New Trump Lawyer, Foreign Agent

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The only Bitch on this you and slavish devotion a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Russian Loving Asshole.
Wow! That junior college creative writing class paid off. You should submit something to these guys:
Apparently before working for Trump Christopher Kise was working for Venezuela. I guess he learned what to do when representing a bankrupt client, get money up front, $3M from Trump.

Trump Hires New Defense Lawyer for Criminal Investigation(FOX)

trump always has like foreigners ( if they are white ) , especially if they are dictators or tyrants. He looks up to them, like a child in candy store.
There was story four or five years back. Accusing Feinstein of having a driver linked to the Ministry of State Security (The Intelligence Service for Communist China).

When she found out, she told the F.B.I. and they took the driver away. Unlike the Traitor who ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about Manafart being in contact with the Russian G.R.U.
And what was the outcome? Was Feinstein grilled?
The only Bitch on this you and slavish devotion a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Russian Loving Asshole.
Did you know on June 15th in 2016. The Washington Post recorded and verified a private discussion between Kevin McCarthy and fellow GOP leaders in which he hinted that trump and Dana Rohracker ( R-Calif. ) We're receiving payments from Vladimir Putin. The discussion was immediately squashed by then house speaker Paul D.Ryan and swore the Republicans present to secrecy. ( I guess he didn't realize it was all recorded. ) At any rate, if we had honesty back then coming from the Republican party all of the current events would not be happening.
So, are you saying he wasn’t an agent of Venezuela?
I’m saying your source is questionable and very bias and some exaggerations and twisted facts. I won’t read or watch such dribble from the far left or far right, it’s pointless. Now, why isn’t the mainstream media all over this? They should be, if all is true. Just provide the msm link.
I’m saying your source is questionable and very bias and some exaggerations and twisted facts. I won’t read or watch such dribble from the far left or far right, it’s pointless. Now, why isn’t the mainstream media all over this? They should be, if all is true. Just provide the msm link.
Does YouTube count ? If so,>watch Donald Trump's nude lawyer for Mar-A-Lago search exposed as a foreign agent of Venezuela. 12 hours ago.
Did you know on June 15th in 2016. The Washington Post recorded and verified a private discussion between Kevin McCarthy and fellow GOP leaders in which he hinted that trump and Dana Rohracker ( R-Calif. ) We're receiving payments from Vladimir Putin. The discussion was immediately squashed by then house speaker Paul D.Ryan and swore the Republicans present to secrecy. ( I guess he didn't realize it was all recorded. ) At any rate, if we had honesty back then coming from the Republican party all of the current events would not be happening.

Yeah I heard about that one. There was an article in the Sacramento Bee about it. The Russian Penetration of Republican's is very deep.
Does YouTube count ? If so,>watch Donald Trump's nude lawyer for Mar-A-Lago search exposed as a foreign agent of Venezuela. 12 hours ago.
I don’t watch youtube for accurate stories. Why hasn’t the mainstream media picked up the story and ran with it. I am not saying it is true or false, I’m saying I get tired of far right and far left BS.
Apparently before working for Trump Christopher Kise was working for Venezuela. I guess he learned what to do when representing a bankrupt client, get money up front, $3M from Trump.

Trump Hires New Defense Lawyer for Criminal Investigation(FOX)

hunter biden son of president biden is also a foreign agent working for several foreign countries,,
Apparently before working for Trump Christopher Kise was working for Venezuela. I guess he learned what to do when representing a bankrupt client, get money up front, $3M from Trump.

Trump Hires New Defense Lawyer for Criminal Investigation(FOX)

Interesting because just out today; Trump's own National Security Advisor worried that Trump's own campaign attorney and long time friend, Rudy Guilianni might have been a foreign agent.
And you know Trump was fond of bragging about how he "only hires the BEST people.....
so everything H.R. McMaster says in this new book MUST be true.

Otherwise that would just be more evidence that Trump, in addition to being a lot of other shady things, must be a...a....(GASP!) LIAR too!

And here I thought you people hated Venezuela? As for Mr. Swallwell, fuck off. That Gumba Looking Fuck Manafart worked with a known agent for the Glavoye Razedyvatelnoye Upravenie (G.R.U. - Russian Military Intelligence).

General FlynnFlam acted an unregister agent for both Russia and Turkey.

As soon as Mr. Swawell found out about the agent in question, he contacted the F.B.I. The Traitor ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about FlynnFlam

Fortunately, FlynnFlam only lasted one month as National Security Advisor. Fucking Traitorous Asshole
But Trump ONLY hires the BEST people!
But Trump ONLY hires the BEST people!

Which explains why MikePillow Guy just lost another round in court.

A Minnesota District Court judge on Monday denied MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s motion to throw out a lawsuit brought by a voting technology company that claims he defamed it by pushing the false narrative that the 2020 election was stolen.

Smartmatic, a company that provided election technology and services to Los Angeles in the 2020 election, alleges in the complaint that both Lindell and MyPillow defamed the voting tech company by falsely promoting the theory that its machines had been hacked or rigged in favor of President Joe Biden. Lindell is a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump and has falsely maintained since 2020 that Trump won the election over Biden.

Smartmatic also alleges that Lindell, who has advertised promo codes for MyPillow products to viewers and listeners during TV and radio segments where he pushed the false narrative that voting technology was rigged in the 2020 election, used deceptive trade practices.

Nothing but best. This is Daffy Duck bitching about the Porky Pig.
Which explains why MikePillow Guy just lost another round in court.

A Minnesota District Court judge on Monday denied MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s motion to throw out a lawsuit brought by a voting technology company that claims he defamed it by pushing the false narrative that the 2020 election was stolen.

Smartmatic, a company that provided election technology and services to Los Angeles in the 2020 election, alleges in the complaint that both Lindell and MyPillow defamed the voting tech company by falsely promoting the theory that its machines had been hacked or rigged in favor of President Joe Biden. Lindell is a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump and has falsely maintained since 2020 that Trump won the election over Biden.

Smartmatic also alleges that Lindell, who has advertised promo codes for MyPillow products to viewers and listeners during TV and radio segments where he pushed the false narrative that voting technology was rigged in the 2020 election, used deceptive trade practices.

Nothing but best. This is Daffy Duck bitching about the Porky Pig.
He lost another round in court because he's a fucking idiot who should be selling Jamba Juice in a strip mall somewhere.
I don’t watch youtube for accurate stories. Why hasn’t the mainstream media picked up the story and ran with it. I am not saying it is true or false, I’m saying I get tired of far right and far left BS.
I agree, extremism is the problem we have in America. Both political parties are becoming extremists, more so with the Republicans though, in my opinion.
Interesting because just out today; Trump's own National Security Advisor worried that Trump's own campaign attorney and long time friend, Rudy Guilianni might have been a foreign agent.
And you know Trump was fond of bragging about how he "only hires the BEST people.....
so everything H.R. McMaster says in this new book MUST be true.

Otherwise that would just be more evidence that Trump, in addition to being a lot of other shady things, must be a...a....(GASP!) LIAR too!

It is not interesting when a former Trump associate stabs him in the back. It is at the point of being an instant nothing burger. An opinion of a sell out that hates this country.
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