait for the resale market to open up before buying. My current watch has Mickey Mouse on it. It tells excellent time.

This is really exciting. A new 100k gold watch made by a company that nobody has ever heard of.

I think Trump is missing a trick here. He should highlight all the American jobs he is creating by introducing all these exciting products to the market. That would make him a true legend.

I think I will wait for the resale market to open up before buying. My current watch has Mickey Mouse on it. It tells excellent time.

Already a pissy pants thread on this. Don't like it, don't buy a watch, Limey vermin.


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