New Trump Lawyer, Foreign Agent

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If there was anything to your idiotic accusations and recriminations, the lamer press would already be all over it.

Meanwhile, every snippet of that dreck I listened to was that nobody accusing the Trumpsters of doing what you liberoidal jackasses do on an ongoing basis.....Projection of the first order.

You people went ape fucking shit over Venezual

Manafart worked a Russian G.R.U. agent and you had no problem with it. Post your proof about Ms. Feinstein.
Just more left wing bullshit..... no one cares anymore... nothing Trump or his people could do would be worse than what biden has done.....
You people went ape fucking shit over Venezual

Manafart worked a Russian G.R.U. agent and you had no problem with it. Post your proof about Ms. Feinstein.
We went ape?... when?... how?... by pointing out that Venezuela is the kind of government you libs want here?....
If there was anything to your idiotic accusations and recriminations, the lamer press would already be all over it.

Meanwhile, every snippet of that dreck I listened to was that nobody accusing the Trumpsters of doing what you liberoidal jackasses do on an ongoing basis.....Projection of the first order.
English much? :cool:
Are there any Trump people who aren't criminals?

Which comes first. Trump only hires criminals or do they turn to crime after joining the Trump Criminal Enterprise?
You know, Magnus, President Trump came through a impeachment that aimed to disable him from making peace in the world and doing good to the American people. All those things claimed in their only evidence was the Steele dossier which was shown to be written and produced under the Clinton tent of war room dirty tricks. There were 19 Democrat-leaning lawyers who researched everything that Donald Trump ever did. They found absolutely nothing Trump did that showed any attemptto collude with Russia against Hillary Clinton, which was all this Special Inquiry was all about. the Democrats helped themselves to private information that actually was none of their business, and with every gun loaded, they couldn't find one single error in President Trump's demeanor that would yoke him to the false and pretentious "crimes" and "sins" the Steele dossier alluded to. That is classically what happens when people with an axe to grind who want to beat and beat only an adversary, whatever it takes. I've seen several very dedicated Democrat lawyers change their mind about President Trump based on what there findings were, which was no finding whatever of ANY wrongdoing internationally with Trump, although his luxury hotels that make people comfortable and in a business-improvement mode for serving the public was made available to them by hotels built by Donald Trump. You see, his life was built on making life better for businesses so that they could grow and give high-paying jobs to Americans, and for that matter wherever foreign countries, also into improving businesses for their countries, needed a good hotel to hold conventions for businesses dedicated to the betterment of mankind.

Some of those lawyers have deep roots as if their parents were good Democrats during and following WWI and WWII. Back then, it didn't matter what political party one belonged to, the end game was making America a good place to do business, where law and order prevailed along with better jobs for the people who spend their adult lives raising a family and finding the American Dream in their own home.

I support the good things that President Trump was working on, and his no-vacant-seats rallies with standing room only for the late arrivers, should send a message to even the blindest of his adversaries, that President Trump will lead this nation, under God, if he can block multiple and thousands of corrupt votes that amount to his adversaries wind up bringing to voting places and dragging them out after everybody else goes home, and counts each box as many as it takes to cheat Trump voters out of their say-so.

Trump fought off 2 false impeachment efforts, he won the confidence that he was okay with three major inquiries, all of which found no fault, and one was a 100% Democrat inquiry. Yet Deep staters with deep pockets bought mainstream media companies the right to stay in business when their business fell short of people looking for the truth of who'[d be best for President. President Trump offered use of the National Guard at the Capitol on January 6, even though he was hurt, believing that evidence brought forth showed he was likely edged out by nonexistent voters in E2020. Because Nancy Pelosi REFUSED outright the protection of the Guard it was because her last ditch effort to destroy President Trump's win would be unlikely if they couldn't mock up crimes allegedly committed by the protesters January 6, if the National Guard were around to make sure nobody got hurt. And the conjuring up the killing of Ashli Babbit to show that protesters were monsters would have been prevented. Witnesses say Ashli Babbit, a war hero, had no gun when she was killed, and they saw that she was doing all she could to convince other peaceful participants in the Capitol to leave. So she was killed apurpose to hide that fact, and the people continued coming in with no Ashli to warn them due to her mortal wounds.

Some of the best lawyers who leaned to Trump's innocence based on the facts of all those inquiries simply strengthened when they heard that the Democrats refused Trump's offer of having the National Guard to prevent a travesty against mere protesters who wanted their side of the story at last picked up by the MSM. This doesn't look good for Nancy Pelosi nor the Democrat Party for that matter. The evidentiary followup is not gong well for the Democrats. You will lose the good law people who find that the laws were disrespected by those present on January 6 just to fool their followers into thinking of them as "victims." The National Guard would have totally prevented any claims of victimy. So Nancy snubbed the thought and gave her marching orders to frame the protesters as monsters by her Democrat cops guarding the Capitol. I have a hunch many of them will quit due to having a conscience, like total Democrat lawyers who are smart enough not to ever support framers and liars of bad things for the good Americans that most Republicans and even Trump supporters are.

Trump will show his evidence to the best of good lawyers that he has recommended to him, one who is dedicated to the truth and to the truth-finding necessary in getting to the bottom of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

God bless Donald Trump, and God bless the United States of America, home of the free and the brave.
Does the video make the point that working for Venezuela is equivalent to working for the opposing bloc that has formed with China and Russia being the principles?
And here I thought you people hated Venezuela? As for Mr. Swallwell, fuck off. That Gumba Looking Fuck Manafart worked with a known agent for the Glavoye Razedyvatelnoye Upravenie (G.R.U. - Russian Military Intelligence).

General FlynnFlam acted an unregister agent for both Russia and Turkey.

As soon as Mr. Swawell found out about the agent in question, he contacted the F.B.I. The Traitor ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about FlynnFlam

Fortunately, FlynnFlam only lasted one month as National Security Advisor. Fucking Traitorous Asshole

Yeah, so did the podesta brothers. AT THE SAME TIME.! Your whore, the shrilary had no trouble hiring them though, did she.

Can you prove either? For you assholes proof needs a trial and a judge. This is conspiracy theory and should be moved to the proper forum.
Here’s the conspiracy: Trump is trying to hide the fact that the $3M came from campaign contributions, a clear violation of finance laws!
Here’s the conspiracy: Trump is trying to hide the fact that the $3M came from campaign contributions, a clear violation of finance laws!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:The thread belongs in Conspiracy theories along with every other thread that contain just accusations and opinions from stupid blowholes like yourself.
You know, Magnus, President Trump came through a impeachment that aimed to disable him from making peace in the world and doing good to the American people. All those things claimed in their only evidence was the Steele dossier which was shown to be written and produced under the Clinton tent of war room dirty tricks. There were 19 Democrat-leaning lawyers who researched everything that Donald Trump ever did. They found absolutely nothing Trump did that showed any attemptto collude with Russia against Hillary Clinton, which was all this Special Inquiry was all about. the Democrats helped themselves to private information that actually was none of their business, and with every gun loaded, they couldn't find one single error in President Trump's demeanor that would yoke him to the false and pretentious "crimes" and "sins" the Steele dossier alluded to. That is classically what happens when people with an axe to grind who want to beat and beat only an adversary, whatever it takes. I've seen several very dedicated Democrat lawyers change their mind about President Trump based on what there findings were, which was no finding whatever of ANY wrongdoing internationally with Trump, although his luxury hotels that make people comfortable and in a business-improvement mode for serving the public was made available to them by hotels built by Donald Trump. You see, his life was built on making life better for businesses so that they could grow and give high-paying jobs to Americans, and for that matter wherever foreign countries, also into improving businesses for their countries, needed a good hotel to hold conventions for businesses dedicated to the betterment of mankind.

Some of those lawyers have deep roots as if their parents were good Democrats during and following WWI and WWII. Back then, it didn't matter what political party one belonged to, the end game was making America a good place to do business, where law and order prevailed along with better jobs for the people who spend their adult lives raising a family and finding the American Dream in their own home.

I support the good things that President Trump was working on, and his no-vacant-seats rallies with standing room only for the late arrivers, should send a message to even the blindest of his adversaries, that President Trump will lead this nation, under God, if he can block multiple and thousands of corrupt votes that amount to his adversaries wind up bringing to voting places and dragging them out after everybody else goes home, and counts each box as many as it takes to cheat Trump voters out of their say-so.

Trump fought off 2 false impeachment efforts, he won the confidence that he was okay with three major inquiries, all of which found no fault, and one was a 100% Democrat inquiry. Yet Deep staters with deep pockets bought mainstream media companies the right to stay in business when their business fell short of people looking for the truth of who'[d be best for President. President Trump offered use of the National Guard at the Capitol on January 6, even though he was hurt, believing that evidence brought forth showed he was likely edged out by nonexistent voters in E2020. Because Nancy Pelosi REFUSED outright the protection of the Guard it was because her last ditch effort to destroy President Trump's win would be unlikely if they couldn't mock up crimes allegedly committed by the protesters January 6, if the National Guard were around to make sure nobody got hurt. And the conjuring up the killing of Ashli Babbit to show that protesters were monsters would have been prevented. Witnesses say Ashli Babbit, a war hero, had no gun when she was killed, and they saw that she was doing all she could to convince other peaceful participants in the Capitol to leave. So she was killed apurpose to hide that fact, and the people continued coming in with no Ashli to warn them due to her mortal wounds.

Some of the best lawyers who leaned to Trump's innocence based on the facts of all those inquiries simply strengthened when they heard that the Democrats refused Trump's offer of having the National Guard to prevent a travesty against mere protesters who wanted their side of the story at last picked up by the MSM. This doesn't look good for Nancy Pelosi nor the Democrat Party for that matter. The evidentiary followup is not gong well for the Democrats. You will lose the good law people who find that the laws were disrespected by those present on January 6 just to fool their followers into thinking of them as "victims." The National Guard would have totally prevented any claims of victimy. So Nancy snubbed the thought and gave her marching orders to frame the protesters as monsters by her Democrat cops guarding the Capitol. I have a hunch many of them will quit due to having a conscience, like total Democrat lawyers who are smart enough not to ever support framers and liars of bad things for the good Americans that most Republicans and even Trump supporters are.

Trump will show his evidence to the best of good lawyers that he has recommended to him, one who is dedicated to the truth and to the truth-finding necessary in getting to the bottom of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

God bless Donald Trump, and God bless the United States of America, home of the free and the brave.
Yawn. Yeah, we get it. You think Rump is a saint. Unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.

And you didn't answer my questions. Maybe you forgot, so I will ask it again.

Are there any Trump people who aren't criminals?

Which comes first. Trump only hires criminals or do they turn to crime after joining the Trump Criminal Enterprise?
U.S. - New Intelligence That Manfart Friend Konstantin Kilimnik Gave Traitor Campaign Data To Russia.

U.S. Says Russia Was Given Traitor Campaign Polling Data In 2016.

Manafart Was A "Grave Intelligence Threat" Due To Russian Contacts.

Manafart was and is a Traitor to the United States.
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